The Role Of Sexism In The 21st Century

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Isabel Carreiro
Professor Melissa Laudini
Composition 1
9 February 2015 Modern Sexism: Its Role in 21st Century Society

Sexism runs deeply within the roots of society, remaining hidden while the effects of it remain blatant; sexism is not quite as obviously relevant as in years past, yet it still impassions modern feminists—and with good reason. Women are patronized and sexualized on a day­to­day basis, enduring cat­calls, sexual assault threats, physical and emotional abuse, and unfair degradation and humiliation from men. While sexism seems to many an issue of the past, it plays a large role in modern society and its attributes, such as the beauty industry, education, workforce, and even politics; it is …show more content…

The patriarchy—a system or society in which men hold power—is often the cause of current sexism. The patriarchy is what establishes women as lesser than men and demonizes them for basic human functions, such as having thoughts and opinions. The patriarchy has negatively affected women for years and continues to do so, even if done unknowingly. Men in the 21st century continue to oppress women through this thought system that has existed for decades, causing men to see women in a lesser degree than they see themselves. Men today, in many cultures, even developed ones, tend to see themselves as dominant over women and have a harmful tendency to disregard women as a …show more content…

According to Chloe Hamilton (2014), there is widespread female discrimination within the field of architecture. The construction industry has, quite apparently, not fully accepted females yet. According to a poll done by Women in Architecture (2013), 66% of women in the field suffer sexual discrimination and 31% reported being sexually discriminated or harassed on a monthly or quarterly basis. Respect for women has not yet been achieved in this particular industry, despite women having entirely equal skill as men. This sort of discrimination happens in many fields, not just architecture. Women are almost always going to face sexism to some degree in their field, whether it be explicit or

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