Rita Mae Brown Essays

  • Educating Rita Essay

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    The Metamorphosis of Rita in Willy Russell's Educating Rita Educating Rita by Willy Russell tells the story of 'Rita' White a twenty six year old hairdresser, who is trying to gain an education at the Open University. Russell has written the whole story as a play with only two characters, Frank and Rita. All scenes are in Frank's study and follow the dialogue between Frank and Rita. Russell wrote the play in the 1980s and it is somewhat autobiographical, it explores

  • The Portrayal of Metamorphosis in Educating Rita by Willy Russell

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    The Portrayal of Metamorphosis in Educating Rita by Willy Russell In this essay, I am going to discuss the portrayal of metamorphosis in Willy Russell’s ‘Educating Rita.’ I am going to write about how the play’s two round characters, Frank and Rita, change their attitudes, confidence, lifestyle, appearance and their overall look on life throughout the course of the play. To do this, I will analyse Frank and Rita at the start of the play and then go on to comment on how they change from

  • Clash of Classes and Cultures in Educating Rita

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    Cultures in Educating Rita To What Extent Would You Agree That Educating Rita Depicts a Clash of Classes and Cultures? 'Educating Rita' is a play by Willy Russell, a dramatist recently turned novelist. 'Educating Rita' contains only two characters, a young woman called Rita and a middle-aged man called Frank, although this may sound boring these characters are so interesting that anymore characters would ruin the ambiance of the play. In the early part of the play Rita, a hairdresser from

  • Rita's Development as a Character in Educating Rita

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    Rita's Development as a Character in Educating Rita Despite the fact that this play was written 25 years ago we can say that the message about education giving choices is still relevant today. During the course of the play Rita shows how she can achieve what she wanted. We can clearly notice the drastic change there is in different aspects of her between Act 1 Scene 1 and Act 2 Scene 7. Some of these aspects are her attitude, her language, her educational development, her physical appearance

  • An Examination of Rubyfruit Jungle and Her Critics

    1943 Words  | 4 Pages

    An Examination of Rubyfruit Jungle and Her Critics Rita Mae Brown's first novel, Rubyfruit Jungle made waves when it was first released in 1973. Its influence has not gone away over the years and is in its seventh printing. While mainstream critics failed to acknowledge Rubyfruit Jungle in their papers, magazines and discussions on contemporary literature, there are plenty of non-mainstream voices to fill the void. While these lesser-known sources are not always credible, and certainly not always

  • Critique of the Movie Educating Rita

    5165 Words  | 11 Pages

    Critique of the Movie Educating Rita Director: Lewis Gilbert Screenwriter: Willy Russell Released: 1983 With Julie Walters, Michael Caine, and others Rita (Julie Walters) is a twenty-six years old hairdresser from Liverpool who has decided to get an education. Not the sort of education that would get her just a better job or more pay, but an education that would open up for her a whole new world--a liberal education. Rita wants to be a different person, and live an altogether different sort

  • Educating Rita Raises Serious Issues

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    'Educating Rita' Raises Serious Issues 'Educating Rita' was voted best comedy of the year when performed by the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1980 and by 1983 it had risen to be the fourth most popular play on the British stage. Russell uses humour as a tool to engage and entertain his audience whilst at the same time dealing with serious topics. Without the humour, the play would be less accessible and would probably have reached a much more limited and elitist audience. The play is

  • How Is Educating Rita Effective As A Play?

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    In what ways is Educating Rita effective as a play? 'Educating Rita" is dramatically effective in many ways. It is also recognised as an exceptional play; it was voted "Best comedy of the year" when performed by the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1980, and just three years after release, it had become the fourth most popular play in Britain. There are obviously factors which make it so effective, and I intend to explore these factors. Throughout the play, there are only two characters: this

  • The Role Of Conformity In Rita Mae Brown's Rubyfruit Jungle

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    sexual revolution in the United States. From the landmark case of Roe v. Wade in 1973 to the Shere Hite reports on women’s sexuality in 1977, the 70’s were marked by historic advancements in the fields of sexuality and women’s rights. In 1973, Rita Mae Brown published Rubyfruit Jungle, a novel which depicted the coming-of-age and subsequent coming-out of Molly Bolt. Brown’s writing and characterization of Molly exemplifies the theory that people who are homosexual feel different from a young age and

