Young Girls in Puberty Are Not Women

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Most teenage girls cherish the moments when they start to reach the age of puberty. Reaching the age of puberty means a lot for them: they are now consider a woman; which is, where their bodies are now able to reproduce. Reaching Puberty not only signifies maturity or being able to reproduce but also, signifies a major hormonal change that may possible lead to sexual maturation. In addition, puberty also accompanied with major physical growth and development of the brain; which is still diminutive for minor. One of the major attribute of puberty is that it enhances the body. Because of the physical attribute that a female-teens develop as result of puberty or (maturity), they are now seem as an actual adults or they are now seen as fair game for adults and juveniles. While according to the law, having sex, assault or anything of nature, with an underage person (minor) is, consider statutory rape. Even if the sex may not be forced or compelled, it is legally looked at as a nonconsensual under the statutory rape law code. Different states address sex with minors differently, based on the current statutory rape law, some states are working diligently to enhance the way the carryout statutory rape laws to offenders’ while some are lacking extremely on the issue, which are leading to some mutinous social problems.
There is a major concern about the widespread of teen’s pregnancy in the United States. There are likely some correlation between teen’s pregnancy, poor economy and social hardship of young adult. Teenagers are less likely to use birth controls than a woman of a higher age. In relation with Criminology The Core, Ed 4 (pg. 46), states that according to cultural changes, “In contemporary society, cultural change, such as incr...

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...the emotional void they didn’t have”. In addition, a teen responded to Dworsky question of why they replied, “Why wait? Wait for what? I’m not going to college”.
According to one of the sub-segment of the development theory, the views Life-Course Fundamentals (Theories), even as toddlers, people begin relationships and behaviors that will determine their adult life course. Some however, are unable to mature in a reasonable and timely fashion because of family, environmental, or personal problems. In some cases, transitions can occur too early, such as when an adolescent girl who engages in precocious sex gets pregnant and is forced to drop out of high school. The Life course theory also highlight that as people mature, the factors that influence their behavior changes if their surroundings changes for the best. (Criminology, The Core, 4th Edition, page 227-228).

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