Communication Icons: Emoticons

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Since 1982, emoticons and smileys have gone from an adorable glyph to convey human emotions to a communication icon. Whether you are adept in using text emoticons and smileys or use computer generated emotion icons, these characters are a communication tool beloved by this technologically based society.

Virtually every country has its own set of descriptive emotion icons. Whether Mexican or Japanese, there are hundreds of delightful characters to express emotion and enhance the electronic written word.

The average person believes emoticons and smileys are the same thing. However, contrary to popular belief, they are not the same. An emoticon is actually a computer generated graphical image to convey human emotion. A smiley is text-generated representation conveying emotion. Although, most people use the terms interchangeably without realizing there is a difference. It is not worth the time to debate the issue or to make the distinction.

Several online directories exist that have catalogued hundreds of text smileys. Text smileys are used in emails and cell phone text messages. While emoticons are generally not accepted in business communications, it is acceptable to use text smileys in some cases. Most companies use an email system. It is acceptable to use text smileys in email correspondence between coworkers. However, it is rarely acceptable to use text smileys in email correspondence conveying company business. In addition, it is not deemed appropriate to use text smileys in emails to customers. If you have an established rapport with a customer, limited use might be acceptable.

It is important to limit the use of these text characters. Over use is irritating in emails. Text characters are acceptable when texti...

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...udents and job applicants feel it is an acceptable method of communication. Many young people have not learned the appropriate use of these beloved icons. They grew up using these icons. It is a difficult and challenging habit to break.

Emoticons and smileys remain a popular communication tool. With no established universal guidelines to govern the use of these icons, abuse is certainly going to happen. You may open an email dotted with numerous emoticons and smileys. It is important to realize the person sending the email may have a smiley addiction. You can tactfully mention the over use or you can take the easy way out by not pointing out the over use.

Emoticons and smileys are a significant part of pop culture. While these icons are endearing and a form of creative expression, these graphical characters can get under a person's skin form time to time.

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