What Was Miep Life Like Before Essay

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What Was Miep’s Life Like Before, During, and After the Holocaust? Miep was living in Vienna with her birth parents, then she went into foster care when she was eleven because of food shortages. Her real name was Hermie but her foster parents changed it to Miep at because they thought that was too formal. Miep was born in Austria-Hungary in 1909. In 1925 she visited her birth parents in Vienna. She felt weird there since she hadn’t been there in a while and she realized she wasn’t really close to her parents and she definitely was not close to her sister. The Frank family moved into Miep’s neighborhood where she lived with her foster parents. Eventually while Miep was looking for a job she became an employee of Otto Frank’s at his store Opekta. She became very close with their family, especially Anne. Miep would have dinner with the Franks sometimes and further grew her relationships with each one of them. It all began when Margot Frank got a notice to go to “work” at a …show more content…

So they were placed in the Central Office for Jewish Emigration by the Gestapo. Miep and two others sadly only kept them hidden for two years. Miep tried to bribe an officer to get the families out of the camps. Obviously it didn’t work and she almost got herself in trouble. Miep was the only one left to take care of Opekta since everyone else was traken. After everyone was taken by the Gestapo Miep found Anne’s diary. She kept the diary safe and sound while the Franks and Van Pels were dying in concentration camps. Miep hid the diary in her desk droor until the war was over so Nazis wouldn’t take it. Also she wanted to surprise Anne with it if she ever came back. That didn’t happen because Anne and her sister died in Bergen-Belsen. Otto Frank was the only one to return from the camps out of the two families after liberation. Once he returned from Auschwitz, Miep felt it was necessary to give him Anne’s

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