Surgical instrument Essays

  • Operating Room Scenarios

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    positions the client, gets any equipment or supplies the tech, surgical nurse, and surgeon may need. The circulating nurse keeps a log of what happens during the surgery, and reconciles the supplies and equipment that was used for the surgery matches the inventory. The circulating nurse takes the client out to post op and does a handoff report to the nurse. 3. Describe how the operating room team identifies the client and surgical site. Before the procedure begins the circulating nurse goes over

  • The Discovery and Controversy over the First Use of Surgical Anesthesi

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    The Discovery and Controversy over the First Use of Surgical Anesthesi Dennis Brindell Fradin wrote in ”We Have Conquered Pain”: The Discovery of Anesthesia, “We take it for granted that we can sleep through operations without feeling any pain. But until about 150 years ago, the operating room was a virtual torture chamber because surgeons had no way to prevent the pain caused by their healing knives.” Fradin is right. Since several analyses of archaic human bones have proven that people have

  • Abortion

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    one of the most common and safest surgical procedures. “About 1.5 million American women choose to have induced abortions each year. Less than 1% of all abortion patients experience a major complication associated with the procedure” (Kuechler 1996). A medical abortion is one that is brought about by taking medications that will end a pregnancy. The alternative is surgical abortion, which ends a pregnancy by emptying the uterus or womb with special instruments. “A medical abortion is usually done

  • Professional Communication

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    Counts at Work." Forbes. 20 July 2012. 4 Feb.2014 . Weins, Kyle. "I Won't Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here's Why." Harvard Business Review: HRB Blog Network. 20 July 2012. 4 Feb.2014 . Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, “Surgical Technologists” Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2014-15. 12 Feb. 2014 .

  • Pediatric Ethics and the Surgical Assignment of Sex

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    Pediatric Ethics and the Surgical Assignment of Sex One in every 2,000 babies born every year are neither male nor female, they are what is known as hermaphrodites. These children and their families are forced into a life of hardship and encounter many conflicts, which need to be addressed. Should the parents choose the assignment of the sex to a newborn child and subject them to a life of surgery and doctor visits? There are 100 to 200 pediatric surgical reassignments every year. Many of these

  • Internet Telesurgery Saves Lives

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    technology is the development of telesurgery over recent years. Telesurgery is a way to perform surgical operations without having the doctor in direct contact with the patient during surgery. This is made possible by giving the doctor control of robotic operating tools. The doctor can perform the surgery from almost any distance while the patient receives the surgery from remote control robotic operating instruments. What enables the doctor to control the surgery is a powerful Internet link to connect the

  • Microsurgery: Sewing Blood Vessels and Nerves Back Together

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    in microsurgery. In the operating room , the surgeon doesn't stand, but sits in a chair that supports her body. Her arm is cradled by a pillow. Scalpels are present as are other standard surgical tools, but the suture threads are almost invisible, the needle thinner than a human hair. And all the surgical activity revolves around the most important instument, the microscope. The surgeon will spend the next few hours looking through the microscope at broken blood vessels and nerves and sewing

  • The Gross Clinic

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    In 1874, Thomas Eakins took a second course in anatomy at Jefferson Medical College. He attended surgical lectures and clinics presided over by Professor Samuel D. Gross. Eakins painted “The Gross Clinic,” to show the emotion involved in medical procedures. It appears as if the doctors performing the surgery have emotionally removed themselves from the situation at hand. By removing themselves from the emotional aspects of the surgery, the doctors can complete the task much easier than they would

  • Career Profile: Surgical Technologist

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    operating room (OR). A place filled with pressure, intensity, high hopes, and stress. There to help control the environment is a surgical technologist. While preparing patients for surgery, surgical technologists manage the equipment and operating room, follow the instructions of the surgeon, and ensure the safety of the patient. Surgical technologists are members of the surgical team who work in the operating room with surgeons, nurses, anesthesiologists, and other personnel before, during and after

  • Cropping Boxers

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    ear cropping. The boxer, of course is the boxer dog. A breed that by custom and by standards typically undergoes a surgical procedure designed to turn it’s naturally floppy-style ear into ears that stand tall, stiff, and erect.(Abraham 8) Meanwhile at the other end of the Boxer’s well muscled physique, we find it’s tail, or what’s left of it. The tail you see also undergoes a surgical procedure. The tail is docked, meaning, in layman’s terms, that it is cut short.(Abraham10) It leaves the Boxer with

