Scoliosis Essays

  • What is Scoliosis?

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    The human spine is a medical marvel of sorts, which is not only responsible for helping us to move or lift things, but to bare our body weight, and preserve a normal body alignment. It’s impossible to exist without a spine. Scoliosis is defined as the curvature of the spine and although it isn’t specifically considered a disease, it is very serious complication resulting from a multitude of different symptoms with no definite known cause. Fortunately, with the passing of time, and development of

  • Scoliosis Essay

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    Jennifer Arnold Scoliosis ICD-9:737.43 Everest-MIBC 05/16/2014 “Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine (Drymkowski, 2014).” The curves are often s-shaped or c-shaped. Anyone is able to get scoliosis. “The most common type is idiopathic scoliosis in children age 10 to 12 and in their early teens (who has scoliosis, 2009).” Girls are most likely to obtain this type of scoliosis compared to boys. (Who has scoliosis, 2009). Scoliosis was thought to be discovered in the time of Socrates

  • Scoliosis Research Paper

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    What is scoliosis? Scoliosis is a musculoskeletal disorder that causes the back to curve sideways like and “S” or a “C” and cause the body to lean to one side. Scoliosis can eventually if not looked into and not treated colid with your bodily organs like your heart, lungs, and kidneys. This can cause you to slump down into a hump and cause it hard to breath and do physical activity. Scoliosis is a condition that not many people have. It is a condition of the spine that makes the spine curve. Scoliosis

  • Scoliosis Surgery Essay

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    Taylor Gomes was diagnosed with scoliosis when she was 8. When she was 14, her curve had progressed, and her pediatrician knew it was time for her and her family to take a bigger step. It was time for a surgery to be performed on her, she had progress to 55 degrees. When the day arrived Taylor and her parents were confident as they could be. Several days after her surgery. Taylor has grown 2 inches after the surgery to correct the curve. Based on research scoliosis is best defined as a common spinal

  • Scoliosis Research Paper

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    disease affecting the spine by making an arch it is called scoliosis. Scoliosis is mainly now for its shaped S or C in the spinal column. Its twist and rotation has cause the deformation in different parts of the section of the spine. Scoliosis can be caused by different ways, such as congenital, idiopathic, neuromuscular, and degenerative. Therefore, treatment varies from using braces to surgery, depends its progression. Congenital scoliosis is a natural disease that causes misshapenness

  • Scoliosis Research Paper

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    Scoliosis Scoliosis is a lateral curvature in the normally straight vertical line of the spine. According to WebMD, when viewed from the side, the spine should show a mild roundness in the upper back and shows a degree of swayback (inward curvature) in the lower back. It is very noticeable when looking to see if a person has scoliosis. A person with scoliosis will have uneven shoulders, uneven waist, a more distinctive shoulder blade, or a hump towards the top of the spine. There are four different

  • Scoliosis: Musculoskeletal Disorder

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    Scoliosis is a musculoskeletal disorder that causes a sideways curvature of the spine or backbone. It has been present in the world for thousands of years, among people of every race, gender, culture, and country. A majority of the time these curves are S- or C-shaped. “Scoliosis is most common in late childhood and the early teens, when children grow fast” (Medline Plus). Girls are statistically more likely to have it than boys when dealing with severe and progressive scoliosis. However, mild scoliosis

  • Kyphosis Essay

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    When looking from the side, the spine has a series of normal curves that helps absorb weight from the body. Kyphosis is the medical term that refers to the outward curve of the upper spine. In an abnormality of the kyphosis someone would appear to have poor posture with a hump back. Although it is not life threatening it does cause pain and a not so appealing appearance. In this paper I will discuss the types, causes, and treatments of kyphosis. There are three different types of kyphosis; postural

  • Short Spine Syndrome Research Paper

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    Through the use of social media and the news, the stories of a few of the dogs diagnosed with short spine syndrome have gone viral. This is an extremely rare condition that only 13 reported dogs in the world have. The news of this disorder first came up when one of the owners of a short spine syndrome dog told her story. The video quickly went viral and many others began to tell their stories too, proving that these dogs weren’t the only ones. Although the dogs look very strange, often described

  • Piriformis Syndrome Outline

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    Outline Thesis Statement: Piriformis syndrome is considered a neuromuscular disorder caused by various abnormalities which contribute to pressure on the sciatic nerve. After examination and determining the cause of this diagnosis a physical therapy treatment plan can then be determined. I. Piriformis syndrome A. General information about the disorder B. Anatomy and normal function of the system 1. Piriformis muscle 2. Sciatic nerve II. Causes and conditions of piriformis syndrome A. Causes according

