Names and titles of Jesus in the New Testament Essays

  • Determining the True Divine Name from the Bible

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    issue concerning the divine name has existed for hundreds of years, and there have been a number of Bible translations that have restored the divine name in the Hebrew Scriptures. One such version is the American Standard Version of 1901. However, in recent times this issue has gained even more attention because of a particular Bible translation. The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, translated by the Watchtower organization, has not only restored the divine name to the Hebrew portion of

  • The Portrayal of Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel

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    Most people would agree that Matthews’s gospel is the most Jewish of the four gospels. This first century Jewish writer, set within the Jewish tradition, wants the reader to learn about Jesus, the one he called Messiah. It is thought the work of Matthews’s gospel is unlikely to be a translator; there is no evidence to say if it is the same, Matthew mentioned in the gospel. We can say for certain the author was a Jew. And safely dated to the last quarter of the first century; the Didache and Ignatius

  • Jesus' Identity

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    Jesus' Identity To discover the essence of Jesus' identity we have to study the different titles and look into the relevance of each one. Jesus' titles show many aspects to his character and hold a lot of significance. I feel that to understand the identity of Jesus I have to discuss and understand his titles. His main titles are: 1. Son of God- This title is used no more than eight times in Mark's gospel and it is used to emphasise the special relationship between God and Jesus. 2

  • Melchizedek And The Levitical Priesthood

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    he always lives to intercede for them.” (Hebrews 7:25). Jesus is not only the high priest, but he is the interceding high priest for God’s people. Which can be difficult for believers to grasp this idea because the models of the priesthood through Melchizedek and the Levitical priesthood demonstrated before the coming of Jesus did not show interceding to be an important function of the priesthood. (Mbamalu 2015). However, this is vital to Jesus serving as a high priest for he comes here on earth to

  • Luke And Acts Essay

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    Luke’s portrayal of Jesus in Luke and Acts Luke and Acts tells the story of what Jesus did and taught during his ministry, first in his early life and then as the exalted Christ and Lord through his prophetic activities of his disciples. This essay will outline the various titles Luke used to portray or described Jesus in his two-volume narrative, in doing this we hope to get a better understanding and a complete picture of whom Jesus was. Luke in his two volume work described Jesus in numerous ways

  • The Similarities And Differences Of Prophet Muhammad And Jesus Christ

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    Islam and Christianity have many differences and similarities; moreover, one of the main differences in both religions are the different main religious figures; Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Jesus Christ. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the main religious figure in the religion of Islam. He is known as the last of over 200 prophets that existed. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born in Mecca and a descendant of the Prophet Ismail and son of the Prophet Ibrahim (PBUT). Further, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was a very

  • The Gospel In The Bible

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    within the context of the Gospel message? People have heard of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John which are Biblical books in the New Testament that discuss Jesus’ life. They bring the reader from Jesus’ birth to His death in a chronological order. We can read about the miracles he performed and about all of the trials he faced in these books. However, the Gospel is about more than how Jesus lived and what he did. It is about why he came to earth and sacrificed himself and why this is important to us as humans

  • Abrahamic Covenant of Grace

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    COVENANT OF GRACE The New Testament portion of the Bible is widely accepted as the book of hope, grace, love and forgiveness. However, the Old Testament also provides evidence of God’s grace and love for his people. Richard Dawkins opposes this view of the Old Testament God .Richard Dawkins in his book, The God of Delusion states that the God of the Old Testament is a God who is unjust, unforgiving, and vindictive amongst many other negative human nature attributes. Richard Dawkins view of God

  • Christology Chapter Summary

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    Logos to explain how Jesus is both human and divine (65). “Logos Christology is a dominant way of interpreting Christ’s incarnation while showing us how Christology has taken various forms throughout history” (67). The union between the logos and Jesus of Nazareth gives us a better perspective of how we can have humanity and divinity living as one. According to the philosopher Justin Martyr, the logos that was known by pagan philosophers, has become flesh in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. In contrast

  • The Role of the Biblie in Christian Education

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    What is the authority of scriptures? Let me first start by defining the word authority. Authority is “the power to influence or command thought opinion or behavior” (Webster Ninth New Collegiate Dictonary, 1990) How do we interpret scripture? It might come through prayerful interaction, or when we first become a new Christian in our faith journey. We also interpret scripture by our own events and traditions that are happening in our lives at the present time. As we look at scriptures we can

