Web portal Essays

  • Web Portal

    730 Words  | 2 Pages

    Also, web technologies are not being used to their potential and backend applications are not integrated. A customer web portal, which can help to integrate services such as buying, selling, delivery, payment and overall customer support, is non-existent and a deterrent to overall consumer satisfaction and business growth. What is a web portal? In terms of defining exactly what a web portal is, it is important to understand its significance and role in business and technology. A portal can be thought

  • Etsy: Executive Summary

    1227 Words  | 3 Pages

    Etsy acquires an expertise in AI – Blackbird Technologies The marketplace that is known for the home made products and crafts that is well known as Etsy, now acquires the Blackbird technologies for improving its search capabilities. Blackbird technologies have developed the machine learning techniques that delivers the high search relevance and promotes recommendations. Blackbird’s novel technology combines both the text and images and uses the Artificial Intelligence techniques to improve the search

  • A Review of Portal 2

    2213 Words  | 5 Pages

    Before Portal 2 Portal was the spiritual successor of a Digipen graduate’s project Narbacular Drop. A game featuring Princess NoKnees a young girl who is incapable of jumping trying to escape an elaborate dungeon with the help of dimensional doors to navigate through the dungeon’s gauntlets and mazes. Once Valve was shown the footage of the game they hired the team making Narbacular Drop to make for them a game of its like. With some major aesthetic changes tweaking and help from the half-life

  • What Is The Process Of Digestion

    1077 Words  | 3 Pages

    Hello everyone! I am thrilled to announce that I will once again be miniaturized along with my submarine and take you on another Fantastic Voyage inside the human body. In case you have forgotten the details of our last journey, my sub and I will be shrunken down to be 8 microns long. This time I will be swallowed by Fred, a 55 year old man, while he enjoys a hamburger, French fries, and root beer. As I pilot my way through his body, I will be describing the process of digestion and what major structures

  • RSS Feeds

    1715 Words  | 4 Pages

    "Really Simple Syndication" or "Rich Site Summary", is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. RSS formats are specified in XML (a generic specification for data formats). and delivers its information as an XML file called an "RSS feed", "webfeed", "RSS stream", or "RSS channel. A brief history of RSS RSS version 0.90,original RSS, was designed by Netscape as a format for building portals of headlines to mainstream news sites in 1999.it was extremely complex for its aim so a simpler

  • Shopping Bots

    1323 Words  | 3 Pages

    queries in order to return more useful information. Where do shopping bots reside? Most popular shopping bots are resident on the web, but some are programs that are downloaded by the user and are resident on the local hard drive. The downloaded programs operate in a similar manner to the web-based interfaces, but with a different revenue model. Web-based shopping bots generate revenues through a combination of advertising and commissions on sales linked through the shopping bot. User


    1810 Words  | 4 Pages

    way they are anticipated. For the current project pertaining to elite institution web site which pledges to bridge the communication gap between the students and teachers, there were many options which could provide a comfortable interface to work upon. The options are many and therefore thresholds are limited when it comes to choosing a technology out of the same. Frankly speaking even the most ambitious web portals have their foundation laid on the HTML tags and they build upon that. So to opt for

  • An Analysis of E-trade

    1621 Words  | 4 Pages

    An Analysis of E-trade Provider of online investing services. It has established a popular, branded destination Web site for self-directed investors. It offers automated order placement and execution, along with a suite of products that can be personalized. (Dow Jones Interactive) As of September 30, 1999, Etrade had 1,551,000 active brokerage accounts, up 185% for the year, with assets held in customer brokerage accounts in excess of $28.4 billion, up 154% from last year. We began offering online

  • Microblogging

    1638 Words  | 4 Pages

    stage we see that the dot.com success relied heavily on a more forceful web often refereed to as Web 1.5. Web 2.0 is not any new technological invention, rather revisions of websites which would give users interactive information. Web 2.0 is directed at interaction and basic social networks. It can deliver information and manipulate networks without a real web page. Web 2.0 is more of a portal than a normal website. Web 2.0 is seen as qualitatively distinct f... ... middle of paper ... .

