Water Conserving Technology in Israel

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Introduction: Globally, there has been a rise in attention to water conservation in a time where there is a limited water supply and an ever-increasing water demand. Statistically, increased water conservation and efficiency remain the most cost effective methods for sustaining water. Data indicates that there is an average of 10% water waste due to timeworn and leaking infrastructure through typical town networks, and through the application of new technology, it is predicted that the urban and domestic sectors can save 15% of lost water. The rapid growth in the demand for water in Israel can be attributed to a fast growing economy and an unexpected rapid population increase from immigration “32% increase between 1990 to 2000” (Source B). Nationwide campaigns placed efforts to focus mainly on the conservation of water by fixing leaks, and utilizing water conserving faucets and dual-flush toilets to meet the dynamic growth in population demand. The robotics I will outline in this paper currently act as positive investments due to their improvements on work efficiency as well as increased flaw detection abilities. I am pleased to discuss in this paper these revolutionary products in Israel, who’s taken initiative to protect water through patented technology and public awareness. Discussion: The Israeli water economy is capable of moving water reliably and efficiently with the help of new technology. The movement of water is done through various piping networks, and therefore, piping needs to be inspected and maintained for cracks and leakages. In the past, these fractures in piping networks would become a concern when they reached the state of emergencies, and now technology allows them to be prevented ahead of time. The sign... ... middle of paper ... ...ter that is available to these countries. Introducing a more widespread use of these robots could account for major loss prevention of water through leakage location and also present more water analysis data through sampling. In class lectures we discussed the criterion of clean water and what the parameters are for clean water by indicator organisms. Here in the United States we have regulatory agencies that determine the quality of water through its composite makeup (biological, chemical, physical). Whether it be bottled or tap water, it is inspected on varying levels of carefulness by either the USEPA or FDA, and these robots can account for water loss and quality analysis in the future. These instruments coupled with a new project, which relies on seawater reverse osmosis technology, are the frontier in water development and conservation technology In Israel.

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