Triceps brachii muscle Essays

  • Types Of Shot In Basketball

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    of a leap. This shot has three phases; the preparation phase, execution phase and the follow through phase. In the preparation phase is taken place in a sagittal plane. The knees and hips are flexed prior to the extension. It pre-stretches the muscles that contracts in the jump. From an upright standing position at….. degree angle, the player initiates a decelerating downward movement where the abdominals are contracted to …….degree angle. The downward motion flexes the hips by eccentric contraction

  • Benefits Of Strong Triceps Pressdowns

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    strength and size. The triceps pressdown, or triceps extension, is an isolation exercise that you can do to target the back of your upper arms. This exercise is beneficial, as long as your form is correct. About the Triceps The triceps is a three-headed muscle, consisting of the lateral, medial and long heads. It engages each time you extend your elbows to straighten your arms. Although many people focus on working the more visible biceps at the front of their upper arms, the triceps shouldn't be neglected

  • Bench Press

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    Bench Press For lifters looking to create the classic "He-Man" physique, the single most important upper body workout is the bench press. The bench press builds the upper arm, chest, and shoulders. The muscles here have a great impact on making it look like you posses great strength, which is an important factor for many lifters. This workout is also one of the easiest lifts, since you are lying down on a static bench that prevents most unnecessary movement. To perform the bench press

  • Persuasive Essay On Bar Blunders

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    Are you trying to get one of the most sought after muscle groups that humans like to develop? Yes, we are talking about biceps. Biceps are a hit with every fitness freak. You will see many people posting their favorite biceps shot on the social networking sites. These photos might turn you green with envy; as you have been trying really hard to get those arm muscles, but somewhere feeling frustrated and thinking of leaving the curling course. Don’t panic, take a pause and consider whether you have

  • Mink Vs Minks

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    similar muscles types with similar functions, which help them survive and function throughout their individual habitats. Arm and Shoulder Muscles One of the most important muscles in both a mink and a human are those of the arms and shoulders because of their involvement with movement. One of the primal movers of arm abduction along the frontal plane is the deltoid muscle found in both minks and humans. In both species, deltoid muscles allow for the abduction of the humerus. The next two muscles are

  • Suppleness in Physical Education

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    Suppleness in Physical Education The definition of flexibility, suppleness and mobility is the range of movement possible round a joint and this depends on the amount of stretch allowed by the ligaments, joints, tendons and muscles. Flexibility is an important component of physical fitness for all athletes as increasing your flexibility aids performance and helps to avoid unnecessary injury. It is impossible to have the same degree of flexibility around all joints as the joint structure

  • Recovery After Rotator Cuff Surgery

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    Strengthening the muscles that surround the Glenohumoral (shoulder) joint will keep the joint stable. This will also help prevent further injury to the joint and/or the muscles surrounding it. Flexibility Stretching the muscles that surround the joint will help improve your range of motion and help you return to regular daily activities. It will also prevent further injury. Muscles targeted: • Biceps Brachii • Triceps Brachii • Supraspinatus • Infraspinatus • Subscapularis • Teres muscles (minor and major)

  • Six Week Training Program

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    resulting in injuries, or overtrain. The purpose of these exercises is to improve muscular strength and speed in Badminton. Muscular strength is important in Badminton for example when smashing the shuttle down. You need strong shoulders and triceps to have a stronger smash and have an advantage over your opponents. Speed is also important in Badminton, you need to react quickly and you need to be quick in order to return the shot. For my training programme I will need to look at some

  • Tennis Serve Essay

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    has to be relaxed and smooth. o Ball Toss and Backswing The ball toss phase is the most important part of the whole tennis motion. This phase happens instantaneously when the ball is released from the hand. During this movement there is very little muscle activation in the erector spinae especially during the start and release phases although the movement increases steadily throughout this slightly lateral to the overhead position, enabling ball contact at 100 degrees of arm abduction. If the ball

  • The Bicep Tendon in Rotator Cuff Repair Procedures

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    return their range of motion back to normal. One such improvement is the release of the long head of the biceps tendon. One major injury suffered in the shoulder is to the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and its surrounding tendon in the shoulder. These muscles and tendons (rotator cuff) serve to stabilize the shoulder. Many athletes are at risk of injuring the rotator cuff through repetitive impact and sudden movements. Surgical treatment of the rotator cuff is necessary in

