Vortex Hydro Energy: An Efficient Alternative

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Vortex Hydro Energy: An efficient alternative Electricity is a fundamental resource to the human race and the evolution of man. It provides us light, cools and warms our homes, heats our water and cooks our food. But do we really understand the impacts our decisions about energy create? Generating electricity requires a fuel source, such as coal or gas. However if we continue to exhaust unrenewable sources of power where will we be in 100 years? So why not harness one of the biggest natural sources of energy? Vortex Hydro Energy harnesses hydrokinetic energy of water currents, harnessing this natural power can result in a generation of clean, renewable electric power in an environmentally compatible way. (vortexhydroenergy) This energy source can be harnessed through many operations from a range of technical devices. However the use of vortex induced vibrations (VIV) and the device VIVACE is the most effective alternative source of power production that is efficient, renewable and pollutant free. This report will involve a detailed analysis of scientific and physics concepts benefiting Vortex Hydro Energy and address the issues surrounding this method of electricity production. A comprehensive breakdown of the operation and effectiveness of the method will also be analysed. The VIVACE Converter Vortex Induced Vibrations for Aquatic Clean Energy also known as the VIVACE converter is transformational technology of a hydrokinetic power generating device. Invented by a University of Michigan professor and students, the VIVACE converter harnesses the hydrokinetic energy of water currents through the use of the physical phenomenon of Vortex Induced Vibrations (VIV). (VortexHydroEnergy) This system is capable of harnessing a vast new ... ... middle of paper ... ... demands for electricity escalate it demonstrates the vitality of the need to embrace new sources of renewable energy. This method of power production is the most reliable, efficient alternative, as it is fuelled by a practically unlimited source of energy. As long as the water currents flow, vortex hydro energy will be able to harness and convert the energy into sustainable power. Works Cited VORTEX HYDRO ENERGY, 2014, clean, efficient, powerful — A Breakthrough in Marine Renewable Energy, Retrieved 10th May, 2014, from http://www.vortexhydroenergy.com/ NDT Resource Center, ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION, Retrieved 14th May, 2014, from http://www.ndt-ed.org/EducationResources/HighSchool/Electricity/electroinduction.htm James T. Murphy, James Max Hollon, Paul W. Zitzewitz, Robert C. Smoot, 1986, PHYSICS Principles & Problems, Merril Publishing Co., Collumbas Ohio.

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