Zoos: Internment Camps or Shelters?

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Are zoos prisons for animals? Are zoos refuges for animal? Are zoos educational institutions or are they only for entertainment? The debate reference the real purpose of zoos has been taking place for a long period. Are so many questions in the air when are they referring to animal care, animal conservation, and/or animal extinction. It is hard to be bios in a theme that is contradictory for many people. This theme involves also many pro and con. This could be the wildlife of animals vs. the life in captivity, the loss of the specie vs. the conservation of it, and the external dangers which suffer the animals’ vs. the safety of a new home.
“Zoos are internment camps for animals and should be shut down.” Phrases like this will be heard repeatedly from some animals’ defenders. The most common arguments from them is that animals should not keep in captivity. Animals should live in the wild. That is its nature, their home is placed on the wildlife. Their where not born to be behind bars or fence. Their nature is live free, is to catch its own food and watch for its own safety. All the above would sound like magical notes for the reader, but what about if the animal reality were different or not so easy. What about if kept living in the wild could be the ends of their specie, if the own nature turn against them, or many times the humans turn their wildlife in an inferno. Should be zoos shut down when they safe complete species since the extinction? Should be zoos shut down when they rescue and cure animals, when they provide a safe home for many before reinsert them in the wild? No, of course not, zoos plays and important role in the restorations and the conservation of planet Earth.
I know that not few people could take a different side of my position. And they have all the rights. But it is known that to have a complete scenario of the things you need to consider all the perspective to have and well sustained conclusion.
For countless periods some animal’s defenders see the zoos as an entertainment place for people. Zoos are supposed to be parks which exhibit faunas, with the principal resolutions of providing for the public recreation or education. But is that what really occurs? Zoos -hypothetically- are humanitarian’s recreations of what they now name a “habitat”.

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