The Holocaust: The Devils Arithmetic

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Beautifully tragic, have you ever thought about what exactly happened during the Holocaust times. Well this review will walk you through how it was like to be taken from your home and watch it burn as you drive away, this will tell you how people who were Jews were treated just because they had a different religion. This will show the tragedies that happened leaving millions dead like they just vanished off the face of the earth. Hannah the main character, Hannah starts off at a dinner with her family which she thinks is very boring where Hannah who thinks she drank too much wine believing that she is daydreaming. Whilst in her mind as she was "daydreaming" Hannah had came into the kitchen to new surroundings very confused she was greeted by a girl named Eva who had greeted her by the name of Chaya. (Chaya meaning life). Hannah soon hears from Eva that it is the year 1942 and that both her parents were very ill and passed away being left for her Aunt Gitl and Uncle Shmuel to take care of her. Hannah learns that she is no longer in her home town. Hannah with Eva go to a wedding with all the family where half way through the wedding nazis come. It all makes sense to Hannah now because the nazis come and take them to a concentration camp which for some reason Hannah knew what was about to happen once the nazis got closer. The nazis came closer soon stopping right in front of them they get out of their trucks as they start pushing them all into the back of the trucks separating them. As Hannah drives off with Eva and everyone else in the trucks with bars for windows and the rest closed in left while watching helplessly as their houses and belongings burn to the ground never to be seen again. What go... ... middle of paper ... ... was nicknamed Chaya meaning life. Hannah's Aunt was confused as how Hannah knew what her best friend and her had gone through when the nazis came and exactly what happened terrified her Aunt. Hannah's Aunt just hugged her feeling terrible that Hannah knew all this. So in conclusion this story tells the story of the Holocaust the best because it goes through the life of someone who lived through the Holocaust very detailed and to the point. The part that makes the Story even Better is that it shows the way someone had lived in the Holocaust in someone else's body. Basically the story of the Holocaust was told by the soul of someone else in another's body with the same name. Works Cited "The Devil's Arithmetic Characters." Study Guides. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2014. "The devils Arithmetic Review." Spark notes. N.p.,n.d Web. 15 may 2014

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