The New Adventures of Batman Essays

  • Batman Arkham Knight Research Paper

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    Batman Arkham Knight: A Video Game Sensation Video game fanatics who have not yet played Batman Arkham Knight are missing out on the best superhero action game of all time. Batman Arkham Knight was created by developer Rocksteady Studios and released on June 23, 2015. It is an outstanding superhero action game because of its smooth gameplay experience and amazing graphics, interactive story, and balanced gameplay mechanics. Players will immediately notice the polished, efficient gameplay

  • Batman and the Mythology Behind the Story

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    After Batman Begins, Batman starts to raise the bar on defeating crime in Gotham. Lieutenant James Gordon and district attorney Harvey Dent help with convicting criminals within Gotham, but a new super villain comes into play, the Joker. With the new criminal mastermind, Batman is soon forced to question everything he believes in. The Joker will also take the first fully fledged supporter of Batman and make him question everything, especially Batman. A hero’s call to adventure is what makes them

  • Batman: Arkham Origins

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    The video game “Batman: Arkham Origins” is a very bold and enticing tale into the Batman mythology. The game tells an epic tale in a lively vivid Gotham City and puts you in the cape and cowl of Batman himself using everything he possess at his disposal; both in his skills as a detective and his legendary arsenal of gadgets. It is Christmas Eve and Batman has a fifty million dollar bounty on his head set by the criminal Black Mask. Set in the second year of Bruce Wayne’s crime fighting career. You

  • Bruce Wayne Hero's Journey

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    from his mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man”. If we link this idea of the hero’s journey and compare it to the life a Bruce Wayne in the film trilogy we discover that throughout the three films, there is quite distinct cycle that the batman follows. “He is the hero that Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now.” Police commissioner Gordon. First is the call to adventure this is when the hero first gets the call to embark on an adventure. But even before

  • Batman: Through the Years

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    Batman: Through the Years The Caped Crusader, the Dark Knight, Bruce Wayne, these are all aliases for an enigmatic character in popular culture most commonly known as Batman. While having his humble origins in the pulp magazines of the late 1930’s, over the span of his existence, he has expanded into a full-blown franchise. There have been 3 TV shows on him, 4 movies (1 more still in the making), various videogames, and over 20 comic book series that currently feature his name. Even after

  • Batman Vs Spiderman

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    world of superheroes, but two of the most famous are Spider-Man and Batman. Both of them are very different, but they also have many similarities in themselves. From the hero with a sidekick, to the hero all for himself, will show the true characteristics of the heroes and the world of trouble they go through to protect the city, and themselves. The American comic book writer Bob Kane, created a fictional superhero named Batman, along with the enemies the Joker and the Penguin. The Joker is known

  • Harleen Quinn Research Paper

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    such as “Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker” and the retelling of Mr. Freeze’s origin in the Batman animated series. She was modelled after one of Dini’s friends, Arleen Sorkin, from Days of our Lives. He even borrowed some personality traits from Sorkin and allowed her to voice the character. Unlike most comic book characters, she was introduced on a television series and then later added to the comics as she rose in popularity. Her first appearance is on the television series, “Batman: The Animated

  • Fear In Batman

    606 Words  | 2 Pages

    The film Batman Begins co written and directed by Christopher Nolan uses the concept of fear and loss to show how people learn to pick themselves up after they fall. Christopher Nolan used Batman’s Journey as a hero to reveal how Bruce Wayne went from a shattered orphaned boy to a justice seeking hero. Through his life he was able to learn from his past and fears and he was able to become whole again. Upon doing so, he was able to live his life without having fear, he was able to finally accept what

  • The United States: The Evolution Of Comic Books

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    Comic Books In the United States, there are many subcultures. Subcultures come in a variety of forms. Comic books are a subculture that is always evolving. A subculture is group within a larger culture, often having beliefs or interests at variance with those of the larger culture (dictionary). From the beginning of comic books, people have been skeptical about how successful they would become and how it would impact our society. Comic books evolution has gone from only being able to read picture

  • Analysis Of The Dark Knight Rises

    843 Words  | 2 Pages

    The third installment of Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy starts eight years after The Dark Knight ends, while Batman is still struggling with the defeat he suffered at the hands of the Joker. Early on in The Dark Knight Rises, it is made clear that Bruce Wayne, the hero whom is better known as Batman, has hung up his cape and turned into a recluse. At a social event at the Wayne mansion, Gotham’s mayor, city commissioner, police chief, and other high profile officials are all seen remembering

