Supernanny Essays

  • The Stress Caused by Nanny 911

    1065 Words  | 3 Pages

    Nov 2013. "The Paul Family." Nanny 911. Netflix. Web. 13 Nov 2013. Poniewozik, James. “What’s Right With Reality TV.” Time 175.7 (2010): 92-97. Academic Search Complete. Web. 17 May 2013. "The Rock Family." Nanny 911. Netflix. Web. 13 Nov 2013. "Supernanny." N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Dec. 2013. .

  • Should parents assume equal responsibilities when raising a child?

    1318 Words  | 3 Pages

    For thousands of years until today, the best way to officially be the partner of someone is through marriage. People have practiced marriage for thousands of years. Many cultures see marriage as the best method to celebrate the love of a couple until death tears them apart. “Marriage establishes and maintains family, creates and sustains the ties of kinship, and is the basis of community” (Rowe 2). Marriage is a concept bigger than ones happiness and it is the basic for creating a peaceful home for

  • The Importance Of Discipline On Children

    1440 Words  | 3 Pages

    “Spare the rod, spoil the child.” –The Bible. Discipline is a vital requirement when it comes to raising children. If they are not properly disciplined, they are not prepared for life. Some believe spanking does more harm than good, but there is a vast difference between healthy discipline and abuse. The lack of discipline in America has led to a decline in society because of a misconception about the correct way to discipline children. I. There has been a misconception about how to properly discipline

  • Alfie Kohn's When a Parent's I Love You Means Do as I Say

    662 Words  | 2 Pages

    concept of parents thinking that punishing a child should be by giving and taking of their attention and affections towards a child in the hope that the child will act right only to receive approval from their parents. I’ve watched Jo Frost in the Supernanny and she makes it seem easy to completely change a child’s behavior by resorting to time out and isolation but what works for a handful of children won’t work for all. It’s a very debating topic for parents because there are pros and cons of conditional

  • Patience Necessary for the 21st Century

    795 Words  | 2 Pages

    been my refuge during hard times and difficult situations. However, I didn’t really grasp the meaning of patience until I was about fifteen when I got my first babysitting job. At first, it was a nightmare. It was like stepping into an episode of Supernanny and I was Jo Frost…just much less confident in my nannying skills. The children were loud, obnoxious, and bad-mannered. They had absolutely no disregard for anyone but themselves. The first time I met them I was about ready to run for the hills

  • Effects Of Corporal Punishment

    1252 Words  | 3 Pages

    The first thing to look at is the immediate effect physical force has on the child. Seasoned child care provider, author, and host of the international hit television series Supernanny, Jo Frost points out in her latest book that “inflicting pain on a child shuts down the good-judgement part of the brain which then reverts to basic primitive processing, fight-or-flight.” Instead of the child processing what they did that was wrong

  • I Love Me Study Guide

    991 Words  | 2 Pages

    1. The way you smell. 2. How you light up the whole room when you smile. 3. How you still get shy about things. 4. How you’re always just adorably cute. 5. Your gorgeous eyes. 6. How you are yourself around everyone and wouldn’t change for anyone. 7. The way you laugh when I tickle you. 8. How you laugh in general. 9. When you cry. 10. The look in your eyes before you kiss me. 11. That you tell me secrets that your friends don’t even know. 12. How I can trust you with my life. 13. How you need me