Why Gun Safety Should Be Mandatory In School

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In America there is 89 firearms per 100 people (Moore) so it is safe to say most people will come in contact with a firearm in their life time. But when you do will you know how to handle the situation? Guns can be deadly when abused and used incorrectly. There is a way to reduce the unnecessary deaths. Firearm safety is the important piece in reducing the deaths and firearm abuse and it should be made mandatory in schools.
The first step in making firearm safety mandatory in school is to find programs that will teach it. Thankfully there are many programs that will do it. The NRA, which stands for National Rifle Association, has a program that teaches gun safety (Eddie Eagle GunSafe). There is also a program called STAR, which stands for Straight Talk About Risks (Moore), that teaches gun safety. There are also some state programs that teach gun safety. The most common one is the Eddie Eagle Program from the NRA.
The Eddie Eagle GunSafe program was created in 1988 and has reached more than 26 million children in all of the fifty states. The program was created by clinical psychologists, reading specialists, teachers, curriculum specialists, urban housing safety officials, and law enforcement personnel. This program is mostly for kids in kindergarten to 3rd grade. The mascot eagle helps keep their attention and gives them something to remember the information with. The program can also be taught by any one so it could be taught by the same teacher as other subjects. What the program tells the kids to do is to stop, don’t touch, leave the area, and tell and adult (Eddie Eagle GunSafe). The program does not teach how to handle a gun and should only be taught to younger children. There are other programs that do teach gun safety t...

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Works Cited

Delozier, Dave. "Gun safety program taught to elementary school students | 9news.com." 9news.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 May 2014.

"Eddie Eagle GunSafe|Eddie Eagle GunSafe." Eddie Eagle GunSafe|Eddie Eagle
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Moore, Claire. "To Teach or Not Teach Gun Safety in School." ABC News. ABC News
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Parker, Suzi. "Should Public Schools Teach Kids How to Handle Guns?." TakePart. N.p.,
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Susman, David. "The Best Gun Control Is Teaching Gun Safety in Schools." PolicyMic.
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