The Tragedy of Love and Hate in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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In the beginning of the play one may think that it is a timeless love story, however once finishing the script you begin to wonder what the real message is. Was Shakespeare just trying to prove that “love at first sight” does not exist? Or was he making a stand against children making decisions for themselves? In the play, Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare creates a beautiful but tragic love story, about two love crazed teens who kill themselves for each other. The story Romeo and Juliet is filled with many struggles that comes with love and hate.
Most people say that Romeo and Juliet is the greatest love story of all times, however it is more like the greatest tragedy of all times. In the play Juliet and Romeo are constantly struggling with problems with their secret relationship and with their parents. Even before meeting each other Romeo is heartbroken over another woman, while Juliet is being convinced to marry someone she does not love. Their struggles then increase when Romeo and Juliet meet, because of their parents growing hate towards each other the two must sneak out at...

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