What's Bad About Fast Food?

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The food criteria for are current ages is almost but not the most corrupt evilest plot of everyday food consumption to this planets generation. From known studies it shows the are united states of america has a consumption rate of 40% and above counting the actual printed paper in fast food store’s for everyday work, which then rounds up to about 500 lb's of consumption of paper per year .
Not only the big 40% of useage for paper alone but the energy industry is at value of more than 12% use for power and the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases. As i've been studying thoroughly on this topic finding article reviews of fast food restaurants overeading this one from a chick named claire, posted jun 1st 2012.
People now a day’s know what's being intaken calorie wise but what is actually in are food that we are eating to this day? Facts from this story consult of cruelty to animals conditions like small cages and debeaked birds, also using an artificial; chemically infused ingredient that the animals eat expecting faster growth but is eaten just like the fluoride contamination in america.
These business also supplying low quality rubber patty like cheap products and the lack of preparation and clean up crew following along the frozen food and microwaved patties. From the years of 2000 mcdonalds has been fluctuating not also just the fact people think its not unhealthy to eat it once in a while but that fact only works if you actually are exercising daily, but since these years also increasing market’s and productions like commercials and t shirts mcdonalds alone made 263,944 fast food restaurants counting also the spread across foreign country’s. This article presented to me by renee jac on 2/10/2014 on the reality of producing th...

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... are on branded foods everyday eats we consume that we think dont mess with are body figure.
According to the centers for disease and control of prevention in the years of 2007 and 2010 adults in the us consumed about an average of 11% of their daily calories just at a fast food stop. Also if you feel like your job is in the hands of fast food or down the drain don't depend on an work area like this for a everyday food value please if ever presented to this kinda food or in the work area saying about 48% of adults between the ages of about 26-29 they say eat an everyday value at mcdonalds on the job alone.

Sources : http://www.mnn.com/food/healthy-eating/stories/8-creepy-mystery-ingredients-in-fast-food http://www.expressionoftruth.com/2013/05/why-you-should-avoid-fast-food-at-all.html

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