‘When the Battles Lost and Won’

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Throughout the play Shakespeare presents the concept of good and evil through many various forms. He presents Macbeth in a positive way by using the technique of describing through the characters of King Duncan and the Captain. He uses a number of techniques, one of them being personification; he personifies Macbeth as ‘valor’ whilst the others are told to be his minions. It is also said that he was holding his ‘brandish’d steel’ which implies that he was a strong and muscular soldier. Many people in those days were unable to hold a steel sword even with two hands. After this it says ‘which smok’d with bloody execution’, the word smok’d suggest that he was fighting boldly with fast actions killing off many of the Norwegian enemies. It also shows him as being courageous as he sliced people from head to toe. Next, in the text it says that the Norwegians brought fresh new army and ‘cannons over charg’d with double cracks’ but Macbeth still fought back. This shows that he never gave up, and fought as a bold, courageous soldier no matter what happened with all his energy. This shows that he had fortitude in his own mind and wanted to prove to everyone that he was the best soldier among all. Then, King Duncan describes him as being a ‘worthy gentlemen’, this hints that he was proud of Macbeth and knew he was one of the best. Overall, it shows him in a very positive light and a lot of figurative language is used to bring out his characteristics and personality. The scene is set against a backdrop of battle to perhaps describe Macbeth, as he’s a soldier and to show how much courage and loyalty he has to the King and his country.

Shakespeare also uses the technique of illusions and personification to present Macbeth; this has an effect...

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...e he uses the help of evil to do so. This can also be used as a moral of the story for the audience that you shouldn’t take the help of the devil. Also it can suggest to them what goes around comes around. This is because Macbeth got killed by King Duncan’s sons after he had killed their father, so they took revenge and the evil didn’t work. Some of the audience may conclude that if Macbeth had just accepted what the king gave him and not been greedy for more, and then perhaps his happiness would have lasted longer, rather than for a short time. This proves that when the witches said ‘when the battles lost and won’ in act 1 scene 1 it was true and that they knew what was to come because Macbeth won the battle as he did get all the King’s property and status but then he lost it all thanks to the evil side he had taken. So, he lost the battle as well was winning it!

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