  • Harley Quinn

    1442 Words  | 3 Pages

    Before Amanda Conner’s and Jim Palmiotti’s Harley Quinn, Harley had a short—well, short for a comic book character—and successful career, appearing in television shows, Batman comics, her own lead comic, and as a lead in two different team comics. On September 11, 1992, Harley Quinn debuted as the Joker’s “hench-wench” on Batman: The Animated Series, created under the direction of Paul Dini and Bruce Timm. Arleen Sorkin, a main contributor to her continuation on the series, voiced the character

  • Batman Character Analysis

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    Batman is one of the most complex and interesting characters in fiction created in the last 100 years. Created by Bob Kane and Bill finger in Detective Comics Issue 27 in 1939 Batman is seen as the worlds second Super-Hero debuting just a year after Superman who had debuted in Action Comics Issue one the previous year which Kick started off what is known as the Golden Age of Comics. Since then Batman has been in movies whether its the Tim Burton films of the late eighties to the early nineties or

  • Quotes From Propp's Morphology Of Fairy Tales

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    One Quote from Propp: “The number of functions known to a fairy tale is limited”. Propp is explaining how no matter how much you change an fairy tale or what you add to it, there will be somethings you can't change. Like prince will rescue a princess, the bad guy will deceive someone important but the good guy will end up winning in the end. It doesn't matter if the characters who take these actions change, the actions themselves won't change the ending of the fairy tales, it will just end up happily

  • Bruce and Clark

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    had heard of Batman and or Superman, one could bet that those names would be labeled as special and significant. Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent otherwise known as Batman and Superman have lived in America's comic books, movies, cartoons and hearts for well over fifty years. Protecting the streets of Gotham City and Metropolis, these crime fighters have given a great deal to humanity, and although they have many similarities, their childhood and upbringing are quite different. Batman and Superman have

  • What Are The Similarities Between Batman Begins And Star Wars

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    Comparing Batman Begins and Star Wars IV: A New Hope It is undeniable that both Batman Begins and Star Wars IV: A New Hope follow the famous formula known as the Hero's Journey. Within both of these movies, there are similarities and differences concerning the path that the hero takes. Both live in a city (or galaxy) where evil is present and very little is being done to stop the villains. Another similarity between the two movies is that both Bruce and Luke grow up most of their lives without

  • Who Is the Best Superhero?

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    sees the Batman costume and thinks he wants to be wearing it, but he still is not certain. With Halloween only two weeks away, he decides to seek professional help. His Uncle Buck has read literally every comic book that has been printed. His mother takes Francis to Buck’s house to get some advice and stay the night. Uncle Buck tells him all about Batman. After staying up all night listening about Batman, Francis has finally made his decision. Batman is the best superhero. One reason Batman is the

  • From Homer’s Odyssey to Star Wars - The Unchanging Path of the Hero

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    been one of the most entertaining figures. It has always been fun and interesting to read about heroic stories and about different obstacles that heroes had overcome. When someone mentions the word "hero" it is more likely to think of characters like Batman or James Bond, but it is for sure that if we had the chance to ask the same question centuries before, the answer would have been different. From comics or TV it is seen that heroes change physically and spiritually through time, but the heroic pattern

  • The Mystic Knights Band and Daniel Robert Elfman

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    Circus. He then decided to travel through Ghana, Mali, and Upper Volta in Africa experiencing new musical styles that would influence his own style. While in Africa he contracted malaria. When he finally returned to the United States he began studying at CalArts even though he was not really a student there. In 1972 Richard Elfman began a band known as The Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo that was a new wave band when he left the band to become a filmmaker. In 1976 Danny took over the band until

  • Batman Research Paper

    1009 Words  | 3 Pages

    Hollywood has been experiencing a recent upsurge of superhero movies, in the last 5 years alone there have been dozens upon dozens of superhero film production debuts - both live action and animated. The superhero action adventure blockbuster sensation Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hit theaters this Spring in 2016, backed with a 250 million dollar budget, director Zack Snyder pits the Dark Knight against the Man of Steel. Years have passed since our hero Kahl El battled and defeated the evil

  • Journey In Batman's Journey

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    to the job. With a full journey ahead of him Bruce Wayne needed to fill the shoes of the man he was raised to become, but before that he would have to gain the worthiness and insight of what it is to be a full-fledged criminal. The Threshold: With a new life approaching, Wayne had left his innocence and values behind whilst enduring the mental and physical pain of becoming someone else. As a spiritual guide or supernatural aid, Ra’s al Ghul coaches Bruce with combat skills and guides him towards the