Reflex Essays

  • Monosynaptic Reflex

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    This reflex is considered to be a monosynaptic reflex, the reason for that is because only one synapse in the circuit is needed to complete the reflex (i.e., one chemical synapse connecting the sensory portion of the pathway to the motor portion of the pathway). It is so fast that it only takes ~50 milliseconds between the tap on the knee and the start of leg’s upward movement. Patellar reflex falls under the categories of stretch reflexes, which are aiming to protect the muscle against increases

  • Essay On Reflex

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    monosynaptic stretch reflex. The monosynaptic stretch reflex sends signals to be processed in the spinal cord, as opposed to the signal travelling to the brain, as with other sensory inputs leading to motor outputs. When the reflex is being activated, sensory neurons synapse with motor neurons in the spinal cord without the use of interneurons between them. This passage of information usually takes 1-2 milliseconds. Both mechanical and electrical stimulation of the stretch reflex can occur, the electrical

  • Accelerometer Reflex

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    In order to accurately measure reflexes for the three stimuli, both time of the stimulus and time of reflex need to be recorded so that the time elapsed between the two times can be measured. To accomplish this, an accelerometer needs to be attached to a reflex hammer through use of a cable tie. The subject needs to begin sitting comfortably in a chair that is high enough to allow his/her legs to dangle and move freely above the floor. Two electrode tabs should be attached above one knee along the

  • Essay On Bradycardia Reflex

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    triggered the bradycardia reflex, in relation to circulatory and physiological responses that occur in humans during dive reflex. Due to the different factors being generated the dive response was evoked to different extents. All variables including MAP, SV, CO, HR and TPR were monitored and varied (5). The basal measurements fell all within normal range, with respect to the conditions. In cold water submersion, the main response was the initiation of the bradycardia reflex promptly after face submersion

  • The Mammalian Diving Reflex

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    mammalian diving reflex. This reflex has been beneficially used for thousands of years by whales, dolphins, seals and other mammals that inhabit the frigid waters of the world. The diving reflex slows heart rate and causes peripheral vasoconstriction to keep blood and oxygen to the brain and other vital core organs. This reflex allows these mammals to conserve oxygen and stay submerged over longer periods of time, providing them more time for finding food, protection and travel. This reflex is also present

  • Essay On Diving Reflex

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    Before commencement of the diving reflex, three critical changes have to occur to the body in order to stimulate the diving reflex. First to occur is change in the heart rate, this occurs immediately when the face has contact with cold water the human heart rate slows down ten to twenty-five percent. Seals for example undergo extreme changes in their heart rates, from going approximately 125 beats per minute to as low as 10 on a lengthened dive. (Arterial gas tensions, 1989). By slowing the heart

  • Infants and Toddlers Development

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    Infants have different styles of crying, and many mothers are able to differentiate what each cry indicates (UMM, 2013). Cognitive aspect Motor skills are an important developmental aspect as an infant/toddler grows. First, infants display many types of reflex action within the first few months following birth. Second, they become more active/mobile at approximately six to nine month. Third, at around nine months infants can balance better, while some are already walking. First, infants reflexes are also

  • Diving Reflex Lab Report

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    For this experiment, it is important to be familiar with the diving reflex. The diving reflex is found in all mammals and is mainly focused with the preservation of oxygen. The diving reflex refers to an animal surviving underwater without oxygen. They survive longer underwater than on dry land. In order for animals to remain under water for a longer period of time, they use their stored oxygen, decrease oxygen consumption, use anaerobic metabolism, as well as aquatic respiration (Usenko 2017). As

  • Gastroileal Reflex Lab Report

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    gastroileal reflex is when distention of the stomach increases intestinal discharge to the large intestine. The reflex is stimulated by the presence of food in the stomach and gastric peristalsis. The gastroileal reflex causes peristalsis in the ileum which opens the ileocecal valve allow food to enter the large intestines. This is an example of a feedforward system because it works by enhancing the motility of the distal parts in order to make room for what is to come. b. The swallowing reflex is a

  • Reflexes Essay

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    A reflex pathway, or a reflex arc, is a neural pathway that is involved in the activation of a reflex. Reflexes are reactions that respond to stimuli. They usually happen without the sensory neurons having to pass directly through the brain. Therefore, reflexes are called involuntary reactions since they happen without a command. This allows the reflex action to occur quickly because the electrical signal can be sent to the spinal cord immediately without needing to go through the brain. The brain