  • Advances in Medical Technology

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    the 1800s medical technology as made remarkable advances. The most basic instrument for a surgeon, which was a field in which Dr. Frankenstein was a pioneer, is the scalpel. There have been no drastic changes in the scalpel since it was first constructed. What has occurred are the refinements to the instrument. When Dr. Frankenstein wielded the instrument it was a simple steel blade with an ivory handle. Although the instrument was adequate it was not completely sterile because of the ivory handle

  • arzu v. arzu case brief

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    Division, reversed the decision of the lower court. STATEMENT OF FACTS: Richard Arzu underwent a surgical procedure to correct a condition he was born with; known as dwarfism. He became paralyzed from the waist down as a result of the operation. Through legal representatives, Richard was awarded a substantial structured settlement from his malpractice action against the hospital that performed the said surgical procedure. The settlement payments were deposited into a joint account between Richard and Frank

  • Abortion - No Right or Wrong Answer

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    tendency in some women for pregnancies to end in spontaneous abortions. (2) Incomplete abortion, one in which the fetus is expelled[…]dilation may be required to empty the uterus. (3) Induced abortion, intentional termination of pregnancy by a surgical procedure. (4) Septic abortion, abortion accompanied by bacterial infection of the uterus. (5) Spontaneous abortion, one which has not been deliberately induced. Spontaneous abortions are often preceded by fetal death. (6) Therapeutic abortion

  • How to Use Bandages

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    When preparing to bandage a wound, always choose the proper bandage type for the wound or surface that will be bandaged. Make certain that the bandage is wide enough to cover the surface area. Always sanitize your hand prior to applying the bandage. I will tell you how to apply a bandage to the right arm. When applying the circular bandage, use your left hand to hold the bandage in place at the starting point and wrap from left to right around the site in a circular motion. Keep the bandage close

  • Mental Illness

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    that mental illness has existed this long is due to anthropologists finding skulls with holes gashed in them. These skulls look very similar to skulls that have had the process of trepanning performed on them. The process of trepanning is simply the surgical procedure of creating a hole in the skull. Scientists believe that this procedure was done in order to let out the evil spirits which doctors thought possessed the mentally ill of this time. The literature of ancient Greece also contains evidence

  • Flowers For Algernon

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    whenever Charlie and Algernon run a race (Algernon is in a real maze; Charlie has a pencil-and-paper version), Algernon wins. How did that mouse get to be so special, Charlie wonders? The answer is that Algernon's IQ has been tripled by an experimental surgical procedure. The scientists who performed the experiment now need a human subject to test, and Charlie has been recommended to them by his night-school teacher, Miss Kinnian. Charlie's a good candidate for the procedure, because even though he currently

  • Kitten and Puppy: What´s Atresia Ani

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    closure (Bright & Bauer, 1994). It is uncommon to found atresia ani case in small animals and the true incidence of atresia ani cases cannot be determined as most of the affected newborn kittens or puppies will be euthanized due to the hypothesis that surgical repair for atresia ani is usually unsuccessful (Prassinos et al.,. 2003; Mahler & Williams, 2005;Viana & Tobias, 2005). Atresia ani is less acute in female when the cases is accompanied by a rectovaginal fistula as feces can be voided through vaginal

  • Example Of A Hardworking Person

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    on my own. Lastly, I am currently a full-time student, motivated and dedicated to learning and succeeding the ropes of my dream job. I am currently finishing up my last year at Ivy Tech Community College in the Surgical Technology program. Therefore, I wish to become a Certified Surgical Technologist and one-day work at Riley Children’s Hospital. After I finish the Surg Tech program I have had more thoughts about moving on and becoming an

  • Circumcision To Be Or Not To Be

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    truly the question. Before John can make a wise, educated decision he must first understand what circumcision is, why it is done, how it is done, how it affects the natural functions of the penis, and what the alternatives are. “Circumcision is a surgical procedure in which the skin covering the end of the penis (called the foreskin) is removed exposing the glans (head or tip of the penis)”(Love) The procedure is usually done on infants in the first few days of their life. A doctor does the procedure

  • how to mare black powder

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    chlorates). For the same reason, use separate instruments (plastic spoons, mixing cups, etc) for different chemicals. Label your instruments so that you know what materials they have been in contact with. 3) Mix materials outdoors. Chemical explosives contain their own internal source of oxygen, and cannot be smothered. If you start a chemical fire indoors, it can be nearly impossible to extinguish. 4) Be aware of static sparks. Do not use metal instruments to mix or grind materials. Do not store chemicals