489 Youth Sociology

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Milaniak & Widom (2015), also explain that in addition to the reported statistics, there have been several theories that offer an explanation of how the cycle of violence in sexually abused individuals can increase the risks of child abuse, neglect, perpetration and criminal violence. They also tell us that because of this maltreatment, the acts towards the next generation are likely to happen.
Spaccarelli (1994), explained in their analysis about homeless youth that 489 youth that were interviewed provided valuable information and insights on how it was to be an abused runaway in the eighties. While generating a tentative hypothesis, the abused children, also considered “runners” reported that leaving their homes with the intention of not returning due to the abuse was something that they were set on. During a second analysis, interviewing children who considered themselves “in and outers”, they explained that although they are running away due to the abuse, this is being used as a temporary mechanism. Because their acts are somewhat impulsive and considered a short duration, they too also experienced issues in their adulthood that come along with being abused as a child. In the case of children who considered themselves …show more content…

In discussing a few cases that have occurred in the United States, we will look at the case of Rachel Holt, a sixth grade teacher who abused one of her students. Although it paints a grand picture, Dulong (2006), explains how Holt confessed to authorities that during a week in March 2006 how she had sexual intercourse and oral sex with a 13 year old boy 27 times. She also disclosed to authorities that she called the home of her student disguising to be the mother of one of his friends asking his father’s girlfriend if he (student) could attend the sleep over of her child, in order to lure him to her

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