Trade-off Essays

  • Consequentialism, Deontology, and Inevitable Trade-offs

    3000 Words  | 6 Pages

    Consequentialism, Deontology, and Inevitable Trade-offs ABSTRACT: Recently, unrestrained consequentialism has been defended against the charge that it leads to unacceptable trade-offs by showing a trade-off accepted by many of us is not justified by any of the usual nonconsequenlist arguments. The particular trade-off involves raising the speed limit on the Interstate Highway System. As a society, we seemingly accept a trade-off of lives for convenience. This defense of consequentialism may be

  • Economic Trade-off Analysis of Cracker Jack

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    Economic Trade-off Analysis of Cracker Jack When I was little, Cracker Jack came in cardboard boxes, and the prize inside was often pretty cool: a whistle or a ring, or some similar gadget. This was also in the days when Oscar Mayer gave away tiny hot-dog-shaped whistles as promotional items. In those days, whistles were pretty popular. Slide whistles were a very common favor at birthday parties. I remember an older cousin came back from the army once, and he had a really cool whistle

  • Essay On Trade Offs

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    Trade-offs Trade-offs often occur when the members of a system are competing with each other. It is one of the most prevailing acknowledgements for coexistence in the communities. The ‘Darwinian demon’ theory indicated that “Trade-offs between survival and reproduction, however, constraints any organism from realistically resembling that creature.” Similarly, ‘Hutchinson demon’ theory also pinpointed whereby “one species in a community dominates because it is best colonizing new patches, utilizing

  • The Cost-of-Production Theory

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    When economists refer to the “opportunity cost”, they mean the alternative use of that resource. In General, the opportunity costs of choice the value of the best alternative forgone, in a situation in which should be made a choice between several mutually exclusive alternatives in conditions of limited resources. If you spend time watching television or spend time and money going to a movie, you cannot spend that time reading a book in the library and in the case of the cinema, you cannot spend

  • Smartphones: A Trade-off Between Privacy and Security

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    As we progress deeper into the digital era, we rely more and more on our electronic devices. Over the last decade, almost everyone who lives in a developed nation owns a cellphone and they are becoming an integral part of our life. As a daily phone user, whether it is checking my email to see if my classes are canceled or calling my friends to see where they are at, a day without my phone would basically handicap my daily routine. However, owning a phone is also a liability. Especially smartphones

  • Similarities Between Passing Off And Trade Mark Law

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    passing off and trade mark law have common roots and therefore are, in many respects, similar. I will begin with a short brief history of trade mark law and the law of passing off. I move on to discuss the similarity between trade mark law and the law of passing off with reference to relevant case law and statutes. Although, passing off and trade mark law deal with overlapping factual situations, s 2(2) of the Trade Mark Act 1994 maintains passing off as a separate cause of action. When a trade mark

  • Case Study

    662 Words  | 2 Pages

    infringement following the depreciation of goodwill and breach of sections 7(b), 19, 20, and 22 of Canada's Trademark Act, and passing off (Salam Toronto Publications v. Salam Toronto Inc., 2009). The utmost deliberated section of the Trademark Act was section 20, which detailed that a trademark was violated only if it was used in “association with a confusing trade name” (Salam Toronto Publications v. Salam Toronto Inc., 2009). It was reported within the litigation that the defendant, Salam Toronto

  • Michael Frayn’s 1982 ‘Noises Off’

    657 Words  | 2 Pages

    In many ways Michael Frayn’s 1982 ‘Noises Off’, with its infectious dynamism, hilarious script and unique premise is a paragon of farcical theatre. So much so that when it was announced that the Sydney Theatre Company would be performing their own rendition of the classic there was widespread apprehension that the plays reputation would exceed the production, as reputations so often do. Fortunately these fears weren’t realised. Under the direction of Jonathan Biggins the Sydney Theatre Company was

  • Jetliner by Naoshi Koriyama

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    roars at his utmost And slowly beings to job Kicking the dark earth hard And now he begins to run Kicking the dark earth harder Then he dashes, dashes like mad, like mad Howling, shouting, screaming, and roaring Then with a most violent kick He shakes off the earth’s pull Softly lifting himself into the air Soaring higher and higher and higher still Piercing the sea of clouds Up into the chandelier of stars -Naoshi Koriyama In this poem, Naoshi Koriyama portrays a large and powerful Jetliner as a