  • Reflex Response Time Lab Report

    597 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Response Time of Reflex Arcs Under Varying Conditions Introduction  Reflexes are lightning fast, autonomic responses that travel along neural pathways. The speed of a given reflex is highly dependent on many factors. These include the length of the reflex arc, the number of synapses present, and speed of the action potentials along the pathway. One important reflex is the aural startle response. This response occurs when hair cells located in the cochlea become suddenly aroused due to an unexpected

  • Impact of Small Arms

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    Small arms having a strong impact on the world, controlIng present and future power, economy, security and many other factors over the economic development globally. Technology is advancing every day, people are living longer, lives are being made easier, and security is getting tighter. That being said, most technology in the world helps the greater good, and the common man’s job is made less labor intensive. Also on the other side of the card, others could say violence is being made more frequent

  • Knee Jerk Reflex Lab Report

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    Abstract: This lab we demonstrated the body’s reaction to stimulation and the actions on the nervous system. The knee jerk reflex is a spinal reflex activated by tapping the patellar tendon below the knee. This reflex is important when trying to figure out the damage to the spinal cord or the nerves. In this activity, we used an EKG sensor to measure the relative strength of the impulse generated by a stimulus with and without reinforcement. Introduction: Reflexes are an important component of

  • Exploring the Mammalian Dive Reflex in Humans

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    Mammalian Dive Reflex Purpose The purpose of this experiment is to observe the mammalian dive reflex in 2 subjects’ measuring their heart rate, blood pressure, and % arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2). Introduction All mammals, including humans, have the physiological means to survive the submersion of cold water for a greater period of time. This is called the mammalian dive reflex. Taking the subjects heart rate, blood pressure, and percentage of arteriole oxygen saturation shows the cardiac and

  • Invisible Disability Reflex Sympathetic Distrophy

    1972 Words  | 4 Pages

    extreme sensitivity to touch (Juris, 2005). These symptoms are associated with a disease that is called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) but more recently termed as complex regional pain syndrome, type 1 (CRPS 1) (Juris, 2005). For simplification purposes this disease will be referred to as RSD throughout this paper. The purpose of this paper is to discuss an invisible disease call Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy and how it impacts an individual’s life. The framework that will be utilized is the

  • Neonatal Case Study Assessment

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    The human infant is called a neonate who is less than 28 days old. (Potter, Perry, Ross-Kerr, & Wood, 2009, p. 333) The newborn goes through mostly reflex changes during this critical time which leads to bonding and deep attachments between the parents and the neonate during the first 28 days. The neonate I worked with was 18 days old, male, Muslim, goes by the initials MK and lived in a townhouse with his parents. During birth, the family requested as many female staff as possible due to religious

  • Argumentative Essay: Living At The Motion Picture

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    Is this correct; that they're saying you're falling is only due to the Parkinson's? Not the ridiculous size and layout of the room, or the bed in that room, or the extra medications and its side-effects, to lessen the depression caused by being and feeling stuck and trapped in that tiny room? You shouldn't abandon hope on the cottages if that is your heart’s desire living at Motion Picture, and if living there would be safer, healthier, and afford you the happiness you deserve. The Motion Picture’s

  • Understanding Overactive Let-Down Reflex in Breastfeeding

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    Overactive let-down (OALD) reflex results in the forceful release of milk from the breast when the infant is suckling. It usually occurs only with the first let-down in the breastfeeding session, though in some cases the woman may have more than one let-down. Another name for this is hyper-milk ejection. The cause of an OALD reflex is not yet known. It may be due to an abnormally strong reaction to the hormone called oxytocin which is released during suckling or nipple stimulation. It could also

  • Cats' Amazing Ability to Survive Falls

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    Your chance of surviving a fall of 50 feet (approximately 4 stories) is about 50%, while almost no one who falls 6 stories will be around to tell their tale. However, in a study conducted by Manhattan veterinarians, Drs. Wayne Whitney and Cheryl Mehlhaff, it was discovered that out of 115 cases of cats falling (accidentally) from multi-story heights, 90% of them survived. An even more surprising result is that if a cat falls from more than 7 stories its chance of survival doubles, compared to a cat

  • How Photography Works and Has Evolved

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    Photography What is photography and how has it evolved? Photography has been around since 1000 A.D. The first camera was called a Pinhole Camera, invented by Alhazen in the 1500’s. “The exposure time on taking the photo was fifteen to twenty seconds in a sunny scene.” (Hawshaw 1) Photography was and is used to take family portraits and even for studies. Today with the power of digital photography any one can take one picture or one hundred. It’s only a click of a button away with today's cameras