Watermen on the Chesepeake Bay

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For the Bay Game I was assigned the role of waterman 2 in the Potomac watershed. The Potomac watershed is located to the left of the chesapeake bay and is considered to be in four states: West Virginia, Maryland, Virginia and Washington D.C. There are over five-million people that live within the Potomac watershed. Waterman are men and women who make most of their money by fishing, crabbing, and oystering on the Chesapeake Bay. Most watermen on the Chesapeake Bay do not work for a company and are independent fishermen. They have their own boat and they use their own equipment, and they sell whatever they catch(fish, crab, eel) to different seafood outlets/warehouses. Most watermen start their day early(at sunrise) and depending on the catch, they may have to travel several miles to the fishing or harvesting grounds. In the summer their main catch is crab, and in the spring, fall, and winter they fish for a variety of different fishes, eels and oysters. Throughout the year the watermen fish in all kinds of weather. If the waterman do not work, whether it be from sickness or injury, th...

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