Sansevieria Essays

  • Overwatering and Snake Plant

    557 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction If your thumb is everything but green, growing a snake plant (Sansevieria spp.) can be ideal, because it require minimal care and is hard to kill. Also referred to as mother-in-law's tongue, this African native grows erect, sword-shaped leaves and is hardy to U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 12. (See References 1) Although easy-to-grow, there are still some problems that can effect the growth of your plant. Too Much Water One of the main problems that snake

  • Herbal Medicine Essay

    1150 Words  | 3 Pages

    body acts on herb resulting in the restorative, curative and yet passive influences of herbal medicine. The rhizomes of Sansevieria roxburghiana is reported to possess anticancer activity18,20. So far there is no bioactivity guided fractionation studies on anticancer activity of rhizomes of Sansevieria roxburghiana. Therefore, a detailed investigation of the rhizome of Sansevieria roxburghiana is needed to establish scientific data on the anticancer potential using various cell lines.

  • Houseplant Argument Essay

    673 Words  | 2 Pages

    Resources for plant owners seem to share a common theme: finding the most suitable plant for an individual. Some popular books are “The Complete Houseplant Survival Manual’ by Tovah Martin, “The Indestructible Houseplant’ by Tovah Martin, “House Plants, indoor plants anyone can grow” by Paul Williams. All of them provide a list of plant species with description that explains what about them makes them an ideal houseplant. There are lists of plants that improve air quality, boost people’s moods, are

  • Essay On Asexual Propagation

    566 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction Asexual propagation is the process through which reproduction without passage through the seed cycle occurs. The advantages of asexual propagation are that it preserves genetic makeup, propagates seedless plants, disease control, rapid production, the plants are identical, cheaper, faster and easier reducing or avoiding juvenility. The disadvantages of asexual propagation are that it increases disease and insect susceptibility, plants are bulky, and the mother plants could become contaminated

  • Workplace Wellness

    1254 Words  | 3 Pages

    You spend about half of your waking hours at your work. You can not presume that if you're clocking time in an office environment that it is a healthy place to be, while specific occupations like construction or manual labor have clear dangers. Many professions provide unhealthy habits, sedentary behavior, and stress along with the pay check, which may take their toll both emotionally and physically. But whether you sit in a cubicle that is corporate or work from a home office, you'll find things

  • West with the Night, by Beryl Markham

    1630 Words  | 4 Pages

    Beryl Markham’s West with the Night is a collection of anecdotes surrounding her early life growing up as a white girl in British imperialist Africa, leading up to and through her flight across the Atlantic Ocean from East to West, which made her the first woman to do so successfully. Throughout this memoir, Markham exhibits an ache for discovery, travel, and challenge. She never stays in one place for very long and cannot bear the boredom of a stagnant lifestyle. One of the most iconic statements