Differene Between Downward Communications and Upward Communication

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According to Certo (1992), communication is the creation or exchange of thoughts, ideas, emotions, and understanding between sender and receiver. It is essential to building and maintaining relationships in the workplace. A communication occurs between senders toward another sender. There are few steps in the process of the communication. Diagram above shows the step taken in the process of the communication. The first sender will create a message that they wanted to send to the other senders. According to Certo (1992), a sender uses words and symbols to put forth information into a message for the receiver, the individual receiving the message. Messages are then received and decoded or interpreted by the receiver. Decoding is affected by the receiver’s prior experiences and frames of reference. Accurate decoding of the message by the receiver is critical to effective communication. The closer the decoded message gets to the intent of the sender, the more effective the communication. However, environmental and personal barriers can hamper the communication process. To ensure messages are received as intended, feedback is a necessary component of the communication process. The receiver creates feedback to a message and encodes it before transmitting it back to the sender. The sender receives and decodes the feedback. Feedback is the destination’s reaction to a message (Certo, 1992). It is an important element of communication since it allows for information to be shared between the receiver and sender in a two-way communication.

There are two types of communication channel that is verbal and non-verbal communication. Verbal communication relies on spoken or written words to share information with others. Dialogue is a form of verb...

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...PDF File) (cite on December 20, 2013) available from (www.nasionalforum.com).

6. Upwards communication (PDF File) (cite on December 22, 2013) available from (www.physicalplant.ttu.edu).

7. Chapter 4 - Communication (PDF File) (cite on January 10, 2014) available from (www.healthadmin.jbpub.com/borkowski/chapter4pdf).

8. Checklist of The Important of Communication (PDF File) (cite on January 10, 2014) available from (www.graduate.au.edu).

9. The Important of Communication (PDF File) (cite on January 14, 2014) available from (www.unesco.org).

10. The Types of Communication (PDF File) (cite on January 20, 2014) available from (www.stanford.edu).

11. Upwards and Downwards Communications (PDF File) (cite on January 20, 2014) available from (www.efst.hr).

12. The Important of Communications in Organization (PDF File) (cite on January 20, 2014) (www.urmia.org).

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