The United States of America: History and Main Shipyards

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The United States of America is the most powerful country regarding the economy ranking, the political weight internationally, and its military power. Since 1772, and its independence date, America has fostering the democracy and the development of its economical model, which is the free market economy. Considering, the economic freedom index it ranks on top, but not at the first position. Moreover, in the risk analysis country, it ranks at the state of a safe country to invest in, regarding its political stability, and easy way to invest and transfer capital in and out from this country. Consequently, as its economical lead, it has led the shipbuilding industry during the last century. Thus, as exporting represents a main part of its GDP, shipbuilding is vital to a good export strategy. Indeed, shipping is inherent to its international trade activity. The shipbuilding industry occupied a significant part of its GDP. Consequently, it is still one of the worldwide leaders. Even though, they have lost their leads to Asian countries in the 1990s decades (OECD report, 2012).

The US shipbuilding industry could be divided up into two segments, the shipbuilding and the ship repair: The shipbuilding industry has the biggest weight among the two of them, with 69,4% of the revenue. The two main categories of ships are military ships, as the US has the most important Navy in the world. Moreover, the commercial vessels play an important role-play in the international trade scene. (IndustriALL Global Union, 2011)

The shipbuilding industry in the US has also suffered from the global economy slump, with a loss in employment. However, it recovered in 2011 with an increase in employment. The US shipbuilding industr...

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...e for the US. Indeed, the skilled workers productivity and subsidies provided by states are consequential obstacles that American players cannot face those challenges on their own. They will need the government to intervene in their favour to stay competitive. (Wilkerson, 2011)

Within the marketing standpoint, to survive in this industry the US has to spot a niche market within the international shipbuilding industry to retake market share on a global basis. Furthermore, as we have seen previously, the US legislation is very protectionist towards its national champions. This will allow them to have plenty of time to come up with a sustainable strategy for the next year. Indeed, the analysis of the civil shipbuilding industry is in a fairly bad position. If they do not react quickly the industry is in danger regarding its sustainability. (Wilkerson, 2011)

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