5 Day Observation

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An ever changing behavior

Over the course of a 5 day observation, I noticed attitudes and behaviors of my stranger that I didn’t see the previous week. For the 5 day observation, my stranger had a bit of an erratic behavior, changing from introvert to extrovert just like he changed up his Nike kicks.

Conclusions 1:
Based on the amount of Nike clothing my stranger wore, I expected my stranger to have a substantial amount of money. Everyday, my stranger came to class with at least one Nike apparel product. This suggested to me that my stranger either has someone working for the company or has a reasonable amount of money to afford brand new Nike shirts and Nike shoes
Conclusion 2:
In further detail of Conclusion 1, I assume my stranger’s parents …show more content…

From this I assume my stranger in not interested in a traditional classroom and would much rather be doing something else. From his business shirts, I assume he has an interest in pursuing business himself and is just in the class for the college credit
Conclusion 4: Based on my stranger’s comments, I assume he is a shy, introverted person most of the time but occasionally breaks out of his shell and talks to people. On the first day, he was non-social, but on the second he was very communicative to his surrounding peers. From this and his dress for both the days, I assume, if he is trying to look sharp, he will be more conversational to those around him. This is indicated by his fashionable outfit on the second day and plain outfit on the first.
Conclusion 5: Based on my stranger's hair, I assume he enjoys keeping it simple but fashionable. For all but 1 of the days he had the same spikes in the front hairstyle. This indicated that my stranger felt comfortable with one hairstyle rather than changing it up. This could possibly suggest my stranger is not one to take big changes and one that is not likely to make changes very

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