Titanic - Original Writing

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Titanic - Original Writing

Titanic, 882 feet long, 92 feet broad, 45000 tons register, 66000 tons

displacement and 175 feet high. The biggest and most luxurious ship

known to mankind, and she was sitting right in front of me. She looked

even bigger in real life and I felt great anticipation and excitement.

A chance of a lifetime, I was one of the few lucky enough to be chosen

to actually work onboard the Titanic.

It was just an hour until the Titanic would set sail on her maiden

voyage and I felt I little nervy about boarding her. I decided that

the only way to settle my nerves was to consume a moderate amount of

brandy. I entered the local bar, which overlooked Southampton dock

where the Titanic was anchored. The bar was just one single room,

decorated with old ship anchors and pictures of fishing boats. The bar

was mostly filled with middle class men who, like me, thought they

would grab one last beer on dry land. To my surprise I noticed one of

my old friends who was sat in the far corner of the room with a rather

large red haired woman. I squeezed in-between some rowdy men who were

singing at the bar. I was lucky not to get soaked in beer, as their

antics were a little over exuberant. As I approached the table where

my friend was sat, he looked up and acknowledged me. I got the

immediate impression that he had consumed a few too many drinks

because when he tried to stand up to greet me he was unsteady on his

feet. He invited me to the table and asked what I was doing in here. I

told him that I had a job on the Titanic as an entertainments officer.

He told me that he was emigrating to New York with his wife. I looked

at my wa...

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... in some blankets and sat me down. I looked around still shivering

violently and to my amazement the lifeboat was nearly empty. I pleaded

with the men to go back for more survivors but they said that they

would only get sucked under with the Titanic. They rowed the ship well

out of range of the Titanic so we could only see minute dots falling

from the ship. We watched as the world's largest man-made moving

object was sucked under by the Atlantic Ocean. We watched it until the

last piece was submerged. I knew very well that there must have been

over one thousand people that had perished and quite possibly my

friends as well. This truly was the worst thing that could have

happened. I sat there in the lifeboat for the next two hours waiting

to be picked up by the nearest ship, those two hours were the longest

of my life.

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