Shotgun house Essays

  • Gun Control: Annotated Bibliography

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    Frates, Chris. “The Gun Debate Isn’t Over Yet.” National Journal (2013): Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Web. 31 Oct. 2013. In this article written by Chris Frates, the author talks about how democrats and republicans are going back, and forth on gun control laws. Both parties are finding it difficult to come to an agreement. While leaving republicans asking the question “How do you take away Americans 2nd Amendment?” It’s a tricky situation as republicans, and congress continue to try

  • Personal Narrative: Trap Shootings

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    that it is not a very easy sport to coach. Different ranges will have different scenery, but they all have the same setup. Every range is a little bit different, Singles is where one shooter will shoot one target at a time on the 16 yard square. As shotgun shells come in boxes of 25, the shooter will shoot 5 shots at each post and move one post to the right. There can be up to five shooters on the line at one time, and any number less can be spread across the 16 yard posts at their will. If there is

  • position paper rough draft

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    then placed restrictions and tried to confiscate all gun powder and prevent it from being shipped to the colonies. The colonists then switched to black powder, which was more unstable and had to be stored in special buildings that were called powder houses. These buildings were made out of thick layers of brick and were cool, dark, and dry. Muskets were considered a very dangerous weapon at the time, yet the colonists sought the rights to own weapons both personally and for their town militias. When

  • Examples Of Survival In The Hunger Games

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    nearest safe house (a hunting blind). I had a 12 gauge shotgun, plus a .40 caliber pistol, while Daniel had nothing more than binoculars, water, and sunscreen. We were only 10 yards away from the entrance when we heard rustling coming from the bushes behind us, I whispered to Daniel to sprint to the door, and I’ll be right behind him. As soon as he ran, a colossal male boar charged, I didn’t wish to kill anything if it hadn’t come down to it, but to survive I shot 1 shot from the shotgun to halt the

  • Serial Killer Project Report

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    matched the ones fired from his weapon. The authorities then retrieved a search warrant to search the apartment where Caratachea was living with Jonathan Doody along with Alessandro Garcia. In their apartment, a 20-gauge shotgun was found, and was later matched up to the 20-gauge shotgun shells found at the scene of the massacre.

  • Argumentative Essay: Should Assault Weapons Be Banned?

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    banned because if something goes wrong people should be able to defend they. If a robber comes in someones house people are able to shoot or protect they from danger. It is important to be able to carry a weapon if they feel defenseless or easy to pick on. A woman was getting robbed while the dad of her baby was out for the moment so she was fearful of her baby being taken. The woman had a shotgun and asked the police if it was okay to shoot him and they said if he enters they dwelling they are able

  • Summer at the Cabin

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    Summer at the Cabin The cabin was built in the 1950's when my Great Grandpa rode up there, and it looks like not many repairs have been made since that time. The cabin is about 15 feet by 20 feet, and is made out of pine logs. There are places where you can see between the logs because the chinking is falling out. The cabin faces to the east. It has a small porch that was made by leaving the first four logs of the cabin about six feet longer than the rest. There is a small set of corrals in

  • Persuasive Essay: America Needs Gun Control

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    guns! Although this may seem unbelievable, it is possible because the second amendment of the United States Constitution gives citizens the right to possess and carry guns. It is understandable that Americans would want to possess guns such as shotguns and rifles for the popular sport of hunting. However, it is ridiculous that our government would allow people to carry handguns. Handgun possession should be strictly limited, because they are made solely to kill people, they have increased the

  • Stun Gun Research Paper

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    How To Use A Stun Gun Properly A lot of stun gun supporters will say that it is a lot more effective than pepper spray and it is a lot easier and more efficient to use. However, if you have absolutely no idea on how to use a stun gun properly, it will likely fail to protect you and/or cause more harm than good. Therefore, if you either have a stun gun or you plan on purchasing one, you will want to follow some tips to ensure that you use it properly when you need it. How To Use A Stun Gun Properly:

  • How To Do Hunting Persuasive Essay

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    know if we will this year. I will tell you how to load a gun safely and properly. I will also tell the different ways you can load it. It is one of the most important things to do in hunting. The type of gun that I am showing how to load is a pump shotgun. Other guns are semi- automatic, pump, and single shot. The first step is to take the gun out of the case. When the gun is out of the case and ready

