Pitcher plant Essays

  • Tommy John Surgery

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    Baseball players and fans call it Tommy John surgery, after the pitcher who was the first to have the surgery 29 years ago. By any designation, it is one of the major advancements in sports medicine in the last quarter century. Technically it is a ulnar collateral ligament replacements procedure. Pitching overhand is a particularly stressful motion; the strain it puts on a player's joint is commonly injurious. Pitchers such as Kerry Wood, Matt Morris, John Smoltz, Mariano Rivera, Tom Gordon, and

  • The Physics of Pitching

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    see the Magnus effect functioning most of the time. Let’s look at how force is generated through a pitcher. Every pitcher has mechanics; mechanics is a good name for it for the mechanical motion which is gone through generates force. “The pitcher’s arm acts as a lever which gives him mechanical advantage, increasing the force.”(1) Let’s look at the transfer of force through the wind-up. A good pitcher hits what is known as the power triangle, this power triangle looks like this: “The lead or glove

  • The Biomechanics of Pitching

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    Usually the team with the most quality hits, fewest errors, and best pitching wins. One of the most important of these factors is decent pitching. If the pitcher is struggling it’s easier for the other team to get on base and score. Pitching a ball both fast and accurate is more difficult than it may seem. These factors all depend on how the pitcher controls his body, or how well his mechanics all come together. This is a big reason why people started looking into, and studying, Biomechanics. Biomechanics

  • Narrative Essay About Softball

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    For the past eight years of my life I have been playing softball. It all started when I was eight years old and my dad took me to my first softball practice. I was thrilled to be playing a sport. My dad grew up playing baseball and his sisters played softball so he was ecstatic when I was finally old enough to play. I loved softball for the first 4 years of playing when it was all fun and games. In middle school softball became harder and more competitive and I slowly started to lose interest in

  • Softball Is Harder Than Baseball Essay

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    that hitting a softball is way harder to hit than a baseball. A softball pitcher is very close to you at the pitcher's mound. If you are in the batter's box it feels like they are right on top of you especially since most softball pitchers can be up to about 6 feet in height. It is scientifically proven that a softball player has less time to react to the ball because of the distance and speed of the pitch. Also, softball pitchers not only throw hard, but they also throw tricky pitches to hit. The pitch

  • The Importance Of Catching In Baseball

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    trace the game of baseball to its roots and the history of all-time great catchers “Pudge” Rodriguez, Jorge Posada, Yogi Berra, etc... Their greatest asset to them was their ability to be a “wall” behind the plate. They had their pitchers complete confidence, whenever the pitcher would be on the mound he knew he could throw any pitch anywhere because they would block that ball and ensure it would not pass them. Way in which I can teach this to them would be by showing them drills that they can practice

  • Youth Baseball Observation

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    direct sunlight form the crystal clear blue sky. Several parents are standing shouting and cheering. One parent is upset with the out call from the umpire later she is clapping over a call the umpire makes. I view the pitcher and the catcher communicating through hand gestures. The pitcher of the green team throws ball up and pats against left glove two times before each toss. I see cars parked everywhere and people coming and going. The birds are singing and picking up sunflower

  • Essay On Softball Literacy

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    Though the practices performed within softball literacy do not immediately seem as if they should be considered a literacy practice, according to two of the six propositions about the nature of literacy, it is. Not only does it involve the physical performance from a play, but also includes formal writings, new rules and regulations, and offer different rules in different countries. I think softball should be counted as a literacy practice because it appeals to Barton and Hamilton’s propositions

  • Essay On Soft Slugs

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    Other Ways to use Your Soft Slugs That You Never Thought Of Precision Impact Soft Slugs are a training tool for hitters looking to improve and cure their swing from many common swing issues, like, not driving the ball, having no whip, decelerating at the point of contact, and not following through. However, even though their main purpose is to correct swing problems, soft slugs can also be used in many other ways that you never thought of. Grip/Forearm Strengthening These Soft Slugs are exactly

  • Essay On Softball Bat

    565 Words  | 2 Pages

    The product I chose for my project is a softball bat because it’s a sport I love to play. My brother introduced me the sport softball in 4th grade after he started to play baseball in 3rd grade. I quickly fell in love with the game. I played for 3 years (in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade) for Livemore Girls Softball Association. Softball was the first sport I actually enjoyed playing after trying soccer and karate. Playing softball taught me sportsmanship, teamwork, and how to strategize. The sport also

