William Faulkner's A Rose for Emily

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Emily’s Downward Spiral: An Analysis of “A Rose for Emily” In William Faulkner’s short story “A Rose for Emily,” the main character of the story is Miss Emily Grierson. To analyze and examine her character, it is almost impossible not to look at the psychological aspect of it. Through the narrative of Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily,” Miss Emily’s behavior and character is revealed as outright strange from any average standard of characters. A few days after they lay Miss Emily’s body to rest, the townspeople of Jefferson come to Grierson’s home to open one particular room upstairs, which has not been seen or entered into for the past several years. Miss Emily has kept this room closed from others for at least 40 years. When the door finally breaks open, the townspeople are completely shocked in disbelief at the sight right in front of their eyes saying, “For a while we just stood there looking at the profound and fleshless grin” (36). In an advanced state of decay, there lies Homer Baron’s body in bed, and on the chair are his neatly folded suit and two mute shoes – garments and items ready for an upcoming wedding. The onlookers comment that the room is “frozen in time” (37). Next to his corpse is a pillow with an indentation of a head where a strand of Miss Emily’s gray hair is found. Conclusion: Miss Emily had been living and sleeping with a dead body for many years. What caused Miss Emily’s bizarre behavior? Alive, the community regards the Grierson’s as a “hereditary obligation” upon the town (32). Miss Emily lived in a once upscale neighborhood set in a once most select street in town. She comes from a family of great wealth in their small southern community. The townspeople have always believed that Emily’s family th... ... middle of paper ... ...coping mechanism. The real theme of Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” is about the pressures of society and the ways in which they can bring people down. Miss Emily is short of adaptive coping skills to help her deal with huge stressors and for this reason, she is susceptible to the onset of mental illness. Works Cited American Psychiatric Association. Quick Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria from DSM IV. Washington: American Psychiatric Association, 1994. McLeod, Saul. "Defense Mechanisms." - Simply Psychology. N.p., 2008. Web. 09 Dec. 2013. Smith, Melinda, M.A., and Jeanne Segal, Ph.D. "Coping with Grief and Loss." : Support for Grieving and Bereavement. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2013. Smith, Nicole. "Psychological Character Analysis of Miss Emily in “A Rose for Emily” by Faulkner." Article Myriad. N.p., 06 Dec. 2011. Web. 09 Dec. 2013.

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