Poker Face Essays

  • Blank Facial Expression Of A Poker Face

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    through glass and straight lined lips. This face is called a Poker Face a commonly heard term in our culture that has many uses and meanings. You see it in the spy movies that one man who has a blank expression so the enemy can’t see his plans or emotions. The accepted definition of poker face is an expressionless face stated by Even though poker face is a blank facial expression there is so much more to the term that we don’t notice. This face is in our everyday world it effects our

  • Poker Face

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    She very well may be all of those things; however, I believe it is all due to her addiction to gambling. Gambling gives Lily the rush that she craves in her boring upper class life, which has taught her to be cool, calm, and collected—the perfect poker face to disguise her addiction. Lily Bart’s incessant addiction to gambling with money, men and her own life, in due course leads to her demise. In the beginning, Lily is initially hesitant to play Bridge with the group of socialites to which she belongs

  • Lady Gaga, The Best New Artist

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    first solo tour was certainly one of the most creative. Clear plastic orbs were attached to her to form a sort of coat for a very interesting effect. One outfit she wore the 2009 MTV VMA awards was a red lace dress and mask which completely covered her face. The ensemble was topped with a tall spiked ... ... middle of paper ... ...e diseases to women around the world. This shows a strong devotion to her fans through returning to the community which supports her. In response to the devastating earthquake

  • Lady Gaga Research Paper

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    which reached the top position in the billboard hot 100 after spending nearly five months just staying in the hot 100. It is the second best selling digital song of all time and has a Grammy nomination in best dance category to its achievements. Poker face is the other hit single which achieved great success, attaining the top spot in the charts of US, UK and so many other countries. It won the Grammy award for best dance recording category and received Grammy nominations in various categories. To

  • Hold Em Vs Poker Essay

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    Poker: Draw Vs. Hold 'em As the room fills with smoke from cigars and cigarettes, I look across the table at the last guy in the hand. I think to myself, “Why did he just raise me?” I just raised the pot $25 on two pair. The other guy re-raised the pot another $25. My heart is beating like a freight train racing down the tracks, I’m doing everything in my power to stop from sweating and I’m trying to keep my face stone cold straight as

  • How to Play the Card Game of Poker

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    card game of poker has many variations most of which were created in the United states in the mid 1990s. The standard order of play applies to most of these games, but to fully specify a poker game online requires details about which hand values are used. The number of betting rounds and exactly what cards are dealt with and what other actions are taken between rounds. So what are the popular poker games variants? The three most popular poker variants are spread in casinos and poker rooms worldwide

  • The New Math of Gambling

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    going on at once. "When an ace came up, he put his heel down…second ace, foot to the left…third ace, up on his toe and forth ace, foot to the right." Anthony then counted 2's and 8's as +1, 3's 4's 6's and 7's as +2, 5's +3, 9's --1, and 10's and face cards as --3. Whenever his count went positive he boosted his average bets and winnings. Curtis found his gambling spirit after reading "How to win at Blackjack" and has read many other mathematical scientific techniques on winning in Vegas. The

  • Expository Essay on Texas Hold Em Poker

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    respective sports. However, amongst poker players; the name Doyle Brunson can often be referenced in the same manner as the Lord in Church. Brunson, now an old man with gray balding hair and more money than he could count, is still to be found at one of the many poker tables in the oasis in the desert we call Las Vegas. In fact, Brunson is so good, about twenty years ago he wrote a book to strengthen his competition. The book "Super System" is considered to be the poker bible as well as the foremost

  • Will You Please Be Quiet Please Analysis

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    In Raymond Carver’s short story, “Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?” the protagonist, Ralph Wyman faces the hard decision of leaving or staying with his wife after his wife confesses to having an affair with a family friend (Carver 237). However, instead of making a decision right away, Ralph embarks on a journey which leads to four specific episodes: he goes to a bar called “Blake’s,” then he goes to “Jim Oysters House,” he gets into a fight and is knocked out, and then he returns home (Carver

  • Poker I Barey Know Her Analysis

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    and is shown in the first season of the TV series Psych in the seventeenth episode, “Poker? I Barely Know Her!” In this episode, the story of a young man named Brandon Peterson who gets involved in poker and loses a substantial amount of money which causes his life to go dramatically down hill. The beginning of the episode shows a flashback of Shawn Spencer when he was a young boy about seven or eight playing poker with a group of middle aged men, and to the audience's surprise, he is winning. A

  • Male Dominance

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    In conclusion, Stanley is a manipulative man who loves to uphold his domination towards others. He uses his verbal, emotional, and physical aggressive behavior to take control of others and depict himself as the “king.” Through the struggles other face before him, Stanley has total control.

