The Truth Behind Humpty Dumpty's Fall

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All across the America’s, millions and billions of people have heard the sad story of Humpty Dumpty. Kids from coast to coast laugh and sing about the dumb egg who sat on a wall and fell to his death. What they don’t know is that the egg is actually a teenage boy. Though his ending did not include him ending up as scrambled eggs, his fate was just as sad. The young man whose story became one of the most well known nursery rhymes began in the growing city of Calgary…

Harry Dumpty was living what he thought was “the life.” He was one of the most popular people in the humble city of Calgary. Not only did teenagers and children like him, but also to the adults who inhabited the city. He had it all. He was athletic, smart and could sing like an angel. He was known all over town for his kindness and his good looks. Girls fell head over heels for him; guys worshipped him and adults though he was a great example. He couldn’t ask for anything else.

As always, all good things must come to an end though, and Harry’s case wasn’t any different. His fall of fame was because of a single 12-year-old-girl- Krystie Yim. Harry had never thought of 12-year-olds as anything other then wide-eyed admirers, but Krystie changed that all.

Harry's first encounter with Krystie was unusual to say the least. It was a nice day and the park wall filled people, walking, climbing on the jungle gym, playing soccer and just having fun. Harry, who was picking up garbage, was oblivious to everything happening around him until a bottle hit him on the side of his head.

He looked around for the culprit, and noticed a Chinese girl, who was staring at Harry with a self-satisfied smirk. He had seen her around town, but never really though much of her. Harry was mad at...

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...ed Harry’s misery, she was the one who finished it off. Even after all he had been through, Harry never gave up on earning her love, and finally asked why she hated him.

“Harry Dumpty,” Krystie explained, “you still haven’t learned a single thing. Nobody is perfect, and that includes you. No matter how hard you try, you wont be perfect, and even after all you have been through, you still don’t know that. Everyone has a flaw, and if you don’t figure out what that is, that will be what ruins you. You are your greatest enemy. And the ironic thing is that all you want is for me to like you. And the only way to earn my respect would be to stop needing my respect. You aren’t perfect Harry Dumpty. Live with it.”

After all he had been through, Harry Dumpty couldn’t take it anymore. It was all too much. He just lost all desire for life and his soul, and his spirit, broke.

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