Pumping station Essays

  • Flooding in Sanitary Pumping Stations

    756 Words  | 2 Pages

    INTRODUCTION Pumping stations are facilities including pumps and equipment for pumping fluids from one place to another. They are used for a variety of infrastructure systems, such as the supply of water to canals, the drainage of low-lying land, and the removal of sewage to processing sites. There are three types of Systems which are related to Sanitary Pumping Stations 1) Municipal - These systems are designed to serve a given natural drainage area and are part of the public sanitary sewer system

  • The Fire Station

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    of my car. I walk up the cement ramp towards the door of the metal-sided fire station. The steel door is cold and I carefully enter the door lock's code and turn the reluctant knob. The room is dark and I blindly reach around the corner and hit the light switch. Instantly the buzzing light of fluorescent bulbs fills the room. My nostrils also fill but with the smell of machines. Slowly as I walk further into the station, I can feel the loose grit and sand underneath my feet. Directly in front of

  • Ezra Pound's In a Station of the Metro

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    Ezra Pound's In a Station of the Metro Before this week, I had never read any poetry by Ezra Pound. I noticed immediately that many of the poems are very short. "In a Station of the Metro," for example, is two lines. In the essay "Imagism," the second rule of imagistes is said to be "to use absolutely no word that did not contribute to the presentation." I think this rule helps explain why some of Pound's poems are so short. Obeying the second rule of imagistes will be harder the longer the

  • To put on their clothes made one a sahib too: Mimicry and the Carnivalesque in Mulk Raj Anand’s Untouchable

    2018 Words  | 5 Pages

    drawn from the lowest caste in Indian society, that of sweeper, or cleaner of human ordure. Despite his unpromising station in life, the central figure in the novel operates at a variety of levels in order to critique the status quo of caste in India. Well aware of his position at the nadir of Indian society, Bakha is able-via his untouchability-to interrogate issues well above his station in life, such as caste and its inequities, economics and the role of the colonizer. Due to the very characteristics

  • The Peaceful Warrior

    925 Words  | 2 Pages

    Texaco service station with an old man (Nick Nolte) behind the counter. Dan buys some snacks and milk, and the man sits on a chair in front of the station door. When Dan looks back, he is surprised to see the man on the roof. The next night, he goes back to find the man to ask him how he did it, and the man starts giving Dan several philosophies (but he never gets around to telling Dan how he got up there.) Dan starts calling him Socrates and he thinks that this old service station owner might be

  • Clapham Junction By Paul Theroux

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    Etterick asks for 'one single and one return to Sunbury, please'. Mrs. Etterick is going to drop her retarded daughter, Gina, at a special institution in Sunbury for Christmas. She doesn't want her daughter around: their ways are separated in the station (although Mrs. Etterick travels with Gina to Sunbury). 'Clapham' is a word that is often used by Theroux (the writer) in his other short stories (not in this book). Narrator: The narrator is an omniscient and unintrusive narrator: he knows everything

  • Hills Like White Elephants, by Ernest Hemingway

    1658 Words  | 4 Pages

    Hills Like White Elephants, by Ernest Hemingway The hills across the valley of the Ebro were long and white. On this side there was no shade and no trees and the station was between two lines of rails in the sun. Close against the side of the station there was the warm shadow of the building and a curtain, made of strings of bamboo beads, hung across the open door into the bar, to keep out flies. The American and the girl with him sat at a table in the shade, outside the building. It was very hot

  • Being a Radio Disk Jockey

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    by Dick Robinson. “The broadcasting industry is exploding, new stations are being formed, and more jobs are always being created”(Robinson). Having a job as a radio DJ offers a wide variety of benefits and pluses. Some of those special benefits include interviewing famous bands, going backstage, plus receiving free tickets and promotional items for almost every band of your choice (Carter). Even when a disc jockey is new to the station and just starting out, many opportunities are available, which

  • College Radio Struggles to be Heard

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    radio standards, certainly doesn’t describe the Infinity-owned rock station that hands him his bi-weekly paycheck. However, it does describe the place where he, along with so many other deejays, got their start on the road to a professional radio career -- college radio. Less than two miles away from WBCN stands the center of Deek’s on-air jokes. “Ten watts of fury,” WRBB, is Northeastern’s student and community radio station. The community half of that description is often left out, but it clearly

  • Escape from Vietnam

    3347 Words  | 7 Pages

    advantage of them. “Wake up, wake up, son. We must leave now.” He opened his eyes and looked outside; it was still very dark and rainy. “Where are we going, Mom?” he asked while crawling out of bed sleepily. When they left the house for the train station, it was only four o’ clock in the morning, and the boy thought that his family was going to visit their grandparents whom he had not seen for ten years. The next morning, they arrived in Nha Trang, a coastal city in Central Vietnam, where his father

