The Virtual Community Essays

  • Virtual Communities

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    Virtual communities are a big part of informatics in today’s society. A virtual community can be described as an online space that is a social unit that involves members who can relate to one another as a group. It is a place that people can communicate to each other that bridges geographical distance. There are various online communities and social networking sites that can help people to exchange information. Connections can be made with various groups and can a solid base for information, support

  • Virtual Communities are an Illusion

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    Virtual Communities are an Illusion Discussions of the social effects of computer-mediated communication (CMC) and virtual community often focus on whether they pull people apart or bring them together. John Perry Barlow describes his point of view on this matter in a very enlightening article, Is There a There in Cyberspace?. Barlow first describes his skepticism about virtual communities and finishes the article with a life altering tragedy. Amy Bruckman, who is responsible for the article

  • Virtual Community Project Proposal

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    Plan for a A Virtual Community for Teenagers on the Web The Internet, though only considered to be approximately a decade old, has blossomed into an incredible method of communication. However, many of the resources contained on the Internet are hard to find, especially for less-experienced users. A virtual community project would ideally consist of all resources needed for high school juniors and seniors to access at any time and at any location. A perfect online community for teens would consist

  • Virtual Communities, Open Communication, and the End of Nationalism

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    Computers, also, have helped create a sense of togetherness by creating what has been dubbed as a Virtual Community. In these communities people can come together and unite to share their common characteristics or thoughts, regardless of who is on the other end. John Perry Barlow, a writer and the author of , Is There a There in Cyberspace? describes virtual communities as, A new locale of human community-never mind that the whole thing was being conducted in were words by minds from whom the bodies

  • Nowaday: A Virtual Community

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    Thus, a virtual community is a real community because of giving us the sense of stability. The assumption in the textbooks discusses about the standards of behavior. Those standards are the basic knowledge that our habits should be normal while the different will be disposed or

  • Has the Impact of Cyberspace Made Us Interpersonal?

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    actual social interaction. The informed critique that will be discussed is, “Is There a There in Cyberspace?” by John Perry Barlow. The major theme of this short story is how communities have drastically changed. While social benefits can come from participating in an Internet community, it is not a replacement for a physical community of peers. Online communication lacks body language and facial expressions (Barlow). There is no tonal quality to Internet prose. The expression of elation, sadness and

  • Essay On Virtual Identity

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    Virtual Communities and Identities in the Digital Age Name: Institutional Affiliation: Virtual Communities and Identities in the Digital Age Introduction The digital age allows users to express the identity within social contexts such as virtual communities. While the exact definition varies depending on the platform, the essential social identities expressed online are more comprehensive and deliberate than the ones expressed in real life. This makes them complex representations of

  • The Impact Of Online Communities On Physical Social Relationships

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    spend much time in online communities to network with virtual friends and play role plays. They provide an advantage for people with special needs who cannot leave the house, because they benefit from the accessibility of the internet. Moreover, they help people who often move to stay in touch with their friends. Nevertheless, spending too much time in online communities leads to drawbacks in the development of the user’s personality. More energy is dedicated to the virtual life than to real life and

  • The Virtual World

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    The virtual world is an imaginary location now defined as a place where a person can customize their personality characteristics to present themselves the way they want to be perceived. A strong doorway so the individual can establish an alter ego to escape from their daily discrimination or bias in life. An online community that allows the individual to fulfill into a community where he or she is accepted for who they something the actual world cannot offer to the individual. A society were the

  • Global Connections

    1402 Words  | 3 Pages

    Global Connections The cyberculture of the World Wide Web has created virtual communities by means of bulletin boards. These bulletin boards give any individual the ability to instantly publish their thoughts and advice on a particular subject to a mass audience. This capability to connect with strangers across the globe, as well as the ability to publish to a mass market without the support of a large publishing house was once impossible. The introduction material to the Future of Print