  • Plagiarism and the Casual Plagiarist

    1711 Words  | 4 Pages

    Plagiarism and the Casual Plagiarist It is a random Thursday night on the first floor of Brewster Hall and the Campus of State University when a frazzled young girl wanders into the room of a fellow student inquiring about The Stranger by Albert Camus. She needs to have a three page paper completed by tomorrow and cannot find a kick start on the essay writing process. Since her peers are on the level of the common doormat concerning Camus, she was left without any further help. However, had

  • The Internet and Rapidly Developing Technology

    1571 Words  | 4 Pages

    communication tool not only between friends and for socialization, but for everyday life. People are increasingly finding new ways of getting things done not by the waiting at the other end of the phone line, but clicking the way through a certain web pages, or typing their message on emails and messenger program. On-line part of the business of almost all industries, not only limited to the dot-com companies but other 'traditional' businesses as well, has been increasingly finding it self positioning

  • Amazon.com Case Study

    1495 Words  | 3 Pages

    They also continue to negotiate volume deals with suppliers to meet their goal of lowering prices. Additionally, Amazon has formed partnerships and alliances with publishers, other on-line retailers, technology providers, either handling their web site operations or linking brick-and-mortar entities to its virtual storefront. As part of their diversification strategy, Amazon recently acquired Internet Movie Database www.imdb.com (IMDb), which is an authoritative source of information on movie

  • Single Sign-On Application Architecture And Design

    1265 Words  | 3 Pages

    integration of single sign-on based web architecture in place of the current design that provides multiple sites for company employees. Currently, employees wishing to access company related information are required to access approximately eight different websites and maintain records for different user names and passwords for each site. This paper will outline the design specifics that will be necessary for full integration and user functionality of the new web-based portal. One of the initial design considerations

  • The Consumer Society: Advertising and Online Shopping

    1648 Words  | 4 Pages

    time. It began with the dawn of Web 1.0 as an instance to receive information or a “read-only” web with minimal user interaction and content contribution, according to Berners-Lee, a British inventor of the World Wide Web (Naik & Shivalingaiah, 2008). Based on the statement we can derive an understanding that Web 1.0 leaves no room for online business or user interaction to take place. This definitely leads us to peruse the changes that were brought by the concept of Web 2.0. The freshly introduced ability

  • Amazon and Ebay: The New Face of Web Services

    1658 Words  | 4 Pages

    Amazon and Ebay: The New Face of Web Services CASE STUDY QUESTIONS 1. What are the purpose and business value of Web services? The principal purpose of Web service is create the exchange of data between business (for example e-commerce or e-business) in real time via Internet, and this way a business might share with its costumers, suppliers, and other business partners all the necessary information. As a result, the use of Web serving by any organization, which wants grow up and support

  • Industry essay: What are Web Services?

    991 Words  | 2 Pages

    Industry essay: What are Web Services? Web services have been hyped over the past year to be the most innovative improvement that has come to the Internet. It has been adopted by many companies, and has reached the forefront of applications development. So what is all the hype about? Web services can be described as an application that can be deployed or called over the Internet that allows applications to communicate with each other- regardless of the language in which they are written

  • The Importance Of Social Media In The Modern World

    1405 Words  | 3 Pages

    In today’s world, social media has played an important role in everyone’s lives. During this time, there are many aspects through which we can elaborate social media. No doubt, it is extremely helpful and allows you to connect with friends and family across the globe, it does have its disadvantages. People of all ages, race, and gender use this modern tool to gain useful insight on matters of all walks of life. Be it sports related, or just an ordinary news story, social media has got it covered

  • Being A Graphic Designer

    778 Words  | 2 Pages

    What being a graphic designer means It is clear that graphic designers design particular product. Their field of activity are the pages of books, newspapers, magazines and web sites. Graphic designers create fonts, layouts journal pages, draw pictures, make collages, and decorate shop windows. In order to create a real masterpiece, not just a set of texts and pictures, the graphic designer need to learn special programming languages such as Perl, JavaScript, and so on. It is important for them to

  • The Future of Emerging Digital Media and Its Impact on Marketing

    1869 Words  | 4 Pages

    enterprise. As a result, news now moves in unconventional ways with unpredictable consequences. In the dawn of Web 2.0, viral marketing is presenting a new medium for brand exposure and a new definition of marketing. Recent advancements in technology in general are driving and facilitating changes in consumer/business behavior; RSS is simply one manifestation of that. • The shift from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 and corresponding availability of new applications such as blogging, podcasting, wikis, RSS, microsites

  • Content Management System-The Web-Based Revolution

    1657 Words  | 4 Pages

    Content Management System-The Web-Based Revolution Abstract Most companies build or purchase a system for web site management in order that consumers can access a bunch of content conveniently. There is one of the most popular web site management systems, called "Content Management System". The Content Management System is a type of software package most successful companies utilize. In this paper, research concerning CMS will be presented as follows: an introduction and development of