  • Holy Spirit Outline

    814 Words  | 2 Pages

    DIVINE (HOLY) SPIRIT The Divine or Holy Spirit is the third Person of God’s trinity who exercises the power of the Father and the Son in creation and redemption. The Holy Spirit is the power by which believers come to Christ and begin to see with their new eyes from faith. He is closer to us (mankind) than we may be to each other. The Holy Spirit appears in the Gospel of John as the power by which Christians are brought to faith. He helps them to understand their walk with God. The book of John says

  • Analysis: The Son Of David

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    The first of the five names to discuss would be “The Son of David” Matthew is the first of the four gospels written in the New Testament. This is our first introduction to the son of David in The New Testament. “This is the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham” Matthew 1:1 (New International Version). “Son of David” is mentioned in Matthew, Mark, Luke and 2 Timothy. The majority of the times that it is mentioned it is by believers in the streets, a common phrase

  • Honor Patronage, Kinship, And Purity By David Desilva Summary

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    book, Honor, Patronage, Kinship, and Purity: Unlocking New Testament Culture deSilva states that context is extremely important as well as understanding the culture, without these elements one cannot properly understand the interpretation of Scripture. David deSilva gives an enlightening contextual study of first century Mediterranean culture. deSilva believes that all culture delivers the framework for all communication, and the New Testament writings is no different in how the culture provides the

  • Gospel Of Matthew Book Essay

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    Book: The Gospel of Matthew The Gospel of Matthew was the first volume of the New Testament, edited and compiled approximately between 70 and 110 Anno Domini. The literary genre is in the name (Gospel). It is one of the four gospels found in the Bible. The main personalities are; Jesus, Mary, Joseph, John the Baptist, the 12 disciples, the Jewish religious leaders, Caiaphas, Pilate, and Mary Magdalene. Although the author is unknown, evidence points to Matthew of being the author of this book.

  • Reflection Of The Bible

    1976 Words  | 4 Pages

    understand substance of the bible you will have to obtain the history, cultural, and the literary background of the bible. The bible is broken up into two parts: The Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament begins with Genesis and ending with Malachi describing prophecies of the coming of Christ. The New Testament lays the foundation of the Messiah who died on the cross for our sins. The Bible in today’s society is use for spiritual nourishment in pinpointing the weakness in your life

  • Godhead

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    called a meeting of the 318 Bishops at Nicea and on that day they instituted one of the greatest flaws of American religion today. This is the doctrine of the Trinity, suggesting the view of the Oneness doctrine, believing on one God and His name being Jesus, is no longer correct. The Trinity doctrine cannot be proven by simply reading the scriptures; it has to be described and explained in detail, before you can begin to see the Trinitarian view. The Trinity doctrine is a doctrine of inference

  • Matthew 7: 13-17

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    He argues that not everyone who professes Christ’s name will be eternally saved. A saved person is one who does the will of the Father. Thus, those who falls into the first category, are false prophets. Matthew focuses on the first and second comings of Christ with the assurance that the King is coming

  • Are Mormons Christians?

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    believe that Mormons are not Christians. However, Mormons are Christian based on their church’s name, scriptures, and teachings. According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, a Christian is somebody who believes in the teachings of Jesus Christ. As spoken of in The Holy Bible, Christ was born 2000 years ago of a virgin mother. In his ministry, he taught that he was the foretold Messiah of the Old Testament. While on the earth, he performed the Atonement, enabling all people to overcome their sins. For

  • Elijah The Prophet and Books of the New Testament

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    For The Old Testament Book: Kings I 1: Elijah the prophet lived during a time of misconception of what God is, and what is He really like. Elijah lived during the time of king Ahab, who happens to be the one that abandoned the true God, obeying his wife. The kings wife, Jezebel, ordered all God’s prophets to be murdered. And she replaced the worship of God to Baal; their made up god. One day, Elijah told the King of Israel, Ahab that there will be no rain nor dew until God says so (1 Kings 17:1)

  • The Ultimate Teacher: Jesus Christ

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    Teaching and teachers have been around for a long time. In the Old Testament, the instruction was provided by the scribes. Even though we don’t have an in-depth description of teaching techniques, we do have an idea that the usual method was rote memory. The teacher’s role was to communicate the message and the hearer was to recite that same message back to the teacher. Teaching then moved to another phase – this next phase was to arouse the listener’s aptitude by presenting problems and to cultivate