Shikoku Essays

  • Japan

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    Okhotsk, on the east by the Pacific Ocean, on the south by the Pacific Ocean and the East China Sea, and on the west by the Korea Strait and the Sea of Japan. I. Geography a.) Land Japan is made up of four islands: Hokkaido, Kyushu, Honshu, and Shikoku. The Entire country is smaller than the state of Montana. Honshu is the largest island of the four. It is a very mountainous island and features the Japanese Alps, which is home to Mount Fuji, Japan's highest peak. These Alps also harbor many active

  • Cultural Differences in The Regions of Japan

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    population is largely homogeneous, there is considerable regional diversity. This diversity is reflected in life-styles, dialects and speech differing patterns of historic and economical development. The four largest islands are Hokkaido(2), Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. Honshu, the largest island, is usually divided into five regions; Tohoku (3), Kanto (4),Chubu (5), Kinki(6), and Chugoku (7). According to Cultural Atlas of Japan, Hokkaido is Japan’s northern frontier.(1,p.23 ). Dominated by the

  • Japan's History and Geography

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    There is a country in the Pacific Rim and that country is Japan. Throughout this paper we will explore the topics of Japan’s history, government, economy, geography and topography, and Japans culture and customs. As we learn and explore these topics I leave this note fore the reader, “I hope I get a good score on this paper” (Sanne, page 1). Please enjoy the essay into which I poured my blood, tears, and valuable time. First off let me take back through time. Watch your step as you now proceed to

  • Japan

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    an island country in the North Pacific Ocean. It lies off the northeast coast of mainland Asia and faces Russia,Korea, and China. Four large islands and thousands of smaller ones make up Japan. The four major islands- Hokkaido,Honshu,Kyushu and Shikoku form a curve that extends for about 1,900 kilometres. Topography Japan is a land of great natural beauty. mountains and hills cover about 70% of the country. IN fact, Japanese islands consist of the rugged upper part of a great mountain range

  • Geography of Japan

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    Japan is located to the east of South and North Korea, China, and Russia. The Sea of Japan separates the Asian continent from the Japanese’s islands. Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu and Shikoku are the largest islands of the country. Japan officially divided into the following eight regions: Hokkaido, Chubu, Shikoku, Tohoku, Kinki/Kansai, Kyushu and Okinawa, Kanto, and Chugoku. The eight regions divide into 47 prefectures, which are similar to the 50 States in America. Eight Regions The Hokkaido

  • A History of Japan

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    one-hundred twenty miles west of the Korea Straight, separated from the rest of Asia. Japan has four main islands, Kyushu, Shikoku, Honshu and Hokkaido. The northern most island of Japan is Hokkaido. Just south of Hokkaido is the most populous island and is the center for growth and development. This island is called Honshu and contains three-fourths of the population. Shikoku and Kyushu are the last two islands and are south of Honshu. Based off of the beauty, the people of Japan believe that

  • The Poetry of Tosa Nikki and Oku No Hosomichi

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    written in the late 17th century during the Edo period of Japan. Ki no Tsurayuki’s Tosa nikki describes Tsurayuki’s return to his home in the capital after having completed his post as governor of the province of Tosa, which is on the Island of Shikoku just south of Kyoto. The Tosa nikki marked the beginning of what would become a great tradition of diary literature in the later periods of Japan. In the piece, Tsurayuki records his journey through the alleged perspective of a female companion

  • Nt1310 Unit 2 Research Paper

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    31.2 Japan is an island nation off the coast of East Asia. It is made up of four large islands and about 3,900 smaller ones. On a map, they form a thin crescent moon. All together, they form an area about the size of Montana. To the west, the sea of Japan separates it from its nearest neighbors, Korea and China. To the east lies the Pacific ocean. Japan has a moderate climate. Summers are nice. Winters are mild, with heavy snowfall limited to the north. Japan makes crops due to rain in the summer

  • Japan Essay

    568 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction- Japan Japan is located in the continent of Asia. This country is made up of many islands. There are four major islands in Japan which are Honshu, Hokkaido, Shikoku, and Kyushu. However, Honshu is the largest and most popular as well as home to Tokyo, Kyoto, and other major cities. Japan is often called "The Land of The Rising Sun” because it is located in the Far East and most peoples know that sun rises in the east. The Japanese also refers to their country as "Nippon" or Nihon" which

  • Essay On Millau Viaduct

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    Millau Viaduct The Millau Viaduct is located on Millau and Creissels, France. The bridge stretches across the Tarn River. It is the world's tallest cable-stayed bridge with a height of 343m (which is 40m more than the height of Eiffel Tower). It spans 2.6 km and has a net weight of about 266,000 tons. During summer, the roads stretching along Tarn valley, from Paris to Spain used to become jammed with holiday traffic, which created caused the necessity for construction of a bridge. The objective