  • An Explanation Of Mythbusters

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    This “Mythbusters” episode begins by stating the first myth the team will pursue. It is said to be extraordinarily controversial. You are able to find thousands of pages on the World Wide Web and their personal Mythbusters Discovery fan page. The myth is: If a plane was placed on a conveyor belt, both going the same speed in opposite directions, will the plane be able to takeoff? Majority believe that the plane will stay stationary, but this myth was never tested until the “Mythbusters” crew decided

  • Short Story Courting A Monk

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    Finding your Identity is one of the struggles in life plenty of people are faced with at some point. Everyone is looking for their identity some try to force one that does suit them upon their selves, but one’s identity isn’t chosen. Throughout the story “Courting a Monk” a Korean girl named Gina is struggling to find out who she really is. Many of us are at that point in our lives that Gina was in the story. Many of us being young adults we’re trying to figure out where we belong in society, or

  • Theatre Analysis

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    However, theater goes beyond just the actors, there is a whole team like: a producer, designer, make-up artist, stage directors, director, and many others. You remember, theatre is also based on a budget so it can be off-off Broadway (100 seats of less), an off Broadway (100-400 seats), or a Broadway show (500 seats or more). We went to all three and they are easy to recall, it involves no deep thinking to notice, especially as the sets and effects are less extravagant. Regardless of the budget,

  • Ready for Takeoff

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    only to discover that my flight was delayed by three hours, thus destroying my great mood. As I make my way through security I watch everyone take their belongings off and place them into a rectangular plastic bin, which goes through a scanner. As I am near the front of the line the OCD side of me is freaking; everyone has to take off their shoes, and I have to walk on that floor afterwards. Then, I reevaluate and tell myself that it is only my feet. Finally, I couldn’t help but notice some people

  • Persuasion in the Market: C.V.S Pharmacy store

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    Persuasion has always played an intricate role, in many ways, when it comes to promotion of a Fortune 500 companies like C.V.S. corporation. With the largest pharmacy chain of over 7400 stores in United States; no wonder they are at the top five largest pharmacies in the United States based on revenue generated from prescription only. However it's not only prescription is sold in stores; there are assortment of general merchandise including food, sundries, beauty products as well as health products

  • Risperdal Case Summary

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    Aaron Banks age 21 has been taking the drug Risperdal since the age 9; even though Risperdal approved for children at the time Aaron was still taking Risperdal. He was still approved to the drug. He grew female breast large enough to be surgically removed. Risperdal is a drug used to treat symptoms of bipolar disorder. Risperdal is also used in autistic children to treat symptoms of irritability. The problem with the Risperdal case is that The Company Johnson and Johnson prescribed a drug that has

  • Adderall Addiction

    1542 Words  | 4 Pages

    Finals week remains a stressful time for college students. A student may have three to five tests in a matter of four days. However, these tests, unlike most, can be worth up to twenty percent of a semester grade. That is a great amount of pressure on a student. With about six hours of sleep a night, eighteen hours of study never seems like enough. Then again, there may be a solution that allows the student to focus on the study so eighteen hours is enough. Better yet, maybe sleep is unnecessary

  • Better Off Dead Analysis

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    representations of the 1980s; although both excelled at defining specific attributes, they lacked the ability to effectively portray the average day-to-day suburban life that many experienced during the decade. Directed by Savage Steve Holland, Better Off Dead is a dark romantic comedy about a high school student, Lane Myer, who becomes suicidal after his girlfriend dumps him just before Christmas. Played by John Cusack, the young man “can’t even commit suicide right, and soon finds his life getting

  • Off-Label Use of Prescription Drugs

    2017 Words  | 5 Pages

    approves a drug for one use, doctors can prescribe it for whatever they want. The FDA is considering loosening the monitoring of off-label prescriptions, but if anything, regulations should be tightened. Despite the practices of some medical personnel, the risk of serious medical complications demands that the FDA regulate and restrict off-label use of prescription drugs. The off-label use of any approved drug relates to the use not included in the official label. The exclusion of uses for a specific

  • Applying Safety Standards in the Agricultural Industry

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    West Virginia.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 19 Dec. 2002. Web. 19 Apr. 2014. . “Agricultural Operations.” Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Web. 19 Apr. 2014. . “Power Take-Off (PTO) Safety.” Penn State Extension. Pennsylvania State University. Jan. 2014 Web. 19 Apr. 2014. .

  • Why Do Teenagese Drug Abuse

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    medicine that much. The numbers will also only continue to rise. Abusing pills will usually lead to an overdose which almos... ... middle of paper ... hooked on drugs and it took those people about five years to get off of them completely. Some people never get off drugs once they start because they become so addicted to them that they depend on them; especially if they get started on some of the more addicting drugs like meth, heroin, or cocaine. Those are probably hands down the three