Travel trailer Essays

  • charles Kuralt

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    is possible. 11- Boxes on Wheels This chapter began with Kuralt asking for a vacation and ended in him getting what he would be doing for the rest of his career. A box on wheels is what they call a mobile home. Kuralt and 3 other employees would travel around the nation in a mobile home searching for interesting stories to tell, but what might have been the most interesting was the mobile home. The mobile home was always breaking down they couldn’t go a week with out something on the Cortez breaking

  • The Elk Hunt

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    camp trailer down to a nice wooded area about five miles before you get into town. The camp sight was about a quarter mile off of the highway. There were trees all around the camping spot; the only break in the trees was where the road came through. We set up our camp trailer the day before season started. We had set our alarm for four o'clock the next morning, and we went to bed early. I woke up the next morning due to the rays of sunlight coming through the windows of the camp trailer. This

  • The Hunting Camp

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    wake up feeling drenched with water. We had a new camp trailer that was big enough to fit five people. The trailer was white with a maroon stripe going down the side. It had a huge dining table that turned into a double bed. There was a bunk bed, which also has departments in for different storage. There was a hallway that lead to a king size bed where my parents slept. All of the sheets are grungy from all the dirt that was brought into the trailer. In the mornings, I could feel the moisture of the

  • Driver Observation Paper

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    On March 25, 2017 at approximately 1622 hours, I responded to a reported REDDI vehicle parked at the Woodys Gas station, located at 174 Hwy 160, within Montezuma County, State of Colorado. The call reference the driver exiting the vehicle and walking into the gas station, when the male spoke with the station attendant she could smell alcohol on his breath. When he left the store, he stumbled to his vehicle nearing falling several times. Upon my arrival at the above stated address, I observed the

  • Walmart Observation

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    On the above date and time I was conducting an area check of the Walmart parking lot. While conducting the area check, I observed a White male in a maroon, 4 door Buick. The subject's head was resting against the vehicle's steering wheel. I then conducted a registration check on the vehicle's tag (FL4709XK). The tag was showing expired as of 11-21-2017. However, the yellow decal on the back of the tag was showing an expiration of 08-18. Upon further examination, the decal had FL tag (795TMD) listed

  • The Fire Station

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    strange that an emergency vehicle appears broken down. On the end of the truck, a trailer is attached, which stows a six-wheeler. The truck and trailer, inconveniently, cuts access to the rest of the station. Along the wall, yellow firefighter uniforms hang beneath their wearer's name. An ash smell radiates from the fibers. There is a narrow passageway between the racks of protective clothing and the aft of the trailer. This serves as not only a hallway but also a fitting area. My uniform, technically

  • Personal Narrative- Parties

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    find out?" I thought. How would I be able to explain being at a party to them? I was supposed to be at the dance. I looked at the trailer and saw people going in and out. Can I still leave? I was going to leave. However, I stepped out of my car and could hear the music playing from someone's system. It was the song "Joker" by the Steve Miller Band. The aroma of the trailer could be smelt outside, and the Jack Daniels was being circulated like popcorn at a baseball game. I looked inside and saw people

  • Livin' in the Trailerhood

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    I have lived in the same trailer park my whole life. As a result, I have had to deal with people treating me differently after they find out where I live. Many people jump to the conclusion that I am poor. Although at times, money has been tight I would never classify myself as poor. My family has always been able to provide for me. Other people assume that my family must be living off of welfare. I can also say that my family has never received welfare. Despite the fact that some people match those

  • Importance Of A Therapeutic Journey Essay

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    if we map it out, our adventure has no goals. It can be just a simple walk, the rest from pressure that movement gives us. We can travel around the world, or we can travel to work or the store. You’re daily commute is different every time even if you follow the same path every time. I was inspired to give some tips on how to walk away your problems when I saw a trailer for the movie, Wild. In it, Reese Witherspoon’s character walks a thousand miles in the wilderness. It seems that she has a lot of

  • New Orleans Road Trip

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    I’ve always had a love for traveling. But I think when I really caught the “travel bug” was last summer I took a road trip to New Orleans and then to Austin, Texas. I honestly love long car rides and listening to music and eating fast food for a whole entire day. I remember arriving in New Orleans around 8 PM and the sun was almost gone and the streets are really narrow so there was just enough room for the sun to fit in between the houses. The atmosphere is different. It just made me feel more relaxed