  • Educating Rita by Willy Russell

    778 Words  | 2 Pages

    Educating Rita Educating Rita is a story written by Willy Russell. He was born in Whiston, which is just outside Liverpool. When he was five his mum and dad moved to Knowsley, on an estate full of Liverpudlians who taught him how to talk properly. It is about two main characters Rita and Frank. Rita is a literature student at the Open University. This is a university that is used as a way of enabling adult students, like Rita. Frank is a tutor at the Open University but unlike the normal

  • The Gay Gene

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    psychological disorder. Although the American Psychological Association states, “When researchers examined data about these people who were not in therapy, the idea that homosexuality was a mental illness was quickly found to be untrue.” According to Rita Mae Brown, speech, 28 August 1982, “No government has the right to tell its citizens when or whom to love. The only queer people are those who don't love anybody (Quotes on Homosexuality).” Kathleen Melonakos, founder of Delaware Family Foundation, wants

  • Conformity Killing Today's Youth Analysis

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    “Obedience is as basic an element in the structure of social life as one can point to”. I believe Milgram is saying that to fit in, we must abide by their rules and boundaries, with no questions asked. Rita Mae Brown quotes, “The reward for Conformity is that everybody likes you but yourself.” I believe Brown is saying that no matter how much you work and strive to be something you’re not, it is inevitable that you won’t feel the warm, fuzzy, comfortable feeling of acceptance. However, I believe that being

  • Dickens Use Of Rhetorical Devices In Act 1

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    relationship and connection between Frank and Rita is able to be communicated to the audience. For such a short section of Act one scene one, Russel has arguably summed up the characters before their development – Frank’s sarcastic and melancholy personality and Rita’s naivety and

  • Educating Rita by Willy Russell

    2120 Words  | 5 Pages

    Educating Rita by Willy Russell “ How do the characters of Frank and Rita change throughout the play and what is Russell’s purpose of using the technique?” Educating Rita is a play written by Willy Russell who was born in Liverpool, Whiston. “I really don’t want to write plays which are resigned, menopausal, despairing and whining. I don’t want to use any medium as a platform for displaying the smallness and hopelessness of man.” Willy Russell wrote Educating Rita as a comedy, he

  • Socioeconomic Status Essay

    666 Words  | 2 Pages

    viewed as normal and same-sex relationships are viewed as taboo, homosexual and transgender relationships are subjected to much discrimination thanks to this heteronormative prejudice. Defiance of this norm is the main objective of this novel. Rita Mae Brown uses Molly to indicate various social oppositions during the time period. On one hand, it depicts the affliction of a lesbian coming of age in a savage heteronormative society. On the other end, it is the perceptible idea that lesbians should

  • Tone And Depiction In Flannery O 'Connor's Revelation'

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    Faith and Temptation “Lead me not into temptation. I can find the way myself,” Rita Mae Brown once remarked. Temptation is all around, no matter where one might be, thus no use in going out and looking for it. For some, the enticement is so strong that it caused them to break away from the ties that once bond them to their up brings, such as faith, and for others, it can bring them even closer towards their faith. It is not a question of where or not one would be strong enough to deny the temptation

  • Tone And Temptation In Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

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    “Lead me not into temptation. I can find the way myself,” Rita Mae Brown once remarked. Temptation is all around, no matter where one might be, there is no use in going out and looking for it. For some individuals, the enticement is so strong that it has caused them to break away from the ties that once bound them to their upbringing, such as faith, but for others, it has brought them even closer to their faith. There is no questioning whether or not one would be strong enough to deny the temptation

  • Red On Red Summary

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    First, we have to investigate the validity of Womack’s argument and the effectiveness of his argument when he examines the theory of gender in Harjo’s poetry. In the gender and queer theory, feminist writers always concern about gender oppression. It means that one gender is privileged over another gender that is disadvantaged because of her or his gender. Different groups use their power to befit from other groups. This oppression and domination can be practiced in different sexes based on their

  • Why Do Romeo And Juliet Have Wise Parents

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    Rita Mae Brown once said, ¨Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment¨. Parents, as older family members, have had many experiences in their life to gain better judgment than their offspring. William Shakespeare displayed the ideas of wise parents and their attempts to influence their daughters choice of who she married in Romeo & Juliet. This classic play is the tragic tale of two forbidden lovers from separate families. Romeo and Juliet loved each other, but things

  • Similarities Between The Great Gatsby And Fahrenheit 451

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    The famous writer Rita Mae Brown stated, “I think the reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself.” This quote relates to the complex themes of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson, and Disney Pixar’s “Wall-E”. As people in the society begin to act like everyone else, they lose themselves. In Fahrenheit 451, Mildred along with friends spent all their time in the parlor that they lost the value of knowledge and time. There were a few individuals like