  • SWAT analysis for Victoria Station Restaurants

    1014 Words  | 3 Pages

    Victoria Station Strengths Concept uniqueness- Concept based restaurants’ rely on décor and novelty themes, which are appealing enough to the customers to draw in business. For example: Hard Rock Café, Applebee’s, Rolling Rock Café, or Outback Steakhouse. The Victoria Station utilized the English depot paraphernalia to support the theme; gas lights, a red English telephone booth, and a London taxi. Quality control- The beef was cut to specifications, used controlled- portion fillets/top sirloin

  • Heart of Darkness - Summary

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    Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is based on Conrad’s firsthand experience of the Congo region of West Africa. Conrad was actually sent up the Congo River to an inner station to rescue a company agent who died a few days later aboard ship. The story is told by a seaman named Charlie Marlow and is rearranged through the thoughts of an unidentified listening narrator. This story, on level, is simply about a voyage into the heart of the Congo. On another level, it is about the journey into the soul

  • Comparing Two Sources

    4541 Words  | 10 Pages

    Africanist slogan "Izwe Lethu" (Our Land)." In source B they say, "…Africans shouting "Africa, Africa". Both sources mention that the townspeople were outside the police station, source A says there was "crowds" of them, source B says "besieged by thousands". Both sources agree that a car was driven to the police station, source A "…driving behind a big grey police car…" and source B "A motor car from the council…" The sources disagree on their opinion of the mood of the townspeople

  • Loren Eisley's The Brown Wasps

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    precisely similar manner I have seen, on a sunny day in midwinter, a few old brown wasps creep slowly over an abandoned wasp nest in a thicket. (66) It is a far too common sight in modern society: a rundown section of a bustling train station; it is in the heart of the city's transportation system (and thereby activity), yet its residents are out of the beat of the city's life. Just as the wasps circle around the hive they are no longer a part of, the old men cling to their s...

  • Hot 107.1- Interview With A Radio Personality

    632 Words  | 2 Pages

    only one radio station that I really enjoy, KXHT 107.1. The music they play is quite specific. They are a hip-hop and R&B station that plays mostly southeastern groups. Hip-hop is quite new to me having really only gotten into it in the early years of high school were as I liked rock since childhood. It was for this reason and a few others that I decided to interview a personality from Hot 107 as they are nicknamed. Memphis is the first city that I have been to that has a station such as Hot 107

  • Joseph Contrad's Heart of Darkness

    1133 Words  | 3 Pages

    ranging from symbolism to the subtle changes in Marlowe, the narrator, that represent his growing distance from civilization and reality. The strongest device and example of this phenomenon is the transformation of Mr. Kurtz, the director of the Inner Station. In this essay, I will explain and analyze Kurtz’s “de-humanity';, and how effective it is in achieving Conrad’s goal. This “deconstruction'; of Kurtz culminates with his utterance of the phrase, “The horror! The horror

  • The New Centurions

    525 Words  | 2 Pages

    coarse of five years. And even afer Andy retires and moved away he came back to live. Andy then shot him self because of all the stress that he had came across over the years. I believe when he came back in town, he had seen all the guys at the police station and missed it. Also seeing a guy he trained (Roy) train someone else. Before he shot himself he called Roy and told him a story about an old man on the porch. This old man symbolizes loneliness. I believe Andy became that old man on the porch. He

  • Mary Kay Letoureau

    668 Words  | 2 Pages

    appeared to be hiding under a sleeping bag and the police asked how old he was. She replied and said he was 18. The police became suspcious after the youth did not have any idenitification amd said he was 14. The police brought the two of them to the station where Vili's mother was called and she ok'd the fact that Mary was watching over VIli. Some questions come of this situation. Was the police response standard protocol? Was their investigation solid? Was the out come fair? And, If I was the commanding

  • Charles Bukowski

    919 Words  | 2 Pages

    Charles Bukowski was a hero to some while a degenerate to others. He found beauty in the ugliest aspects of life. He spoke of violence and drunkenness, and did it with pride. In “My Madness” Bukowski has created an opinion on life that’s raw, vulgar, and to the point. He had a non-sympathetic attitude in this passage and a non-sympathetic attitude in his life. Bukowski employs no purpose to create a purpose in his literature that inspires the reader with his loud and outspoken style. He tells of

  • Economic Indicators

    533 Words  | 2 Pages

    Economic Indicators For the individual who watches CNN a great deal, the term Economic Indicators well recognized. However, for the individual who chooses not to make CNN a primary station, the term Economic Indicators can be extremely confusing. Economist often use very unlike terms when referring to the fluctuating economy. Economic Indicators happens to be one of the many terms that they use. So, what exactly are Economic Indicators, and what purpose do they serve? In addition to the previous