  • Oda Nobunaga Research Paper

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    Biographies - 3rd May Oda Nobunaga Oda Nobunaga was a daimyo who ruled over Honshu, the main island of Japan. He was born in the 1530s, and was given the nickname, in his childhood, of “Owari no Ōutsuke”, or “The Big Fool of Owari.” His father Oda Nobuhide died when Nobunaga was in his 20s, and was reputed, at the funeral, to throw incense at the altar. Nobunaga’s superiors were convinced of his lack of discipline from his behaviour at the funeral, and began to support Nobunaga’s brother, Nobuyuki

  • Amazing Structure of the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge in Japan

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    This bridge, which opened in 1998, took ten years to build and upon its completion, acquired three world records. ( The Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge, that connected the Kobe area of the main island of Honshu with the Awaji-Shima area of the Shikoku island, became not only the world’s longest suspension bridge, but also the tallest, and was the most expensive to build. The final measurements of the bridge were 12,828 ft., the length of four Brooklyn Bridges, and each tower measured 928 ft. tall

  • Primate Behavior: The Japanese Macaque

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    The Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata) is a unique species of primate that has a distinct red appearance and an infamous classist society. The behavior of macaques can be partitioned into four categories: mating, parenting, communication, and culture. The Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata) is native to Japan, and is the most northerly occurring non-human primate in the animal kingdom (Mobilereference, 2008). They constitute a genus of terrestrial Old World monkeys from the subfamily of Cercopithecinae

  • Modernization Of Japan Essay

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    era before the Meiji era was a contributing factor of the modernization of Japan. According to Janet E. Hunter (1989), Japan was made up of islands that lies in an arch off the mainland of Northeast Asia and the four major islands were Hokkaido, Shikoku and Kyushu . Before the Meiji era of Japan, Hunter (1989) had noted that over the last twelve hundred years Japan was ruled under an imperial house that was stated to be a descendent of the Yamato clan, who had long pre-existed controlled over the

  • Tale Of Heike And Genji Comparison

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    Throughout the period of control and influence by the Fujiwara family, culture and art were of great importance. New writing styles emerged, including a new cursive form which was used for art, while women wrote books, and men were seen as beautiful and emotional. Although culture was of great importance, there were two groups vying for and controlling the power in Japan: the Heian court aristocracy and the warrior class. These two groups had similarities, but also key differences in their values

  • Japan and Japanese Culture

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    Japan is a large island off to the east of China it is a great country that has a rich culture. The Japanese religion is based off of two main beliefs, the belief in Shinto and Buddhism many Japanese people believe consider themselves both. The Japanese people were known to be around as early as 4,500 B.C. They have constructed their government style to a constitutional monarchy where they do in fact have an emperor, but he has limited power within the country. The main power of the country is held

  • Geography Of Japan Essay

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    their own protection and preservation. Japan has a land surface area of 145,902 square miles. It is a colossal island that has an even greater population of 126 million people. The four main islands are called Hokkaido, Honshu (the largest), Shikoku, and Kyushu. The size comparison of

  • The Poetry of Oku no Hosomichi and Tosa nikki

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    Two of Japanese most famous poets and authors of their time, Ki no Tsurayuki and Matsuo Bashou, are still important today for those same achievements. Both men wrote two well-known travel journals, and although they are labeled with the same title as “travel journal”, the two are very different. Ki no Tsurayuki wrote “Tosa Nikki,” around 936 in the Heian Period, and Matsuo Bashou, or simply Bashou, wrote “Oku no Hosomichi,” in 1689 in the Edo Period. The Heian Period seems more traditional whereas

  • Japanese Living Lifestyle Essay

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    mountains are volcanoes. Japan has about 200 volcanoes, 60 of which are still active (Somervill, 2012). Japan covers a total area of 145,882 square miles, making it about the size of the state of Montana. The four main islands are Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. Japan has a large population in relation to its land mass. Japan is a cultural society. They live their life with key factors in mind. One factor happens to be religion.

  • Japan: Past Actions, Current Influence

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    Most American citizens remember December 7, 1941 and the significance that the incidents of that day had. The attack on Pearl Harbor was a shock to the United States of America and it engaged our country in the Second World War of that century (Pearl, 2009). Unfortunately, due to that incident, many Americans harbor many negative feelings and attitudes towards the country of Japan. While this is an understandable sentiment, it is unnecessary, because Japan is an influence on not on the United