  • The Lottery Case Study

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    Lotteries take advantage of the poor in several ways. One way the lottery attracts them, is to waste their money on buying lottery tickets instead of buying everyday necessities, such as food, clothing, and shelter for their families. The lottery uses advertising as the main way to get the people to buy tickets. They make winning the money so appealing. Many states are now dependent on lotteries, because the money from these are spent on many projects in the state. The states back in the 1970s

  • Stanley Kowalski in "A Streetcar Named Desire" by Tennessee Williams

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    Stanley Kowalski in "A Streetcar Named Desire" by Tennessee Williams In the play, A Streetcar Named Desire, author Tennessee Williams does a wonderful job developing the character of Stanley Kowalski. To me, his character seemed most like that of a true person. On the other hand, Stella, Stanley's wife, is mainly displayed as being the loving type, and because that is basically the only character trait she displays, it is difficult to really understand her as a person. The character of

  • Usage of Nash Equilibrium in poker

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    The game of poker is a card based game, which has developed into many various kinds, in terms of the number of cards dealt, how many cards are on the deck visible for all players, and what remains hidden, over the past few decades. Despite its differences, poker of any kind shares one major significance; the factor, that either sets one winning or losing, is based upon decisions made in the long run. The utmost degree of such decisions resemble economic components, since the most elementary acts

  • Liar's Poker Summary

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    Liar’s Poker is a game associated with Wall Street traders who use statistical reasoning and behavioral tactics in order to gamble. This exhilarating game is played with $1 bills. Each player picks up a bill from a pile of face down mixed up bills, and then will use the serial number on the face of the bill to place their playing strategy. The main objective is to bluff the opponents into believing that your bid does not exceed the combined sum of all of the serial numbers. According to Lewis, this

  • Bongo.. Always American Made - Analysis Of Bongo Jeans Ad

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    reader and stir up interest in the product. There is an attractive young couple engaged in what appears to be a strip-poker game. The man is obviously losing. He is apparently nude behind a card table, wearing only his shoes, with his jeans draped over him. His briefs are on the floor under the table, reinforcing the fact that he is nude. He has a look of disbelief on his face, but at the same time, he looks happy and content. It is almost as if he is thinking, "Oh no, now I am nude. What will

  • Happiness Comes From Within

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    Their farm was two hundred acres of corn fields, cows, pigs, and, of course, chickens. No farm would be complete without chickens. At the southeast corner of the farm, behind the smaller corn field, was the brook with clear cold water that reached past my knees. On most weekends my family would go to visit our friends, the Tailors, who had at one time seven boys to keep them company. All of them were grown with their own lives to attend to, except for Dan, who stayed on at the farm to help keep

  • Titanic - Original Writing

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    Titanic - Original Writing Titanic, 882 feet long, 92 feet broad, 45000 tons register, 66000 tons displacement and 175 feet high. The biggest and most luxurious ship known to mankind, and she was sitting right in front of me. She looked even bigger in real life and I felt great anticipation and excitement. A chance of a lifetime, I was one of the few lucky enough to be chosen to actually work onboard the Titanic. It was just an hour until the Titanic would set sail on her maiden voyage

  • Card Game Bluffing Essay

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    Being a card game fanatic, I was interested in the concept of bluffing for this mathematical exploration. I have been playing cards since I was very young, and this has been a tradition in my family for a long time. Throughout the years, I have learned that the strategy of bluffing plays a vital role in different situations and may indeed be the reason why many card games have been won. For this mathematical exploration, I will be investigating the strategy of bluffing and how it actually involves

  • Analysis Of Blackjack

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    What made me interested in this particular card game, than other popular casino games such as poker? Initially I thought of blackjack, as one of those useless casino games which people wasted their money on. However, I came across the card game, on one of the gaming websites and decided to play the game, just to pass time. That’s when I found out