Critical Analysis Of Mommy There's A Nigger At The Door

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Analysis Mommy…There’s a nigger at the door
Dr. Ronald L. Jackson’s piece titled “Mommy…There’s a nigger at the door” (which appears in Journal of Counseling & Development; Winter99, Vol. 77 Issue 1, p4) shares his experience with racism as a child and continues on as it follows him into adulthood. And expressing that what we instill in our children impacts their lives in a huge way.
In this article the author shares his experiences on racism throughout his life. As the author goes in to detail about his first encounter of racism from what he called a “well- taught baby racist” he presents an ugly setting. As children, we tend to imitate what we see and hear around us, evaluating the safe and unsafe places, people, and things. We determine and define our identities based on interactions with others. Dr. Jackson goes on to describe a time when he was in grade school which majority of the students were Caucasian seemed to be highly infatuated with the texture and tone of his skin as well as his hair.
They asked to touch it and were amazed at the difference between his and their own. They would make ignorant comments which clearly they would not come up with on their own so this means someone was teaching them these hateful things. This continued far in to his teen years in high school. Like his parents he had many friends …show more content…

This made the author dislike and have hatred towards the parents of his fellow classmates for instilling the white supremacy attitude and mind-set that they had. It wasn’t possible they felt this way on their own because honestly growing up children don’t see color they just see other kids to play with. So this must have meant that the parents were teaching their children that they were better and above others because there skin was

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