  • Remington 11-87 Gun Cleaning Process Analysis

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    the gun to continue to work properly and efficiently. I will be discussing why you should clean your gun, when you should clean your gun, and finally how to disassemble, clean, and reassemble a Remington 11-87 semi-automatic 12 gauge shotgun. Every time a shotgun is fired, carbon, lead, copper, and plastic residues are left in the barrel, chamber, and action (Wiley). Consequently, each time your gun is fired more of this residue develops. This is caused from the powder, wads, and bullets passing

  • 22 Long Rifle Definition

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    According to Merriam-Webster (n.d.), a caliber is the diameter of a bullet or other projectile. Much like the .30 caliber, the .22 caliber confusion is similar. The .22 caliber refers to the projectiles diameter only. The confusion is about the diameter and cartridge case size. Some people automatically think .22 Long Rifle, when they hear .22 caliber. People don’t realize that there are almost 20 different cartridges in both; rimfire and centerfire that contain a, .22 caliber projectile. The Rimfire

  • Bullet in the Brain

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    bank. Two men wearing black ski masks and blue business suits were standing to the side of the door. One of them had a pistol pressed against the guard’s neck. The guard’s eyes were closed, and his lips were moving. The other man had a sawed-off shotgun. “Keep your big mouth shut!” the man with the pistol said, though no one had spoken a word. “One of you tellers hits the alarm, you’re all dead meat. Got it?” The tellers nodded. “Oh, bravo,” Anders said. “Dead meat.” He turned to the woman in

  • Should New York State repeal the SAFE act?

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    Should NYS repeal the SAFE Act? The Most opposed piece of legislation in state history. If you own a firearm in New York State you know about the secure ammunition and firearms enforcement act or SAFE act for short. What you may not know about it though is much more important. What most people don’t realize is that this law is under more opposition than any other law in the state’s history “As of 3/11/2013, we've had 127,715 people sign the petition!” (New York senator Kathleen Marchione). There

  • John Moses Browning: The Father Of Modern Firearm Designs

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    John Moses Browning who is often referred to as the “Father of modern firearms” was born in Ogden, Utah on January 23, 1855. The younger John Browning was well suited for his soon to be chosen field of firearms manufacturer as his father Johnathan had been a gunsmith for many years with many original firearm designs of his own. This afforded John Browning the opportunity to be exposed to the art of gunsmithing early on, and his ingenuity and God given abilities were quickly compounded by the invention

  • Argumentative Essay: Guns Save Lives

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    The NRA argues that the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees individuals the right to own and carry guns. They are concerned that federal regulations will continue to increase until owning a handgun will be difficult to achieve, infringing on their Constitutional rights. They also argue that if law-abiding citizens have guns, they are safer from criminals, bringing crime rates down. Con 1 Freedom has a price. For free speech the price is political dissent like flag burning

  • Examining the Ineffectiveness of Gun Control

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    A Case Against Gun Control It seems to be all over the news these days. The next big mass shooting has occurred and the politicians are clambering for stronger regulations. Meanwhile, the American public goes into panic mode and flocks to the nearest gun store to buy anything and everything that soon might be ripped from the market. Time and time again, this same series of events occurs. Questions about how to fix this likely weigh heavily on people 's minds but, there seems to be no solution. Some

  • Information & Importance of Homes

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    Houses are fascinating for some people; others just look at them as a roof and shelter from the weather. Each house can be unique and intriguing with its exterior paint colors, or the type of trim used, maybe it is the roofline for that house or the curving chimney on that house. Each house is or was someone’s home at one point and as different as people are, so too are their homes. Some might not see beauty in a new home, but they have a form and style that is unique to their era. Some people will

  • The Analysis of the Port Sunlight

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    The Analysis of the Port Sunlight In the context of the Victorian era, in which it was conceived, the creation of Port Sunlight Village by William Hesketh Lever was unparalleled. The tumultuous changes wreaked by the Industrial Revolution still had not been fully embraced even as late as the early twentieth century. The combination of a content, healthy and efficient workforce was a vision held by some philosophers and luminaries of the time but Lever was one of the first entrepreneurs

  • What influences demand for housing?

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    it isn't as simple as it would first appear. You could just say the public will buy a house and the more public there is there is more demand for the good. This in turn would allow housing companies to charge larger prices and so only the rich can afford it. The problem is that people don't have to buy a house they can rent one or share one. As well as these factors they can take out a loan to buy the house and pay it back over a period of time. Loan companies charge interest and when interest