Different Types of Lies

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“To lie is to state something that one knows to be false or that one does not honestly believe to be true with the intention that a person will take it for the truth”. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lie) In other words, lying is a purposeful misleading statement. This statement can be made verbally, through body language, or even implied through silence. Based on lying being well defined, some might say that lying is always wrong unless there is a good reason for it. In that case, I would argue that lying is not always wrong.

There are two different types of lies. The first types of lies are called true falsehoods. These types of lies are always wrong. The only purpose for telling this type of lie is for one's self interest or self-protection. No one else is taken into consideration. This type of lie causes pain and mistrust in relationships that matter. For example; a teenager says he is going to a specific friend’s house and his parents find out that he went to another friend’s house instead. This type of lie, at least over time, will cause the parents to not believe where he is going the next time even though he may be telling the truth. There is a wall in the relationship that forms that should not be there. Lies like this are not for the good of the majority, they cause relationships to become strained and over time these types of lies will cause a relationship to crumble and there may not be anyway to repair it. These lies bring life long consequences.

The second type of lie is considered a verbal falsehood. These are lies that are suitable to tell against enemies, to prevent something bad from happening to one’s self or a friend, and to make up a story for a point. Some people would say that lying is always wrong b...

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...oint one of Jesse's sons as king in the place of Saul. Samuel openly expresses his fear that Saul will kill him if he discovers what his mission is, and so the Lord directs Samuel to deceive the informants by concealing his true mission: And the Lord said, “Take a heifer with you, and say, I have come to sacrifice to the Lord”. Samuel does this and spares his own life.

Lying is also justified in times of war in order to protect life against unjust aggressors. These lies could be in the form of spies, different forms of torture even though it is told that it would not be done.

A good way to decide if it is okay to lie or not in a particular situation would be to ask how I would feel if we were on the receiving end of the lie, or I was in the same situation what would I do? It's certainly not foolproof in every situation but it may be helpful generally speaking.

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