Young Adults Leaders

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The actions or beliefs of a minority should not tarnish the image of an entire group of people. Society has termed situations such as this as a stereotype or a misconception. A stereotype is a false judgement made about a certain group due to lack of knowledge; whereas, a misconception is an opinion that is incorrect because it is based on faulty thinking. Many are not properly informed about other races or groups outside of their own which has led to the numerous stereotypes. Majority of the time, a small percentage of the community is responsible for the representation. Usually, majority of the group does not agree nor act according to the ways of the minority. One group that is inaccurately perceived by many figures in society is leaders, in particular, high school leaders.
Stereotypes are controversial to society because of the invalidity of the views. Controversy arises because, sometimes, those being judged take personal offense to the assumptions, especially, when the opinion is negative. Stereotypes can be positive or negative, but they rarely communicate accurate information about others. It is common for different races, cultures, and men and women to be stereotyped. Although the following is incorrect, some say that all people of African American descent can dance, as opposed to, Caucasians who are considered to have two left feet. Stereotypes such as these incorrectly represent both ethnicities. Conflict may also arise from this judgement because those who do not live up to the stereotype may be chastised for it; this occurs in many stereotype situations. Gender stereotypes are facile generalizations about the attributes and differences between men and women. For instance, Deborah Tanner’s His Politeness Is Her Powe...

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...eadership programs are not all knowing. Leaders have experienced many things, but there is always more to learn.
Student leaders are quite misunderstood at this day and age and have many stereotypes to their name. Just because the minority takes advantage of the powers and perks, it should not represent the whole. Leaders are more than many view them to be and they need to be better understood.

Works Cited
"Building Everyday Leadership Curriculum." Youth Leadership. Web. 10 Feb. 2014.
Tannen, Deborah. “His Politeness Is Her Powerlessness.” You Just Don’t Understand Women and Men in Conversation. New York: Harper Collins, 1990. 203-5. Print
"When X = Student Activities,Performance Follows!" Let X = Student Activities. Web. 10 Feb. 2014.

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