  • Informative Speech On Spondylosis

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    There are so many patients who walk into my clinic and when asked what problem do they have and they say lumbar Spondylosis. Its actually is a facepalm moment for me. I will tell you why. There are so many misconceptions about the word ‘Spondylosis’. The meaning of spondylosis is degeneration of the vertebral bodies, mainly the lateral, anterior and rarely posterior vertebral bodies. This is seen as osteophytes (extra bony outgrowths from the vertebral bodies). I have shown it in the picture below

  • Scoliosis Essay

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    Physiology 1 Lecture 22 June, 2017 Scoliosis This is an overview of the spinal deformation called Scoliosis. What Scoliosis is as a whole, as well as a breif mention of other spinal deformations that are in a similar catagory as Scoliosis. The causes of scoliosis, and how it develops in people who suffer from the deformation. How Scoliosis is diagnosed and the symptoms it causes people to suffer in cases that are both mild and severe; are all topics that'll be covered. Scoliosis is a deformation of the spinal

  • Scoliosis Screening Assessments

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    1. List all of the screenings/assessments that you were assigned to at the schools and give a generalized discussion of your assessment findings. Scoliosis screening. Screening involved assessing symmetrical shoulder and hip height then assess the spine for any degree of curvature greater than 5°. Using a special tool similar to a level, ran along the spine identified the degree of curve on the back. When working with the girls we saw lots of unsymmetrical waists and hips and several with greater

  • Understanding and Addressing Adult Scoliosis

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    idiopathic scoliosis is a 3-dimesional complex problem with possible genetic (Grauers, Einarsdottir and Gerdhem, 2016), biomechanical (Kim et al., 2015) and degenerative or aging (Silva and Lenke 2010) factors involved and that adult scoliosis as a disease is not a well understood condition as of yet. Large steps have been made in the last two decades, according to Asher and Burton (2006). However, research is also pointing out that novo scoliosis is, in fact, different than idiopathic scoliosis and should

  • Understanding Scoliosis: Causes, Types, and Symptoms

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    Scoliosis is a deformity that occurs when the spine becomes abnormally curved and sideways. The angle of the curve may vary, from small to large, but is considered scoliosis if the angle measures more than 10 degrees. In most cases, the cause of scoliosis is unknown. These cases of unknown scoliosis are considered to be idiopathic. If the scoliosis does have a clear cause doctors consider it to be structural or nonstructural. Structural scoliosis causes the spine to be curved and rigid. It cannot

  • 3D Pavement Art Analysis

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    to this image, it is essential to understand that the truth does not transform one’s reality until one’s mind recognizes the complete truth. Similarly, idiopathic scoliosis represents the disturbance in spinal alignment, which patients are unconscious of until orthopedic professionals diagnose it properly. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a common spinal deformity that develops in patients between the ages 10-19 during their

  • The Four Major Functions Of The Skeletal System

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    degeneration and mass reduction. Although there is no technical mortality rate, osteoporosis causes more than 8.9 million fractures annually. Another common type of bone disorder is scoliosis. Scoliosis is a disorder, in which there is a sideways curve of the spine, usually in a S-shaped or C-shaped curve. Scoliosis can strongly restrict movement and can lead to chronic pain if left untreated

  • Hippotherapy Essay

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    Over the years, therapy has become a major factor in helping to cure diseases both mentally and physically. Today, a therapy used for both adults and children with Cerebral Palsy and Scoliosis is Hippotherapy. Hippotherapy is the use of a horse to fix the sensory motors and the structure of the spine. This therapy was first introduced back in the B.C era, but because of the lack of technology the research of the therapy was placed on hold until 1875 when Dr. Chassaign started looking into activities

  • Personal Narrative: The Year Of Magical Thinking

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    old. Something that changed me forever. In "The Year of Magical Thinking," Joan Didion states “life changes in the instant. The ordinary instant.” She means that things happen when you least expect it. No one expected it, but I was diagnosed with scoliosis. This medical condition took a huge toll on my life. One day, I went to the doctor

  • Understanding Ankylosing Spondylitis: Causes and Symptoms

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    factors can result in the development of scoliosis, such as osteoporosis, joint problems, related diseases, degeneration of disks, obesity, poor posture, vitamin D deficiency, muscle weakness, or it can also be congenital. This disorder most often affects children just before puberty during a growth spurt and can worsen over time if not treated properly; it can affect both males and females, but it is more prominent in young girls. Common symptoms of scoliosis consist of prominent deformities, such