13 Reasons Why Banned

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Banned Book Research Paper 13 Reasons Why, written by Jay Asher, was first published ten years ago. The book was banned from schools all around the United States because of the raping, bullying, and suicide scenes. It shouldn’t have been banned because it teaches kids more about what not to do then what to emulate. Hannah Baker is bullied, raped, and driven to suicide. Nobody seems to care until it’s too late, including Clay Jensen, Tony, Mr. Porter, Bryce Walker, Justin Foley, and Jessica Davis. Each playing a part as a best friend, a trusted individual, a counselor, a first love, and a rapist. 13 Reasons Why was first banned because of the scenes – the description of the rape, bullying, and suicide. So many high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools have banned 13 Reasons Why, and many have voiced their opinions… “Some of the district’s librarians responded that they didn’t feel the action was appropriate.” (Cathy Collins Blog) “Many mental-health professionals argue that it romanticizes/glorifies teen suicide.” (Neha Shah Blog) “The rate of self-harm and suicidal thoughts among teenage girls is at an all-time high.” (Melissa Walker Article). All of these statements lead to many school districts to think 13 Reasons Why is the one providing the thoughts and harmful …show more content…

But, it was because of some of the scenes in the book. Although, if people were to look at it a different way and from a different perspective, they would see that its focus isn’t on promoting suicide, but letting people know it’s okay to go to people and seek help. That the main points the author tries to get across to the reader is that they aren’t alone, and to let them know that the events in which occur in this book really do happen to students all around the world. Kids and teenagers should be able to read books such as 13 Reasons Why in the proper environment, so they know it’s okay to go and ask for

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