Opekta Essays

  • The Betrayal Of Anne Frank Essay

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    had started to write a “diary” which she continued to write when she went into hiding with her family. Throughout the book Anne writes that her worst nightmare is to be discovered (Anne ??). The Franks when into hiding in 1941 in the Annex of the Opekta offices and were arrested by the Nazis in ???. After such a long period of time in hiding there are many suspects for who betraye...

  • Sparking the Change: Miep Gies

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    One small act in this world, whether it is significant or not, can change the life of someone forever. Miep Gies, a woman who once went unknown to the world, once said, “But even an ordinary secretary or a housewife or a teenager can, within their own small ways, turn on a small light in a dark room.” (Goodreads 1). The woman who went unheard of by the world around her, turned on this light during the dark experiences of World War II. From being a small business secretary to saving the lives of

  • In Spite Of Everything I Still Believe That People Are Really Good At Heart

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    “In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart,” was written by Anne Frank several months before she perished in the concentration camps. Even though she was in such conditions, she was optimistic. The young girl that Anne was, she looked at the world with rose-colored glasses. Curiosity and determination in her personality had resulted in the conclusion of that quote. Though she did have some disputes with the residents of the annex, she was thoughtful and cared about

  • Holocaust Rescuers - Miep Gies

    632 Words  | 2 Pages

    Everyone who has heard of the Holocaust most likely knows of the famous Anne Frank. Anne Frank was a young Jewish girl who managed to go into hiding from the Nazis in the 1940s. She wrote down her experiences in a journal until she was found, and is generally the best-remembered of the Holocaust victims, but how did she survive? Who helped the Frank family hide, and kept them alive when they were in hiding? The Jews who were sent to concentration camps were not the only brave and suffering people

  • A Summary Of Anne Frank Remembered By Miep Gies

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    Miep Gies wrote Anne Frank Remembered to honor the memory of the Frank family, to show what happened to Jews during World War II, and what she did to hide the Frank family. Gies was asked to write about her experience in the war, but Miep also wanted to consider how Anne Frank played such an enormous role in Miep’s life; Gies wanted to add the impact of how Anne’s diary affected people into her book. The book is the first-hand account of the persecution of Jews. Miep was born in Vienna, Austria,

  • What Is The Difference Between Franks And Van Daans

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    While living in the secret annex, the Franks and the van Daans faced many strict rules to ensure their safety. The annex residents imposed the rules of no talking during the day, no walking during the daytime, and no outdoor activities or exit outside of their hiding area. The rule of no talking and no walking around during the daytime was put in place so the members of the annex would not be discovered. During the day, the office building had workers inside until 5:30 which made life in the annex

  • The Diary of Ann Frank

    553 Words  | 2 Pages

    Anne Frank was a 13 year old girl who lived in Amsterdam, Holland. She wrote a diary about her life during the Holocaust and when she was in hiding during the Nazi invasion. In her diary, she said “Despite, everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.” I agree with this statement. My first reason for agreeing with Ann Frank is that people will often help others, even in the worst conditions and even if they put themselves at risk. For example, Meip, an employee of Anne’s father, was

  • What Was Miep Life Like Before Essay

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    to her parents and she definitely was not close to her sister. The Frank family moved into Miep’s neighborhood where she lived with her foster parents. Eventually while Miep was looking for a job she became an employee of Otto Frank’s at his store Opekta. She became very close with their family, especially Anne. Miep would have dinner with the Franks sometimes and further grew her relationships with each one of them. It all began when Margot Frank got a notice to go to “work” at a

  • Survival and Suffering: The Frank Family Holocaust Experience

    729 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Experiences of the Frank Family According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, six million European Jews were killed in the Holocaust. Within the six million was a famous family that had only one survivor. This family was the Frank family. The Frank family faced many difficulties due to the rise of Hitler. Experiencing hardships in their early life led to the decision that the Frank family made about going into hiding. At first, Otto Frank was very successful in life before the rise

  • Anne Frank Biography And The Short Story Line

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    financial trouble because of the worldwide economic crisis. Otto and Edith Frank decided to leave Germany. The Frank family went to the Netherlands in the summer of 1933. Anne’s father had the opportunity to set up a company in Amsterdam that sold Opekta (an ingredient used for making jam). During that period, Anne and Margot stayed with their Grandmother who lived in Aachen, Germany. Their mother commuted to and from Amsterdam trying to find the family a place to live. In their now home in Amsterdam

  • The Influence of Meip Geis

    947 Words  | 2 Pages

    Throughout history, there were and continue to be numerous people who influence the way a certain event turns out. Although some of these individuals influence the events of history negatively, there are some that lead to a positive outcome of a not-so positive situation. It is individuals such as these that make our world the way it is today. Meip Geis, is one of such individuals who influenced a very significant historical event. Meip Geis helped to shelter eight Jews from Adolf Hitler and the

  • Anne Frank Quotes

    1000 Words  | 2 Pages

    Party, also known as the Nazi Party, that eventually gained control of the government in 1933. That autumn, the Frank’s left Frankfurt and relocated to Amsterdam, Netherland in fear of the Nazi Party. Frank’s father then became a manager at a Dutch Opekta Company. This company manufactured products used in the making of jam. Moving to Amsterdam gave the Franks a sense of freedom that they hadn’t experienced in a long time. In 1934, Frank was even able to attend Amsterdam’s Sixth Montessori, where she

  • Biography of Anne Frank

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    version of Anne Frank’s diary got published. It included the sections that Otto removed. Anne’s father, together with some citizens, tried to save the secret annex and open it up to everybody. It is a part of the Anne Frank House. Another part was the Opekta warehouse. It’s one of Amsterdam’s main attractions for tourists. The Time magazine listed Anne Frank as a hero in The Most Important People of the Century in 1999. Works Cited 1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Frank 2. http://www.annefrank