  • Online Communities

    1822 Words  | 4 Pages

    Online Communities. To start off my essay I would like to stress on the fact that an online community is not created online communities evolve and flourish. Most of the well built online communities take time and effort to establish them. In this essay I will be covering topics like how people interact in an online community, also will be looking at how to facilitate a successful online discussion and how to evaluate the success or failure of an online community. With the dawn of the new century

  • Virtual Reality is more than Reality

    583 Words  | 2 Pages

    Virtual Reality is more than Reality The science of Virtual Reality has stated its presence in the media and now it is turning the eyes to see the new generation of games and 3D application. However, like the Art in the beginning of our modern society it needs to become much more matured than it has proven until now. The types of maturity that I want to talk about are the technology and its use. The technology that we have can be better used in the Virtual Reality fields, as well as the Virtual

  • The Effects of Internet Role Playing Games on Society

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    Advances in technology on the internet are making it a continually more ‘real’ experience for its users. To what extent are the places, relationships, communities and identities represented on the internet real. The increasing speed and efficiency with which humans can communicate within the online world has had an enormous effect on our culture. Furthermore the increasing reality in which Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing games (MMORPGs) represent human life online is affecting the way

  • Virtual Worlds are Real

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    interaction in virtual worlds has on reality has been a hot question as of late. It is now, as technology becomes more advanced that virtual worlds seem to be becoming a reality. Some people will argue that interaction in virtual worlds provides no connection with real life. Others will argue that interaction in virtual worlds provides a reality of sorts. This reality is separate from the material world, but a reality none the less. However it is my contention that virtual worlds provide a

  • What Is Evangelism? First Of All, There Are Many Definitions Of Evangelism

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    utilizing social media networks or platforms. David Hansen, a church media blogger, boils these down effectively: "Social media is both a stethoscope, magnifying your ability to listen to your congregation and community, and a megaphone, magnifying your ability to proclaim God 's word to your community." The research will report through the a pre-questionnaire, post interviews and social media analytics on whether we were successful in developing and implementing a social media ministry for evangelism.

  • Online Communities or Mental Pictures?

    3145 Words  | 7 Pages

    Online Communities or Mental Pictures? It was 11:00 p.m. on a Tuesday night. I sat at my computer typing and anxiously waiting for a response. “Hello how is everyone tonight?” “I am from Virginia, where are all of you from?” No one responded to anything I said. I tried again, “Does anyone want to chat?” Again, I was ignored. I felt lonely, confused, and upset. “What is wrong with me?” I thought to myself. I hated knowing that I was the one being rejected in this so-called “community.”

  • The New Electronic World

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    world in the way of its innovators, one group abusing the power to enslave another. In this case, the Internet advances through the direction of people intending to utilize the power for self-centered purposes. The end result is a world in which a virtual environment was created within the minds of an imprisoned class of people. There are many theories regarding the Internet today and whether it is actually providing benefit to our world, or causing more problems than its worth. The more we progress

  • Online Community

    1409 Words  | 3 Pages

    Online Community What is an online community and who is a part of it? Online community is a community where people communicate, exchange information, and make business through the internet access. It's the community of all people who can afford to have a computer or have the ability to access the internet. The internet is easy, inexpensive, convenient to use and available to all. The internet has a low monthly fee that everyone can afford to access. Sometimes they even have free internet

  • Teachers.Net

    3437 Words  | 7 Pages

    began to sweat. "What do you know about on-line virtual communities?" This simple little question posed by my English professor initiated a state of panic for me. Come to think about it, I did not know much about virtual communities, so how was I suppose to write a paper on the subject? The tension escalated. Up to this point, using the MOO during the computer lab segment of my English class was the only educational exposure I had to online communities. Even then, I felt overwhelmed by the new and

  • One Student's Observations of an Online Community

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    of an Online Community An online community is a place where individual users with common interest come together to build relationships with similar people.  Recently I was looking through the Yahoo and MSN websites, searching for an interesting community to join.  Unfortunately, all of the message boards I was interested in had been inactive for over a year.  Online communities must involve growing relationships among active users.  Many people believe that online communities are a waste of