  • Taking a Look at the Sagittal Plane

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    the heads of the biceps muscle. The biceps curl exercise (performed with dumbbell or barbell or any equipment) involves flexion and extension of elbow joint during the concentric contraction and eccentric contraction respectively. The flexion and extension of elbow occur in a plane that is parallel to the sagittal plane. These flexion and extension moves cannot be seen from the other two planes. 2. Seated Leg Curl: Seated leg curl is an exercise for developing hamstring muscle. In this exercise, knee

  • Lateral Epicondylitis Essay

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    known as “Tennis elbow” is a form of tendonitis. It causes the tendons within the bony structure to swell; it can also cause pain in the elbow which radiates to the arm. The article from WebMD states “These tendons are tough tissues that connect the muscles of your lower arm to the bone”1. Commonly referred to tennis elbow, someone can get this form of tendonitis without playing tennis a day in their lives. It is usually a result of overworking or repetitive motion of those tendons. Symptoms Overworking

  • Mech. of Pitching

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    A baseball pitcher throws a baseball across the plate and the batter hits it to center field, and elderly man pitches horseshoes, a young person spikes a volleyball, student practices driving a golf ball while a college athlete practices punting a football. Once more, as is the case with pushing and pulling, a widely diverse set of activities has a common denominator. Each of these activities involves sequential movement of the body segments resulting in the production of a summated velocity at the

  • Muscle Contraction Research Paper

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    system: There are three types of ways that the muscles move. The first one is an agonist. Agonist muscles cause a movement to occur through their own contraction. For example, the triceps brachii contracts during the up phase of a push-up (elbow extension). During the down phase of a push-up, the same triceps brachii actively controls elbow flexion while relaxing. It is still the agonist, because while resisting gravity during relaxing, the triceps brachii continues to be the prime mover, or controller

  • Rowing Machine Muscles

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    Muscles Used By a Rowing Machine The rowing machine is an excellent full-body workout equipment that can help to enhance your cardiovascular function, strength, build muscles and burn calories. Rowing is one of the few exercises that can be done by people who have knee pains or weak joints because it is a low-impact workout. The rowing machine is said to work 84 percent of the muscles in the body, which is why it is so effective at building muscles. Getting the best out of the rowing machine requires

  • Emg Fatigue Lab Report

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    comparing between the absolute values of EMG, one would suggest the second subject is stronger, but at closer look, the first subject is stronger because they are using less muscle activity as a percent of their maximum EMG to lift the same load. Another method that is possible is to normalize to the maximal electrically stimulated muscle, which ensures all the motor units are

  • Analysis Of The Free-throw Shot

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    Analysis of the Free-Throw Shot When deciding about a movement to study, I thought about many, and very few interested me. Then I decided to choose something that was very important to me. Shooting the basketball, and more specifically the technique in performing a free throw. I thought by looking more closely at the details of a movement I have been doing since a small child. I thought possibly I could learn something that would give me an advantage in my shot. The application of this particular

  • Crossfit Research Paper

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    forms of muscle strength. You get muscle strength in your biceps and your core muscles. Speed increases the difficulty of the pull ups although if you do the pull ups to fast and not properly you can strain your back and shoulder muscles. Pull ups can increase your strength because it is making you gain muscles in your core and in your biceps and triceps. Muscles used Pull-ups work many muscles in your body in your body but in the arm they work the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles in the

  • Mink Dissection Lab Report

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    the muscle was exposed. The experimenters located ten muscles by using a probe to make the certain muscle located more visible. The first muscle found was the sternomastoid located in the center of the neck, following was the biceps brachii which was located in the shoulders, the pectoralis muscle was located in the mid-chest area, the sartorius was located in the top thigh area in the middle from hip region to the knee, the tibialis anterior was located right on the tibia bone. Next muscle was the

  • Early Childhood Tooth Crushing

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    (2) Grasping tooth paste induces flexion at the shoulder joint, extension at elbow complex and grasp involves activation of wrist/digit extensors and flexors and intrinsic muscles of the hand. (3) Flipping the lid of the paste and squeezing paste onto toothbrush initiates thumb extension with sufficient strength, hand and arm stability, coordination/proprioception and control. (4) Closing the lid and placing on the counter