La Tierra De Las Mujeres

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The main strategy followed to translate this text was a domesticating method. The translator tried to make the text understandable and clear to target readers, bringing it closer to English culture as much as possible. After analysing the source text, it is necessary to comment the high number of quotation marks, in some cases, misused which difficulties to read. This is the case of “La Tierra de las Mujeres”, because the titles in Spanish must be written in italics, according to Fundéu. Due to this misuse, the translator decided to remove the quotation marks in most cases, and this was done using the reported speech. This technique is called modulation by Molina & Hurtado. Moreover, in the same title in the source text, there is another mistake. The incorrect use of capital letters, which is also present in the word Historia. In Spanish only the first letter needs to be written in capital letter. In English, following the Style Guide of the Oxford University, the titles were written in italics and capitalised the first word of the title, and all words within the title except articles, prepositions and conjunctions. …show more content…

The book which the review is about was translated making use of the discursive creation technique (Molina & Hurtado), because there is a reference which cannot be comprehending if you do not know the meaning of the title of the book Las hijas del agua. In the third and fourth paragraph, there is a reference to tetralogy of elements, and after the writer names the title of two books without establish equivalent, but it is necessary to understand what element they represent. Thus, the translator added an explanation and the last book of the author which was missed. In the case of “El contrato social” and “Vindicación de los derechos de la mujer”, the translator has used establish

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