Nonverbal Communication Essay

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Nonverbal Communication in Different Cultures
Nonverbal communication is communicating with other people without using any words whether they are written or spoken words (Ruesch & Kees, 1956). Anything nonverbal we do such as eye contact, facial expressions, touching, gestures, body movements, posture, general appearance and dress, our voice tone and smell send strong messages; it doesn’t matter if we were speaking or if we were being completely silent (Segal, Smith, Boose, Jaffe, n. d., para. 2). Usually when you are talking to a person, the person uses all five senses to receive your interaction with him: 83% sight, 11% hearing, 3% smell, 2% touch and 1% taste (The Definitive Book of Body Language, 2004). As Mark Twain said, “Actions speak louder than words” and what that quote basically means is that your behavior and actions count more than the words you are saying. Nonverbal communication speaks more than the words you say so you can say whatever you want to say but it is the nonverbal things like your tone and facial expression that tells what you really mean. Nonverbal communication is important because it tells you what the words do not tell; feelings, mood etc. (Lynn, 2012).
Types of Nonverbal Communication and Cultural Differences
Facial expressions are definitely the most expressive type between all the nonverbal communication types; so much information can be shown through a smile or a frown. Facial expressions have a universal meaning for smiling, crying, frowning, or showing sadness, anger, fear or disgust so they have a pretty similar meaning all around the world but the difference is that the intensity of those facial expressions varies between cultures (Cherry, n. d.). People in America, especially A...

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...Verbal Communication”, n.d.).

How nonverbal communication can go wrong because of cultures.
"Americans smile at strangers. I personally don't know what to think of that." -Russian Engineer. "Americans seem cold. They seem to get upset when you stand close to them." -Jordanian Teacher (Levine & Adelman, 1993). Nonverbal communication can go wrong because of cultural differences. You could do a certain thing and think that it is okay to do it because it is fine to do in your own culture and then get in trouble just because you were communicating with a person from a different culture (Stoy, 2010). People from different cultures read things differently so you have to be careful with your nonverbal communication around them because we show our attitudes and feelings nonverbally more than we do verbally so they could get the wrong message if we are not careful.

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