  • Drowning: A Short Story

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    my life, I was disobedient and it still has a big effect on me now. This little act of mine caused a lot of stress to many people, I was seven years old and at the time I was the only child. I stayed with my mother and my step-dad. We lived in the trailer parks; I was at the babysitter’s house and she had two teenage sons. One was named Tim and the other Derrick, and I wanted to be like them. It

  • Analyzing Film Trailers and Film Posters

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    Analyzing Film Trailers and Film Posters Film posters come in a wide range of styles. Most have appealing pictures or slogans that appeal to a particular audience and some just try to appeal to everyone. They all have something in common. Anchorage and eye catching devices, some even have alliteration. You can find them almost everywhere like cinemas, town centres, bus shelters, on the sides of busses, magazines and on the internet. They are all trying to do one thing, persuade you to spend

  • Comparing Film Trailers of Mission Impossible Two and Gladiator

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    Comparing Film Trailers of Mission Impossible Two and Gladiator In the essay I will compare and analyse the two film trailers I have been studying, ‘Mission Impossible 2’ and ‘Gladiator’. I will analyse and compare the different techniques used. These techniques are; Use of characters, lighting and colour, camera shots and angles, sound and music and editing and framing. In doing this I will be able to show how effective each trailer is in attracting an audience. Film trailers are an important

  • Holiday Travel Essay

    553 Words  | 2 Pages

    Be safe when holiday travel is the worst Working during the holidays isn’t always an enjoyable prospect. When your office chair is the front seat of a semi-truck driving through holiday traffic, it can be an even tougher pill to swallow. But frustration aside, these weekends aren’t just the most heavily traveled on our roads and highways, they’re also the deadliest. So it’s of the utmost importance that commercial drivers be alert, aware and safe during holidays such as Memorial Day and July Fourth

  • Outdoor Recreation

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    in outdoor recreation activities. Some forms of technology also hold people back from experiencing outdoor recreation activities, examples are internet, gaming, and television. While many can create a positive influence for example, newer ways to travel outdoors-dirt bikes, and other types of technology that make a negative impact like soil erosion. The final topic that this paper will touch upon is the demographic factor. Governments m... ... middle of paper ... ...m. For example, the noise

  • The Impact of Travel on the Evironment

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    The Impact of Travel on the Evironment Human history has been defined by movement and expansion, as humans slowly moved throughout the globe. Even after humans had populated the entire world, humans continued to travel for many reasons: war, trade, adventure, and religion. It would seem that the human species is filled with inveterate travelers. Throughout history, those nations and civilizations that had the best modes of transportation seemed to have a real competitive advantage. The “northern

  • Rucksack Rendezvous

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    Rucksack Rendezvous Introduction "Deep in the jungle where the mighty tiger lie, Bill and his elephants were taken by surprise." -The Beatles For many people this is the image that is conjured up when one speaks of third world travel and many times it is this way because of lack of knowledge or lack of resources about the country in question. It is also possible that the person may not have had the chance to study the country and therefore does not clearly understand what goes on there

  • Account of the Travels, Sufferings and Persecutions of Barbara Blaugdone

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    Account of the Travels, Sufferings and Persecutions of Barbara Blaugdone The title of Barbara Blaugdone’s memoir is An Account of the Travels, Sufferings and Persecutions of Barbara Blaugdone, with “travels” highlighted by its enormous size. Indeed, when reading the book the reader is perhaps most struck by Blaugdone’s excessive, nearly constant travel habits. It may even be argued that at its heart the book is a travel narrative and not a memoir or even a religious account. She traipses about

  • My Purpose for Traveling Abroad

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    planet. A chance to travel aboard will afford me an opportunity of expounding my personal knowledge about other counties’ cultures. A trip such as the one offered via Edgecombe Community College Travel Abroad Scholarship (ECCTAS) is certainly an enriching, lifetime opportunity. The stage of development that comprises my age group is classified as young adult, as my present age is twenty-two. Most individuals amongst this age group are seeking their niche in life; this travel abroad experience abets

  • My Requisites for a Dream Vacation

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    money, and dream vacation. It says “there are at least two impulses in the whole life. One is for love without concerning consequence, and the other is for a travel without delay.” Basically, the main idea of the story is when we are young, we have so such time to spare and full of energy, but not enough money in our pocket so we cannot travel around the world. As we are growing up, we spend more time on working just for money, but less time with our family and all. Finally, we become old, at that