Visiting Mujeres del Maiz: A Women´s Activist Association

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Leaving My Comfort Zone Mujeres de Maiz is a public women's activist organization. Their goal is to inspire women by making safe places that provide art education, and publishing opportunities for a magazine. The magazine is a self-publishing magazine that gives women the power of speech and presents visual artists and poets. Mujeres de Maiz also host multiple events. These events include writing workshops, organic gardening classes, herbal hikes etc. Mujeres de Maiz’s magazine and events bring together diverse women from all over the world. They have encouraged women to interact and make plans for political issues. One of the events that Mujeres de Maiz holds is a live art show. The live art show consists of spoken word and music. Their 17th Anniversary Live Art Show was held on Sunday March 9, 2014 at The Vex in Los Angeles. When going to the event, there was a sense of being uncomfortable. I went from being in a well-known area to an area I knew nothing about. I had left the small neighborhood and went to the Walgreens that was on the next block. It felt very comfortable since I frequent this Walgreens quite often. I took the same street I’ve taken every day for the past 13 years. I took it every day to go to element, middle and high school had gotten to the intersecting streets that my middle school was on. When I turned away from my school having it behind me I lost sense of direction. It wasn’t until I had passed a community college that my older sister attended, that I understood where I was. I passed a grassy area and saw children playing soccer. As soon as I passed Pierce College I felt uncomfortable since I have never been beyond the community college. Pass Pierce College was hills with lots of grass. It had a forestry ... ... middle of paper ... unknown area, made me feel adventurous. I truly enjoyed doing it and plan to do this more often. The event itself was different than expected. I had expected the traditional art gallery walk through. I think that what I will remember most about the event is that I did something wouldn’t normally do as well as the jewelry the venders sold and the amazing performers. I really enjoyed the performers’ music and got chills when I heard them sing. I hope that I get a chance to hear them again. This event didn’t seem to connect to anything that we learned in class at first, but it became clearer to me that it really did. It related to class in a sense that Mujeres de Maiz talk about important issue that are all around us and effect everyone such as gender race and class. These are the same topics we talked about in class and how media influence us based on these topics.

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