We the Animals by Justin Torres

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Justin Torres Novel We the Animals is a story about three brothers who lived a harassed childhood life. There parents are both young and have no permanent jobs to support their family. The narrator and his brothers are delinquents who are mostly outside, causing trouble, causing and getting involved in a lot of problems and barely attending school, which their parents allowed them to do. The narrator and his brothers were physically abused by their father, leading them to become more violent to one another and others, drinking alcohol and dropping out of school. Physical abuse is an abuse involving one person’s intention to cause feelings of pain, injury and other physical suffering and bodily harm to the victim. Children are more sensitive to physical abuse, they show symptoms of physical abuse in short run and more effects in the long run. Children who sustain physical abuse grow up with severely damaged of sense of self and inability. The narrator and his brothers were physically abused by their father and showed long run symptoms of Antisocial behaviors, drinking problems and most importantly they becoming more violent themselves. Many psychological and sociological studies such as “Childhood history of abuse and child abuse potential: role of parent’s gender and timing of childhood abuse” and “school factors as moderators of the relationship between physical child abuse and pathways of antisocial behavior can be used to prove the argument that children who sustain physical abuse grow up with criminal and antisocial behaviors.
The narrator and his brother’s bear physical abuse from pap’s which led them to become more violent towards one another and people outside. The narrator and his brothers were abused by their father whe...

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...social behavior” that children who sustain physical abuse grow up with criminal and antisocial behaviors. Just like the brother children who are abused have a high chance of becoming a violent parent themselves. Not only the child abuse destroys the future for one generation but many more to come because the cycle of violence stays with the parents that were abused.

Works Cited

Torres, Justin. We the Animals. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011. Print.
Klika J, Herrenkohl T, Lee J. School Factors as Moderators of the Relationship between Physical Child Abuse and Pathways of Antisocial Behavior. Journal of Interpersonal Violence March 2013 28(4).Print.
Romero-Martinez A, Figueiredo B, Moya-Albiol L. Childhood history of abuse and child abuse potential: The role of parent's gender and timing of childhood abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect March 2014; 38(3).Print

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