Vitamin D Status of Children with Severe Early Childhood Caries

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Choose a chronic disease Epid Subject covered in this course and write a proposal for research that you think needs to be done in this area. The sections need to fit into the space provided.

Title: Vitamin D status of children with severe early childhood caries: a case-control study

Background and significance-----
Severe Early Childhood Caries (S-ECC) affects the health and well-being of young children. Quality of life is reduced among those suffering from S-ECC. This can include pain, disturbed sleep and behavioral changes. Children with severe decay can also have altered eating habits and preferences. Therefore, rampant caries can influence nutritional health. A few reports reveal that some may be suffering from a degree of malnutrition, specifically anemia and low iron concentrations, and have altered growth patterns impacting height and body mass index. Thus, it is plausible that those with S-ECC are also deficient in important vitamins and nutrients, including vitamin D.

Specific Aims (limited to two )

1. The purpose of this study will be to determine the association between serum concentrations of 25 (OH) D and S-ECC in preschool children.

2. Secondly, it is of great importance to compare the results obtained from this study to those of a study previously conducted in Canada.

Patient Population: Inclusion and exclusion criteria
From December 2013 to October 2015, otherwise-healthy children with S-ECC will be recruited from UFHealth in Gainesville, Florida on the day of their dental surgery. Since the case definition for S-ECC is age specific, participants must be ≤ 71 months of age. Age-matched free controls will be recruited from the community by advertisement and will undergo a dental scre...

... middle of paper ..., such as household income, parental education, etc., will be difficult to control for as they are critical to explaining why children are at risk for caries.

Significance of the study: There is limited research in this area, though evidence suggests children with S-ECC are at an increased risk of malnutrition. It is of great importance to determine the whether a relationship exists between vitamin D levels and caries status of preschool children in Gainesville, Florida. As a result of these findings, it may be advantageous for primary care providers to consider serum 25 (OH)D status when assessing the child's overall health. Specifically, recommending vitamin D supplementation for children at risk of dental caries may result in a decrease in the overall prevalence of S-ECC and, ultimately, reduce the burden on pediatric day surgery centres.

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