Silvio Berlusconi Essays

  • Italy's Economic Growth

    1555 Words  | 4 Pages

    segment. Politically, Italy has the structure of a parliament system, in which its executive powers are delegated through the Council of Ministers. This Council is led by the “primo ministro” or “prime minister.” Italy’s current prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi was recently attacked by a emotionally unstable extremist. He was hit in the face repeatedly suffering a facial contusion by a northern extremist. The international character of I... ... middle of paper ... ...nefits. Italy’s unemployment

  • Heartbeat of a City: The Influence of Soccer in Rome

    3202 Words  | 7 Pages

    Heartbeat of a City: The Influence of Soccer in Rome The first time I went to Italy the taxi driver that picked my parents and I up at Rome’s Fiumicino airport had his radio turned to a station playing a Serie A soccer match between two Italian powerhouse teams, AS Roma and Turin’s Juventus FC. At first I just assumed the low-level, even sound of the announcers voice was merely a talk radio show, but as I heard the excitement in his voice build as each team became closer to scoring, and the background

  • The Collapse of Parmalat

    2245 Words  | 5 Pages

    Thursday, May 2, 2011, Calisto Tanzi was jailed on a conviction of market rigging related to the collapse of ‘the dairy giant empire’ Parmalat more than seven years ago. Italy’s highest court upheld Tanzi’s conviction. The Rome court reduced the sentence from ten years to eight years and one month in prison. Tanzi, along with former executives were ordered to pay the company $2.9 billion and compensate defrauded investors in an amount estimated at about $44 million. (“Ex-Parmalat Chief,” 2011)

  • The Roles Of Mark Anthony And The Power Of Power

    626 Words  | 2 Pages

    It is often said that there is always a woman behind every successful man. Some would however like to argue that the truth actually works the other way round. Women are greatly attracted to the flames of power and influence. Hence there is no surprise in the fact that many world leaders are supposed to have been the proverbial ‘Ladies’ Men’. The instances of womanizing rulers are available a dime a dozen. They have been operational in the medieval times. They are still in the fray today. Here we

  • Argumentative Essay: Is Restoration Justified?

    691 Words  | 2 Pages

    As the grand parade of time marches on, it tramples over the delicate arts, taking with it pieces irreplaceably stolen, never to fully return. However, modern restoration techniques can bring these muddled, damaged, and tainted works of art into the light to be enjoyed more thoroughly as they once were. By stripping these pieces of the hardships endured throughout the years and bringing out their originality, restoration leaves the viewer with a more accurate perception of what the piece always has

  • Italian Culture and Society

    1101 Words  | 3 Pages

    As the world evolves so do the people within it, but without much surprise some things do not change that drastically and one of those things is the culture in which a person was born and raised. Even though ones culture or way of life may progress in some ways, it does not totally change. The topic of discussion for this paper will be that of the Italian culture. Who are they really? What types of challenges do they face? Many other topics will be discussed about the Italian society, but first we

  • Theories Of Media Convergence

    1433 Words  | 3 Pages

    Spanish scholar Alfonso Sanchez-Tabernero explained the same significant situation in Europe in his Competition between Public Service and Commercial Television in the European Market (2004) and Media Concentration in the European Market, New Trends and Challenges (2002). Since the early development of television industry, many European countries chose another other than “American Model”. They trusted that state-owned cable networks can effectively ensure their political discourse and cultural diversity

  • Transhumanism theme in Deus Ex:Human revolution- technological vs. ethics

    1417 Words  | 3 Pages

    The main protagonist of Deus ex, Adam Jensen is the personification of transhumanism. Adam Jensen is both the dream and nightmare of transhumanism(DE:HR). After a terrorist attack on his place of work, Sarif Industries, by the Tyrants: a mysterious black ops group consisting of highly augmented mercenaries, he was shot in the head and left for dead. While this would signify death, because of advancements in biotechnology and a hidden clause in his job contract, he was revived and severely augmented

  • The Influence Of Media Ownership

    1634 Words  | 4 Pages

    Berlusconi, an important figure in Italian broadcasting and publishing, used media to win over the public. As the owner of television networks, he was able to get four times the exposure of other candidates on television. As prime minister, he had the right

  • The Evolution of Advertisment in The Persuaders

    1607 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Influence of Advertising Advertising is as old as civilization itself. They are forever interconnected. If one changes then so does the other. So as our society evolved dramatically by the influence of technology and social media, so did the way we advertised. With the power of technology, advertising gained the ability to be everywhere at once. These locations ranged from billboards, to projector screens that hang from skyscrapers, to even in your homes in the form of commercials. The evolution

  • The Pros And Cons Of Liberal Democracy

    2165 Words  | 5 Pages

    In his book, The Origins of Political Order, Fukuyama considers Liberal Democracy (Fukuyama, 2011) to be the most stable form for a state to adopt. To be considered a Liberal Democracy a state must balance the principle of popular consent, the need for limited government intervention and the protection of individual liberties. The model of separation of powers and a series of checks and balances ensures that no branch of government can dominate the political agenda. Similarly, the rule of law preserves

  • The Role Of Sexism In The 21st Century

    1994 Words  | 4 Pages

    Isabel Carreiro Professor Melissa Laudini Composition 1 9 February 2015 Modern Sexism: Its Role in 21st Century Society Sexism runs deeply within the roots of society, remaining hidden while the effects of it remain blatant; sexism is not quite as obviously relevant as in years past, yet it still impassions modern feminists—and with good reason. Women are patronized and sexualized on a day­to­day basis, enduring cat­calls, sexual assault threats, physical and emotional

  • How Did the Cold War Affect the Politics of Germany and Italy?

    1982 Words  | 4 Pages

    How did the Cold War affect the politics of Germany and Italy? The Cold War was the most important historic event in the 20th century after the Second World War, from 1945 till 1991 between two most powerful countries in that period – Soviet Union and USA. The Cold War invested a lot in world politics. What is the Cold War? This was a war for dominance in the world. In 1945 the USA was the only one country in the world that had the nuclear weapons. But in the 1949 USSR started to learn their nuclear

  • Al Jazeera Essay

    2702 Words  | 6 Pages

    Introduction and relevance of the topic in today’s world. Democratisation ideas sweep across the borders even in the most authoritarian states. Through the development in technology, especially IT, and the development of travel means asserting the grater flow of people - the spread of new ideas becomes inevitable. Though the current trends cannot insure the strong link between globalization and democracy. Lets take an example of Singapore which at the A.T. Kearny/Foreign Policy magazine Globalization

  • Public Opinion and Television

    5266 Words  | 11 Pages

    Public Opinion and Television The paper explores how dangerous such an important mass media as TV can be, if too many power is concentrated in just a few hands, and how our perception of reality can be manipulated by the selection and manipulation of information presented on TV. Introduction The following term paper deals with the development of television from its early beginnings in the 1920s up to now. My attention focuses on the powers which influence what is shown on TV and the analysis