Differentiating Parenting Practices

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Common topics when groups of parent get together, is how parenting practice has changed from generation to generation. Parents talk about the similarity and the differences from back in the day. They describe how their generation would behave. For this paper, the parent practice be discussed is discipline, marriage, education, and employment. Parenting practices have a critical influenced on a child outcome such as self-esteem, well being, socialization, and independence. Parenting practice continues, change, and evolve due to the environment, culture, and life-changing event. From one generation to the next generation due to direct or indirect result of these major events (Kotchick, 2002). Parenting practice varies from one culture to another and within families. While times have changed, most parents would agree, they raise their children in similar fashion as to how they, themselves was reared. They have also changed made changes due to the same fact. Listed below are parent practices that will be evaluate throughout this paper. The three generations period are in general between 1920 and 1940 thing were very conservative; 1940 to 1960, things were not as conservative and moving toward change; 1960-1980 thing became more liberal, and people had more of a voice. In the first generation parents, discipline was very strict, controlling, and straightforward. The father physically disciplined the children but was not involved in parenting the children. The second-generation parents was little more lenient, fathers still disciplined the children and was not involved in parenting. In the third generation parents were still strict but liberal, both parents disciplined but the parenting tools changed. The method of discip...

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...oes not take care of the kids, uneducated, and unemployed. One daughter follows the path of her mother, while the other twin graduate from high school and college to become lawyer.
Over generations based on life changing event, environment, and the thing experience in life changes and has an effect on parent practice. Some things remain the same while others change. Things from generation to generation start with an evolution, the next cohort will continue making adjustments, and the last cohort end it completely or it total different and a very few things remain the same (Feldman, 2011).
In terms of discipline, education, marriage and employment generations responded in different approach. Based off parent practice within a cohort may have an effect on those parenting practices. Contextual factors are practices that change from generation to generation.

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