  • Descriptive Essay On The Most Dangerous Game

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    I emerged from the on deck circle and walked leisurely up to home plate, eyeing down the pitcher. My old, torn up black cleats were a shovel as they buried deep into the batter’s box and my lustrous metal bat was like a broom as it swept the brown, powder-like dirt off home plate. One of my teammates was on second base and the game was tied at three to three in the final inning of the game. All I needed to do was hit the runner home for my team to win the championship, but the smoky heat shooting

  • A Personal Experience That Helped Shape My Life

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    from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it. A personal experience that helped shape my life is when I was 12 years old. I was playing a baseball game in enumclaw and I was the starting pitcher. That game I pitched a complete game and hit back to back homeruns. After I hit the back to back homeruns I got caught up in the moment and in the dug out my teammates and I were excited and I yelled “I'm Like Barry Bonds without steroids.” The parents

  • Baseball Pitch Research Paper

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    because then it will start to move a lot. The closer together your fingers are, the more speed you will have on the pitch, but the farther apart they are, the more control you will have. This pitch is effective because it is the fastest pitch. Some MLB pitchers can throw this pitch 105 MPH or more. If you add a little movement to it, it can be very effective.

  • For The Love Of The Game

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    story of man who has a passion for baseball and love for a woman. It shows the struggle between the two, baseball and Jane. This movie takes place in the 20th century in New York. Most of the movie is a flash back of Billy Chapel, Detroit Tiger's Pitcher, the events of the past five years. It shows his the ups and downs of his life with Jane and Baseball. It shows the importance of love for a person and love for a career. The movie begins, and is not a flash back it is the actual present. It show

  • Softball Essay

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    Baseball was founded in the 18th century and was derived from the European game of cricket. By the time the American Revolution began, contrasting variations of baseball were played nationwide. In September 1845, a group of men founded the New York Knickerbocker Baseball Club. One of these members, Alexander Joy Cartwright, is responsible for creating the modern-day rules of baseball. The Knickerbockers started the first official game of baseball in 1846 against a team of cricket players. On the

  • Evolution Of The Curveball

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    dominant pitchers of the time. Cummings quit baseball at the age of twenty-eight (Fleitz, D). Other players started to develope their own curveball by the 1874 season (Fleitz, D). Batters started to learn to hit the curveball by the 1877 season (Fleitz, D). A curveball can be hard to hit, but it helps if you can throw one yourself. I have been playing baseball for the past eight years in many different leagues. The curveball was not the easi... ... middle of paper ... ... pitcher in the league

  • A Personal Role In Sports

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    For the past 12 years, I have had the privilege to cheer on many softball teams including my own and others from about my home town. Now that my time as a softball player is coming to an end due to age limits and injuries, I hope to be able to coach at the high school level, and possibly middle school as well. As I consider the game of softball to be a serious sport which requires personal commitment and dedication, my preference is to focus on developing my coaching skills in a high school setting

  • Anticipatory Socialization Of Softball

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    Softball has been and continues to be a large part of my life. In more ways than one it helped me develop through my childhood into adolescence. Softball to me and many other players who grew up on a baseball diamond, it was a means of secondary socialization and anticipatory socialization. Secondary socialization and anticipatory socialization are institutions and situations that help to learn skills and behaviours that will help as one progresses through life ((T. Davidson, personal communications

  • Comparison Essay: The Differences Between Softball And Baseball

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    Don’t you dare say they are the same. “Do you play baseball?” “Baseball and softball are the same sport.” These are two of the worst things that you could ever say or ask a softball player. That is like say that ping pong and tennis are the say thing. Yes, they may have some similarities but they have enough differences to make them different. They are a few major difference that anyone can notice but there are also a few hidden rules that no one really knows about unless you actually play the sport

  • The Ball Player: The Physics Of Baseball

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    Every ball player, whether they realize it or not, is a mathematician or physicist. Baseball, the infamous favorite pass time of the United States, is full of physics laws and principals. It is easy to think that all these players do is throw around a ball, occasionally hit it, run around some bases, and make a great catch. However, baseball has many underlying complex principals that can be explained through the laws physics. It encompasses all three planes of motion with players exhibiting the